can be fixed."
Fontane was not so charming now. He gave Jules a long cool look. "That's the first
thing I did nearly two years ago. Best specialists. My own doctor who's supposed to be
the top guy out here in California. They told me to get a lot of rest. Nothing wrong, just
getting older. A man's voice changes when he gets older."
Fontane ignored him after that, paying attention to Lucy, charming her as he charmed
all women. Jules kept listening to the voice. There had to be a growth on those vocal
cords. But then why the hell hadn't the specialists spotted it? Was it malignant and
inoperable? Then there was other stuff.
He interrupted Fontane to ask, "When was the last time you got examined by a
Fontane was obviously irritated but trying to be polite for Lucy's sake. "About eighteen
months ago," he said.
"Does your own doctor take a look once in a while?" Jules asked.
"Sure he does," Johnny Fontane said irritably. "He gives me a codeine spray and
checks me out. He told me it's just my voice aging, that all the drinking and smoking and
other stuff. Maybe you know more than he does?"
Jules asked, "What's his name?"
Fontane said with just a faint flicker of pride, "Tucker, Dr. James Tucker. What do you
think of him?"
The name was familiar, linked to famous movie stars, female, and to an expensive
health farm.
"He's a sharp dresser," Jules said with a grin.
Fontane was angry now. "You think you're a better doctor than he is?"
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Jules laughed. "Are you a better singer than Carmen Lombardo?" He was surprised to
see Nino Valenti break up in laughter, banging his head on his chair. The job hadn't
been that good. Then on the wings of those guffaws (guffaw [gΛ'fo:] – грубый хохот,
гогот) he caught the smell of bourbon (сорт виски ['bu∂b∂n]) and knew that even this
early in the morning Mr. Valenti, whoever the hell he was, was at least half drunk.
Fontane was grinning at his friend. "Hey, you're supposed to be laughing at my jokes,
not his." Meanwhile Lucy stretched out her hand to Jules and drew him to her bedside.
"He looks like a bum (задница /груб./; бездельник, лодырь; плохой, низкого
качества) but he's a brilliant (блестящий) surgeon," Lucy told them. "If he says he's
better than Dr. Tucker then he's better than Dr. Tucker. You listen to him, Johnny."
The nurse came in and told them they would have to leave. The resident was going to
do some work on Lucy and needed privacy. Jules was amused to see Lucy turn her
head away so when Johnny Fontane and Nino Valenti kissed her they would hit her
cheek instead of her mouth, but they seemed to expect it. She let Jules kiss her on the
mouth and whispered, "Come back this afternoon, please?" He nodded.
Out in the corridor, Valenti asked him, "What was the operation for? Anything
Jules shook his head. "Just a little female plumbing. Absolutely routine, please believe
me. I'm more concerned than you are, I hope to marry the girl."
They were looking at him appraisingly so he asked, "How did you find out she was in
the hospital?"
"Freddie called us and asked us to look in," Fontane said. "We all grew up in the same
neighborhood. Lucy was maid of honor when Freddie's sister got married."
"Oh," Jules said. He didn't let on that he knew the whole story, perhaps because they
were so cagey (уклончивый) about protecting Lucy and her affair with Sonny.
As they walked down the corridor, Jules said to Fontane, "I have visiting doctor's
privileges here, why don't you let me have a look at your throat?"
Fontane shook his head. "I'm in a hurry."
Nino Valenti said, "That's a million-dollar throat, he can't have cheap doctors looking
down it." Jules saw Valenti was grinning at him, obviously on his side.
Jules said cheerfully, "I'm no cheap doctor. I was the brightest young surgeon and
diagnostician on the East Coast until they got me on an abortion rap (легкий удар;
ответственность /за проступок/, обвинение, наказание /сленг/)."
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As he had known it would, that made them take him seriously. By admitting his crime
he inspired belief in his claim of high competence. Valenti recovered first. "If Johnny
can't use you, I got a girl friend I want you to look at, not at her throat though."
