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you did not know what stealing was, what murder was, and you were proud of the life expectancy of 80,000 years.” However, as time went on, a person acquired more and more negative qualities, and because of this, his life span became shorter and shorter. "Thus, poor people were not given property, and poverty increased. When this happened, the evil laws increased. Theft, the number of weapons, murders, lies, slander, adultery due to passionate desires, slander and idle talk, greed and malevolence, evil ideas have increased. Three unvirtuous laws spread: reverence for what is not the Truth, irrepressible greed and ignorance. People have lost love for their parents, lost respect for practicing monks and priests, and respect for relatives with high merit has disappeared. Then the life expectancy of people was reduced, and the appearance worsened. And the life expectancy of people, which was 250 years, has become 100 years for the generation of their children. Living beings as well as noble souls, listen carefully! You need to realize that this is the world, where you currently live. It is in this way that through so many bad deeds you have led your souls to fall, shortened your lifespan, degraded appearance, and increased the causes of suffering. And now you keep falling. And terrible events await you ahead. Living beings as well as noble souls, listen carefully! Soon the time will come when the life expectancy of people will be 10 years. 5 years will be the most suitable age for girls to get married. At this time, the taste of fresh butter, sesame oil, honey, sugar and salt will weaken, and cereals will be the first and main food. This means a state when people will have no Merit at all. Take a closer look at the modern era. The work of people's consciousness becomes rough, and the senses weaken. As for taste, vision, then people are no longer able to experience them, if there are no gross exciting stimuli. All their joys and pleasures lead to a decrease in Merits, clouding their spiritual purity. Living beings as well as noble souls, listen carefully! When people's life expectancy is reduced to 10 years, all ten factors of virtuous deeds will be destroyed, and ten bad karmas will be signified to the extreme. There will be no good during this time. There will be no one who will do good. Moreover, honors will be given to those who do not love their parents, who do not respect practicing monks and priests, who do not honor relatives with high merit. When the life expectancy of people becomes 10 years, there will be no mothers, sisters, aunts, wives, wives of teachers, and the world will degenerate into a world of sheep and goats, chickens and pigs, dogs and wolves. People will show strong antipathy towards each other, strong malevolence, strong hostile feelings and consciousness of murderers. That is, parents to children, children to parents, sisters to brothers and sisters, brothers to sisters and brothers will show strong antipathy, strong ill will and strong hostile feelings. Figuratively speaking, the same feelings are experienced by the hunter, who is stalking the beast. Living beings as well as noble souls, listen carefully! You can look at the modern era the same way. Saint practitioners who should be respected in the first place are utterly despised, and respect is gained by those who degenerate people, and this is considered good. The quality of people deteriorates and they turn into animals. Concord has disappeared between close relatives, and only an evil heart appears, which contributes to the strengthening of very heavy, cruel tendencies of the time. Such is the nature of the modern age. And in the future, people who go in this direction cannot be promised happiness and freedom. However, most people today do not know that these are the last days. A terrible time is coming. When the life expectancy is 10 years, there will be "7 days" – "the period when weapons will have a serious impact." At this time, people will see animals in each other. Sharp weapons will appear in the hands of people. They will fight each other to the death with these sharp weapons, shouting: "Here is the beast, here is the beast!" And most people will meet death at this time. Living beings as well as noble souls, here I will explain to you what the "7 days" is. This Universe repeats the cycle of Creation, Existence, Destruction and Emptiness. And in the intermediate state between Creation and Destruction, humanity meets a period of death, which is of decisive importance. Living beings, as well as noble souls, this is the last war known to you in the "New Testament" as Armageddon. People who are interested in divination studies know that at this time a beast under the famous number 666 will appear. In other words, at this time people will see each other as "animals" and will kill each other. Also about the time when the military forces will have a great influence, Nostradamus predicted in his famous poems. Indeed, all this points to the modern age. And as proof of this, it is believed that now the duration of the existence of the Earth is just in an intermediate state. This final destruction shows that the fruits of people's bad karma are fully ripe. The situation at this time will be so tragic that it defies description, the Human World will reach the point of absurdity and become like Hell. And if this world continues to develop as it is, then you will certainly face the trials of the period of the death of mankind. Living beings, as well as noble souls, consider carefully, what has led to this state of affairs? Think again carefully about the reason why you, who once flew freely through the air, emitting light, are forced to experience such suffering and misfortune. This irreparable situation has arisen due to the contamination of your souls, due