Charles Eckert, «Shirley Temple and the House of Rockefeller», in Donald Lazare (ed.), American Media and Mass Culture (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987), 174.
Rhonda Levine, Class Struggle and the New Deal (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1988), 70.
Boyer and Morais, Labor's Untold Story, 249.
Цит. по Zinn, A People's History, 378.
Irving Bernstein, Turbulent Years: A History of the American Worker 1933-1941 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970) и Boyer and Morais, Labor's Untold Story, passim.
Barton Bernstein, «The New Deal», в кн.: Barton Bernstein (ed.), Toward a New Past (New York: Pantheon, 1963), 269; Levine, Class Struggle and the New Deal, chapters 1 and 4.
Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward, Regulating the Poor (New York: Pantheon, 1971), 76; также Bernstein, «The New Deal», 269-70.
Piven and Cloward, Regulating the Poor, chapters 2 and 3; Paul Conkin, The New Deal (New York: Crowell, 1967).
Piven and Cloward, Regulating the Poor, 46.
Gabriel Kolko, Wealth and Power in America (New York: Praeger, 1962), 31 и Conkin, The New Deal, 67.
Michael Goldfield, «Worker Insurgency, Radical Organization, and New Deal Labor Legislation», American Political Science Review 83, December 1989, 1258; Art Preis, Labor's Giant Step (New York: Pioneer, 1964); Roger Keeran, The Communist Party and the Auto Workers' Union (New York: International Publishers, 1981).
Bernstein, «The New Deal», 278-79.
Richard Boyer and Herbert Morais, Labor's Untold Stary (New York: United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers, 1972), 331-32, 339.
Mark Zepezauer and Arthur Naiman, Take the Rich off Welfare (Tucson, Ariz.: Odonian, 1996); Donald Bartlett and James Steele, «Corporate Welfare», Time, November 9, 16, and 23,1998; Janice Shields, Corporate Welf are and Foreign Policy (Washington, D.C.: Inter-hemispheric Resource Center, 1999).
Zepezauer and Naiman, Take the Rich off Welfare, 75-77; «Department of Interior Looks the Other Way», Project on Government Oversight Reports, April 1995; and «The Airwaves: Al Gore's Amazing Gift», Nation, March 10, 1997.
Ralph Nader Cuttign Corporate Welfare (New-York, Seven Stories, 2000), John Canham-Clyne, «Cut Corporate Welfare», Public Citizen, July/August 1995, 1, 9-11; Jonathan Dushoff, «Gold Plated Giveaways», Multinational Monitor, January/February 1993, 16-20.
Zepezauer and Naiman, Take the Rich off Welfare, 56-68.
Frank Kofsky, Harry S Truman and the War Scare of 1948 (New York: St. Martins, 1994).
«$62 Billion Bank Bailout in Mexico Incites Outrage as Critics Say It Helps the Rich», New York Times, July 31, 1998.
Peter Brewton, The Mafia, CIA Of George Bush (New York: Shapolsky, 1992); Washington Post, September 2, 1988, and May 27, 1990.
«Crony Capitalism», Nation, October 19, 1998, 3.
Bartlett and Steele, «Corporate Welfare»; survey of thirty cities by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, reported in San Francisco Bay Guardian, October 6, 1999; Joanna Cagan and Neil deMause, Field of Schemes: How the Great Stadium Swindle Turns Public Money into Private Profit (Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1998).
Zepezauer and Naiman, Take the Rich off Welfare, 115-16.
Washington Post, March 3, 1988.
Savannah Blaekwell, «You Lose», San Francisco Bay Guardian, August 13, 1997.
Michael Haddigan, «Rockefeller Foundation Will Weigh in During Tax Debate», Arkansas Times, December 13, 1996.
New York Times, April 18, 1997.
Ken Silverstein, «Trillion-Dollar Hideaway», Mother Jones, December 2000.
New York Times, December 1, 1996.
Michael Phillips, «Taking Shelter», Wall Street Journal, August 4, 1999.
Wall Street Journal, October 10, 2000.
New York Times, July 29, 1996.
Отчет Управления общей бухгалтерской отчетности (GAO), San Francisco Examiner, April 15, 1999; Paul Sweeny, «Profiting from Tax-Proof Companies», New York Times, April 5, 1998.
«IRS Shifts Audit Focus from Rich to Poor», Associated Press report, April 16, 2000; David Cay Johnston's reports in New York Times, April 13 and 18, 1997.
Статистическая информация Бюджетного управления Конгресса в газете New York Times, April 5, 1998.
«Money for Nothing», Nation, September 1, 1997, 5.
CTJNews, Citizens for Tax Justice, Washington, D.C., July 1999.
CTJ Update, Citizens for Tax Justice, November 1997.
Налогом с продаж по единому фиксированному тарифу облагается большой набор товаров и услуг. Акциз представляет собой налог на особые товары в размерах, определяемых специальными тарифами: налоги на автомобильный бензин и на сигареты являются акцизами.
Упоминается в Tax Notes, July 31,1995.
New York Times, September 1, 2000; and CTJ Update, April 2000.
«Кто платит? Анализ распределения налогов по 50 штатам». Citizens for Tax Justice, June 2000; <http://www.ctj.org>
Karl Marx, Capital vol. 1 (Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin, 1976), 919.
