WorldAtom http://www.iaet.or.ar/worldatom/index.hlml
TecAtom http://www.iaea.or.at/tecdatom/index.Html
International Research Abstracts Information Systems (IRAIS) http://www.iaea.or.at/programmes/irais/
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency http://www.nea.fr/
Nuclear Energy Agency Data Bank (from OECD Nuclear Energy Agency) http://www.nea.fr/html/db.html
American Nuclear Sosiety http://www.ans.ore
Radiological Society of North America http://www.rsna.iirg/
Российский научный центр «Курчатовский институт» http://www.kiae.ru
Институт атомной безопасности http://risi.net.kiae.su
Институт экологии РНЦ «Курчатовский институт» http://www.inse.kiae.ru/hcpic
Khloplin Radium Institute http://www.atom.nm.ru/
Databases of Scientific & Technical Information of Infocentre Chernobyl http://u235.ic-chernobl.kiev.ua/
Троицкий институт инновационных и термоядерных исследований (ТРИИНТИ) http://www.triniti.U-oitsk.ru
Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electro physical Apparatus http://www.niieta.spb.su/
Institute of Physics & Power Engineering (IPPE), Obninsk http://www.ippe.rssi.nj/
Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP). Protvino http://www.ihep.su
Russian Federal Nuclear Centre (VNIIEF). Sarov http://www.vniief.ru
Russian Federal Nuclear Centre (VNIITF), Snez-hinsk http://www.ch7Q.cliel.su/vniitf
Los Alamos National Laboratory http://www.lanl.nov/publiс/welcom.html
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory http://www.llnl.gov/public/welkomc.html
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory http://www.rnai.gov/lid/lof/
The Atomic Archive http://www.atomicarchive.coin/main.html
Europe Laboratory for Panicle Physics (CERN) Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna http://www.jinr.ru/
High Energy & Nuclear Physics in Russia (Ru-HEP-NP) http://www.ruhep.ru
HEPiC (High Energy Physics Information Centre) http://www.hep.net/
Atomic Physics Links http://www.phivs.llnl.gov/n.diy/atоmic.html
Atomic Physics on the Internet
Acoustic Society of America (ASA) http://www.asa.aip.org
Worldwide Internet Music Resources http://www.music.Indiana.edu/music_resources
Center of Spoken Language Understading http://www.cse.ogi.edu/cslu
Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE/ USA) http://users.aol.com/inceusa/
International Institute of Control Engineering http://users.aol.com/iince1/
Noise Control Engineering http://users.aol.com/inceusa/all_info.html
Optical Society of America http://w3.osn.ore/
International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) http://www.spie.org/
Photonics Resource Center http://www.optics.org/
European Optical Society (EOS) http://kon-hp.risoe.dk/eos/
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) http://www.iucr.ac.uk/
Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD)
American Crystallographic Association http://www.hwi.buffalo.edu/aca/
European Society for Mass Spectrometry http://masseroute.cico.ucl.ac.be/esms/esms.html
Murray's Mass Spectrometry Page http://www.cc.emory.edu/~kniurrav/mslist.html
HoloCom Gateway http://holo.com/
Маg-Net http://www.chernistrv.uacron.edu/magnet
Magnetic Resonance Homepage International Union of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics (IUТ?М) http://www.tam.uiuc.edu/iutam
Microscopy Optical, Electron, STM, AFM & Other Flavours of Microscopy http://www.ou.edu/research/electron/www-lv/
Lviv Institute of Physics & Mechanics NASU http://www.irm.lviv.ua/
Low Temperature Laboratory http://www.hut.fl/erill/kylma/
Plasma on Internet http://www.plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il:80/plasma.html
Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Kiev http://www.semicond.kiev.ua
Society of Rheoloev http://www.umecheine.maine.edu/sor/
Superconductivity Internet Recourses http://ai.in.tubelf.nl/supercon.html
European Synchrotron Radiation Society (ESRS) http://www.fv.chalmers.se/esrs/welcome.html
Chernivtsi Institute of Thermoelectricity NASC http://www.ite.chernovisy.ua/
Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow http://ns.chph.ras.ru
Institute of Chemical Physics Research, Chernogolovka http://www.icp.ac.ru
European Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) http://www.efomp.org/
International Organization for Medical Physics http://www.iomp.org/
International Union for Physics Engineering in Medicine (IUPESM) http://www.iupesm.org/
American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) http://www.aapm.org/