Fontane said to him nervously, "How long will you take?"
"Ten minutes," Jules said. It was a lie but he believed in telling lies to people. Truth
telling and medicine just didn't go together except in dire (ужасный, страшный;
крайний) emergencies (emergency [ı‘m∂:dG∂ns] – непредвиденный случай, крайняя
необходимость), if then.
"OK," Fontane said. His voice was darker, hoarser, with fright.
Jules recruited a nurse and a consulting room. It didn't have everything he needed but
there was enough. In less than ten minutes he knew there was a growth on the vocal
chords, that was easy. Tucker, that incompetent sartorial (портняжный, портновский)
son of a bitch of a Hollywood phony, should have been able to spot it. Christ, maybe the
guy didn't even have a license and if he did it should be taken away from him. Jules
didn't pay any attention to the two men now. He picked up the phone and asked for the
throat man at the hospital to come down. Then he swung around and said to Nino
Valenti, "I think it might be a long wait for you, you'd better leave."
Fontane stared at him in utter disbelief. "You son of a bitch, you think you're going to
keep me here? You think you're going to fuck around with my throat?"
Jules, with more pleasure than he would have thought possible, gave it to him straight
between the eyes. "You can do whatever you like," he said. "You've got a growth of
some sort on your vocal chords, in your larynx. If you stay here the next few hours, we
can nail it down, whether it's malignant or nonmalignant. We can make a decision for
surgery or treatment. I can give you the whole story. I can give you the name of a top
specialist in America and we can have him out here on the plane tonight, with your
money that is, and if I think it necessary. But you can walk out of here and see your
quack (знахарь; шарлатан) buddy or sweat while you decide to see another doctor, or
get referred to somebody incompetent. Then if it's malignant and gets big enough they'll
cut out your whole larynx or you'll die. Or you can just sweat. Stick here with me and we
can get it all squared away in a few hours. You got anything more important to do?"
Valenti said, "Let's stick around, Johnny, what the hell. I'll go down the hall and call
the studio. I won't tell them anything, just that we're held up. Then I'll come back here
and keep you company."
It proved to be a very long afternoon but a rewarding one. The diagnosis of the staff
throat man was perfectly sound as far as Jules could see after the X rays and swab
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(мазок /мед./) analysis. Halfway through, Johnny Fontane, his mouth soaked with
iodine, retching (to retch – рыгать, тужиться /при рвоте/) over the roll of gauze stuck in
his mouth, tried to quit. Nino Valenti grabbed him by the shoulders and slammed him
back into a chair. When it was all over Jules grinned at Fontane and said, "Warts."
Fontane didn't grasp it. Jules said again. "Just some warts. We'll slice them right off
like skin off baloney (= Bologna-sausage – болонская /копченая/ колбаса). In a few
months you'll be OK."
Valenti let out a yell but Fontane was still frowning. "How about singing afterward, how
will it affect my singing?"
Jules shrugged. "On that there's no guarantee. But since you can't sing now what's
the difference?"
Fontane looked at him with distaste. "Kid, you don't know what the hell you're talking
about. You act like you're giving me good news when what you're telling me is maybe I
won't sing anymore. Is that right, maybe I won't sing anymore?"
Finally Jules was disgusted. He'd operated as a real doctor and it had been a
pleasure. He had done this bastard a real favor and he was acting as if he'd been done
dirt. Jules said coldly, "Listen, Mr. Fontane, I'm a doctor of medicine and you can call
me Doctor, not kid. And I did give you very good news. When I brought you down here I
was certain that you had a malignant growth in your larynx which would entail
(повлечет за собой) cutting out your whole voice box. Or which could kill you. I was
worried that I might have to tell you that you were a dead man. And I was so delighted
when I could say the word 'warts.' Because your singing gave me so much pleasure,
helped me seduce girls when I was younger and you're a real artist. But also you're a
very spoiled guy. Do you think because you're Johnny Fontane you can't get cancer? Or
a brain tumor that's inoperable. Or a failure of the heart? Do you think you're never
going to die? Well, it's not all sweet music and if you want to see real trouble take a
walk through this hospital and you'll sing a love song about warts. So just stop the crap
and get on with what you have to do. Your Adolphe Menjou (американский актер
(1890 – 1963), изысканно-аристократический) medical man can get you the proper
surgeon but if he tries to get into the operating room I suggest you have him arrested for
attempted murder."