Tom Gervasi, The Myth of Soviet Military Supremacy (New York: Harper 8c Row, 1986); Fred Kaplan, Dubious Specter: A Skeptical Look at the Soviet Nuclear Threat (Washington, D.C.: Institute for Policy Studies, 1980).
Defense Monitor (публикация Центра оборонной информации (Center for Defense Information, Washington, D.C.)), №. 5, 2000.
Defense Monitor, no. 2, 2000.
«Last of the Big Time Spenders», Defense Monitor, №. 8, 1999, 3; Martha Honey, «Guns «R» Us», In These Times, August 11, 1997 и David McGowan, Derailing Democracy (Monroe, Maine: Common Courage, 2000), 95.
Christopher Kitchens, «Political Defense System», Nation, February 1, 1999; Josef Joffe, «A Warning from Putin and Schroder», New York Times, June 20, 2000; «U.S. Missile Defense Project May Spur China Nuke Buildup», Oakland Tribune, August 10, 2000.
Цит. по Karl Grossman, «U.S. Violates World Law to Militarize Space», Earth Island Journal, Winter/Spring 1999.
Объединенное космическое командование Вооруженных сил США (U.S. Space Command), Vision for 2020,1998, цит. no McGowan, Derailing Democracy, 196 (emphasis added); см. также Bruce Gagnon, «Pyramids to the Heavens: The Coming Battle for Control and Exploitation of Space», Toward Freedom, September/October 1999; см. также George and Meredith Friedman, The Future of War: Power, Technology ? American World Dominance in the 21st Century (New York: St. Martin's, 1998).
Gar Smith and Clare Zichuhr, «Project HAARP: The Military's Plan to Alter the Ionosphere», Earth Island Journal, Fall 1994; and Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, «Vandalism in the Sky», Nexus, December 1995/January 1996.
Center for Defense Information Newsletter, May 2000; David Hackworth, «The Pentagons Missing $33 Billion», San Francisco Examiner, April 17, 1995.
«Pentagon or Bust», Nation, March 24, 1997; General Accounting Office, Financial Integrity Act Report (Washington, D.C: Government Printing Office, January 1990).
Edward Herman, «Privileged Dependency and Waste», Z Magazine, November 1997; «An Arms Race with Ourselves», Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities, New York, n.d. <http:/ /www.businessleaders.org>; Graham Usher, «Military Monopoly», Nation, January 13/ 20,1997, 6—7; San Francisco Examiner, November 23,1997.
General Accounting Office, Financial Management: Billion Dollar Decisions Made Using Inaccurate and Unreliable Air Force Data, February 1990; San Francisco Chronicle, February 26, 1997.
The Pentagon Follies (Washington, D.C: Council for a Livable World and Taxpayers for Common Sense, 1996); Washington Post, July 13, 1990.
See The Pentagon Follies; and New York Times, August 6, 1990, April 1, 1996, and October 8, 1999.
О недавних перерасходах сметной стоимости разработки лазера, используемого в исследованиях водородной бомбы см. New York Times, May 26, 2000.
Lora Lumpe, «Costly Giveaways», Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, October 1996.
«Why We Overfeed the Sacred Cow», Defense Monitor, no. 2, 1996.
San Francisco Examiner, November 19, 1998.
Robert Scheer, «Our Rained-Out Bomber», Nation, September 22, 1997.
Atomic Audit: 1940-1996 (Washington, D.C: Brookings Institution, n.d.); and The U.S. Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Project (Washington, D.C: Brookings Institution, 2000).
Jim Creaven, «On the Ground in Puerto Rico», Veterans for Peace, Spring 2000; and <http://www.viequeslibre.org>; and Karen Talbot, «Korea: The Anatomy of a War and Prospects for Reunification» <http://www.covertaction.org.>, October 2000.
Seth Shulman, The Threat at Home: Confronting the Toxic Legacy of the U.S. Military (Boston: Beacon, 1992); Jeffrey St. Clair, «30 Years After: The Legacy of America's Largest Nuclear Test», In These Times, August 8, 1999; Status Report on «Paths to Closure» (Washington, D.C: U.S. Department of Energy, March 2000); New York Times, January 29, 2000.
Department of Defense, Worldwide U.S. Military Active Duty Military Personnel Casualties, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports booklet M07.
Tod Ensign, «Guinea Pigs & Disposable GIs», CovertAction Quarterly, Winter 1992—1993; Kathleen Sullivan, «Gulf War Map a Clue to Vet Ills?» San Francisco Examiner, January 24, 1999; Hank Roth, «Anthrax and Other Small Favors», North Coast Xpress, Spring 2000.
See «Feeding Dependency, Starving Democracy», report by Grassroots International, Somerville, Mass., 1997; and Richard Jolly et al., Human Development Report (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996).
Eric Verhoogen, «The U.S. in Haiti: How to Get Rich on 11 Cents an Hour», Crossroads, April/May 1996.
Terry Collingsworth, «Child Labor in the Global Economy», policy brief by the Inter-hemispheric Resource Center and the Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C., 1997; Fingers to the Bone: United States Failure to Protect Child Farmworkers, отчет Children's Rights Division of Human Rights Watch, June 2000, <http://www.hrw.org/campaigns/crp /farmchild/ index.htmx
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