Japanese Association of Medical Physics http://www.rs.ipu.ac.ip/iamn-e.html
Астрономия и космонавтика
International Astronomical Union http://www.intastun.org/
AstroWeb: Astronomical Internet Resources http://marvel.stsci.edu/net-resources.html
Centre de Donnecs Astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS). Observatoire de Strasbourg http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/astroweb.html
Mount Stromlo & Sliding Observatories (MSSO), Australia http://msowww.anu.edu.au/astronomy.html
National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) http://fits.cv.nrao.edii/www/astronomy.html
WWW Virtual-Library (www-VL, La Plata) http://webhead.com/www/Astronomy
Space Telescope – European Coordinating Facility (ST-ECF) http://cef.hq.cso.org/astro-resources.html
Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station (VILSPA) http://www.vili.pa.csa.es/astroweb/astronomy.html
Star Pages http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/starpages.html
Centre de Donncs astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) http://cdsweb.u-i.trabbg.fr/
Space Telescope ScionLt; Institute http://www.stsci.edu
Association of Universities for Research International Astronomy (AURA), Inc. http://wv.Av.aura-astmnomy.prii/
American Astronomical Society http://www.aai.org/
Russian Space Science Internet http://www.rssi.rLi/
Центр подготовки космонавтов им. Гагарина (ЦЛК). Звездный городок http://www.home.iki.rssi.ru/gctc/getce.html
Координационный научно-информационный Центр Военно-космических сил России (КНИЦ ВКС)
Sternbery Astronomical Institute http://www.sai.msu.su
Astronomical Institute of RAS http://www.inasan.rssi.rLi/
Special Astrophysical Observatory of RAS (SAO RAS) http://www.sao.ru/
Pushcino Radioastronomy Observatory (PRAO) http://www.prao.psn.ru/
Main Astronomical Obcervatory NASU, Kiev http://www.mao.kiev.ua/
Crimean Astrophysical Observatory http://www.crao.crimea.ua/
Crimean Observatory of Sternberg Astronomical Institute http://www.sai.crimea.ua/
NASA http://www.rtasa.gov/
NASA Astrophysics Data System http://adswww.harvard/edu/ads_abstracts.html
Russian Space Agency http://www.rka.ru
Space Research Institute (IKI) http://www.iki.rssi.ru/
National Space Agency of Ukraine http://www.cri.chemigov.ua
European Space Agency (ESA) http://www.esrin.esa.it/
30. NASDA (Thj3 National Space Development Agency), Japan http://www.eoc.nasda.ao.jp
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute http://www.seti-inst.edu
UC Berkley – SERENDIP http://seti.ssl.berkley.edu/serendip/serendiD.html
The Grand Challenge Cosmology Consortium http://zeus.nesa.uiuc.edu.8080/ge3.Home_page.html
European Mathematical Society (EMS) http://www.EMIS.clg/
http://www.ras.ru/EMIS/ http://sunsite.icm.pl/EMIS/
Math – Net, Information Service for Mathematics in the Internet http://www.math-net.de/
International Mathematical Union (IMU) http://elib.zib.de/IMU/
American Mathematical Society (AMS) http://www.ams.org/
Mathematical WWW Virtual Library http://euclid.math.fsu.edu/Scicnce/math.html
Math forum http://forum.swartlimore.edu/~steve
Catalog of Mathematics resources on WWW and the Internet http://mthwww.iiwc.edu
Mathematics on the Internet http://www.math.utsa/edu/netmath/
Математика на WWW страницах http://www-nsc.ru/wm
Steclov Mathematical Institute http://www.ras.ru/local.docs/ http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/index.html
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics http://www.siam.org/
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics http://www.kiarn.rs5i/ru
European Reserch Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics http://www-ercim.infia.fr/
European Consortium For Mathematics in Industry http://www.ecmi.dk
Институт вычислительной математики, Москва http://www.ras.ru
Виртуальная статистическая библиотека http://www.stat.ufl.edu/
Статистическая библиотека http://www.lib.stat.cmu.edu/
Ассоциация символьной логики
Общество математического программирования http://www.caam.rice.edu/~mathproe
Пи Мю Эпсилон http://www.snc.edu/pme/
Нерешенные математические проблемы http://www.mathsoft.com/asolve/
Химия и химическая технология
Европейское химическое общество http://www.ecs.tu-bs.de/
Европейский союз общей и прикладной химии http://www.iupac.org
Федерация европейских химических обществ http://www.chemsoc.org/aatewav/
Американское химическое общество http://www.acs.ora
Реферативный химический журнал http://www.cas.org/
Химический центр http://www.chemcenter.org/
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