Jules started to walk out of the room when Valenti said, "Attaboy (= at-a-boy –
молодец, молодчина), Doc, that's telling him."
Jules whirled around and said, "Do you always get looped (напившийся,
надрызгавшийся /сленг/; loop – петля) before noontime?"
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Valenti said, "Sure," and grinned at him and with such good humor that Jules said
more gently than he had meant to, "You have to figure you'll be dead in five years if you
keep that up."
Valenti was lumbering (to lumber – тяжело, неуклюже двигаться; lumber –
ненужные громоздкие вещи; бревна) up to him with little dancing steps. He threw his
arms around Jules, his breath stank of bourbon. He was laughing very hard. "Five
years?" he asked still laughing. "Is it going to take that long?"
A month after her operation Lucy Mancini sat beside the Vegas hotel pool, one hand
holding a cocktail, the other hand stroking Jules' head, which lay in her lap.
"You don't have to build up your courage," Jules said teasingly. "I have champagne
waiting in our suite."
"Are you sure it's OK so soon?" Lucy asked.
"I'm the doctor," Jules said. "Tonight's the big night. Do you realize I'll be the first
surgeon in medical history who tried out the results of his 'medical first' operation? You
know, the Before and After. I'm going to enjoy writing it up for the journals. Let's see,
'while the Before was distinctly pleasurable for psychological reasons and the
sophistication of the surgeon-instructor, the post-operative coitus was extremely
rewarding strictly for its neurological" – he stopped talking because Lucy had yanked on
his hair hard enough for him to yell with pain.
She smiled down at him. "If you're not satisfied tonight I can really say it's your fault,"
she said.
"I guarantee my work. I planned it even though I just let old Kellner do the manual
labor," Jules said. "Now let's just rest up, we have a long night of research ahead."
When they went up to their suite – they were living together now – Lucy found a
surprise waiting: a gourmet (гурман /франц./ ['gu∂meı]) supper and next to her
champagne glass, a jeweler's box with a huge diamond engagement ring inside it.
"That shows you how much confidence I have in my work," Jules said. "Now let's see
you earn it."
He was very tender, very gentle with her. She was a little scary at first, her flesh
jumping away from his touch but then, reassured, she felt her body building up to a
passion she had never known, and when they were done the first time and Jules
whispered, "I do good work," she whispered back, "Oh, yes, you do; yes, you do." And
they both laughed to each other as they started making love again.
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Book 6
Chapter 23
After five months of exile in Sicily, Michael Corleone came finally to understand his
father's character and his destiny. He carne to understand men like Luca Brasi, the
ruthless caporegime Clemenza. his mother's resignation and acceptance of her role.
For in Sicily he saw what they would have been if they had chosen not to struggle
against their fate. He understood why the Don always said, "A man has only one
destiny." He came to understand the contempt for authority and legal government, the
hatred for any man who broke omerta, the law of silence.
Dressed in old clothes and a billed cap, Michael had been transported from the ship
docked at Palermo to the interior of the Sicilian island, to the very heart of a province
controlled by the Mafia, where the local capo-mafioso was greatly indebted to his father
for some past service. The province held the town of Corleone, whose name the Don
had taken when he emigrated to Arnerica so long ago. But there were no longer any of
the Don's relatives alive. The women had died of old age. All the men had been killed in
vendettas or had also emigrated, either to America, Brazil or to some other province on
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