the first few days immediately after talking with him.
I preferred to retire to my own space and spend time comprehending, as far as was possible, everything that happened during our direct communication. Often, my usual form of comprehension disappeared – I had no words, and they were insufficient for conveying the depth of awareness and altered states of being. A few days later, I would gradually enter the normal rhythm of life, albeit knowing I was a different person; and by that, I mean, transformed. The old was gone, the new had arrived.
What does it mean to plunge into the depths of the ocean waters that Sathya Sai Baba spoke of? The ocean is a symbol of Absolute Consciousness. In the Avadhuta Gita, the sage Dattatreya speaks of the nature of Consciousness:
“I Am” Absolute Consciousness, for me there are no enemies and friends, how can “I” speak of something as good or bad? My Divine Consciousness is devoid of expansion and contraction, fullness and emptiness, it is beyond existence and non-existence. There are no prescriptions and rules for me, the Self is beyond conditioning, how can "I" describe the nature of my Absolute Consciousness, it is beyond the mind.”
Only you can walk your own path in life, so the colossal blessings of Sathya Sai Baba do not cancel the practice of meditation. There is no need to shift the responsibility for everything that happens in life to Sathya Sai Baba and expect him to solve all your problems in a second, while you will lazily wait and do nothing. Alas, this does not happen. You can observe the beauty of the ocean as much as you like, but at some point, you need to have the courage to dive into the depths and find the treasure waiting for you.
27. Sathya Sai Baba saved the elder of the Himalayan tribe
The Himalayas is a very long mountain range located in the north of India, which runs from the eastern to the westernmost border of the country. In this vast territory there are several Indian provinces, one of which is called Assam. At some point in this part of the Himalayas clashes began between hill tribes and representatives of the government of India.
The country's leadership tried in every possible way to calm the raging tribes and fulfill all their demands. In order to calm the local population, the governmentbuilt schools and hospitals in this remote mountainous area and began to develop agriculture more actively. Despite all of these efforts, conflicts continued.
One of the elders of the tribe suddenly fell ill and became very weak, the main problem was the poor condition of his stomach. He could not eat, he constantly vomited, and he had relentless stomach cramps and pain. The government sent the elder to the best hospitals in Delhi and then Calcutta for treatment, but this did not help. Then some government officials decided to send him to Sathya Sai Baba and ask for healing. It was a truly unusual decision for government officials.
In the end, the representatives of the tribe brought their elder to the ashram. Sathya Sai Baba invited them for a private conversation. During the meeting, he materialized for them a plate with the image of the God of the Sun and the God of the Moon.
This was doubly miraculous, because the tribe was just about to build a temple to the Sun and Moon. Sathya Sai Baba sensed their desire, and before they themselves asked him about it, he presented the magical plate, which they subsequently would place at the base of the altar.
At the end of the meeting, Sathya Sai Baba materialized sacred ash for the sick elder and asked him to eat it immediately. After the audience ended, the entire delegation went to the dining room. The elder felt very hungry and decided to eat.
The escorts were worried because they assumed that due to stomach problems, he would instantly become ill and possibly even vomit. The elder ate a huge amount of food with gusto and felt great. He claimed to have received instant healing from Sathya Sai Baba's sacred ashes.
Everyone was happy to hear this wonderful news. The delegation returned to their native village and began to build their temple to the Sun and the Moon. They installed the sacred plate materialized by Sathya Sai Baba at the base of the altar and recalled with gratitude their communion with him and his blessings.
28. Suffering disappears
In fact, no one and nothing belongs to you. As soon as you are freed from the false sense of ownership, you are freed from attachments, and at the same moment suffering disappears.
(Sathya Sai Baba – Sathya Sai Gita Chapter 12)
You, as an individual being, own nothing. Everything in this world came from the True Self. We again delve into the fact that the answer lies in the right awareness of the question: who is "I"? Sathya Sai Baba had a very high regard for the great mystic and philosopher of the twentieth century, whose name was Nisargadatta, who lived in Bombay. Most often, Nisargadatta preferred to speak about the truth without referring to authoritative sources, but sometimes he commented on the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and the Bible.
The Bible is the story of the relationship between God and man. The Bhagavad Gita is also the story of the relationship between God and man. Most people read the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita from a human point of view. Nisargadatta gave his students unusual advice to try to read these sacred texts from God's point of view.
Almost everyone reads the Bible, identifying themselves with the person who communicates with God. But there is another option for reading the sacred text. Imagine that you are God and read the Bible from God's point of view.
In order to discover countless treasures, you need to seek and find, otherwise they will forever remain lost.
Awareness of one's "I" is the entrance to the spiritual path. You are in the process of self-exploration to the extent that