52. Kirsti Malterud, ‘Women’s undefined disorders — A challenge for clinical communication’, Family Practice, 9(3) (September 1992), pp. 299–303; Nortin M. Hadler, ‘If you have to prove you are ill, you can’t get well: The object lesson of fibromyalgia’, SPINE, 21(20) (1996), pp. 2397–2400.
53. See James I. Hudson et al., ‘Comorbidity of fibromyalgia with medical and psychiatric disorders’, Th e American Journal of Medicine, 92 (April 1992), pp. 363–367; J. I. Hudson and H. G. Pope, ‘The concept of aff ective spectrum disorder: Relationship to fi bromyalgia and other syndromes of chronic fatigue and chronic muscle pain’, Baillière’s Clinical Rheumatology, 8(4) (November 1994), pp. 839–856; Don L. Goldenberg et al., ‘Understanding fibromyalgia and its related disorders’, (teleconference report prepared by the CME Institute of Physicians Postgraduate Press), Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 10(2) (2008), pp. 133–144.
54. Norma C. Ware, ‘Suffering and the social construction of illness: The delegitimation of illness experience in chronic fatigue syndrome’, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 6(4) (1992), pp. 347–361.
55. Diane E. Hoffmann and Anita J. Tarzian, ‘The girl who cried pain: A bias against women in the treatment of pain’, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 29 (2001), p. 23.
56. ‘Resensation’, https://www.resensation.com/breast-reconstruc-tion-andneurotization-after-mastectomy-blog/becoming-your-ownbest-advocate/
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