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country is the necessity, the inevitability of state administration, the divine blessing of the head of state, "power from God." Red color means the military-industrial complex, the military force on which power is based. The military-industrial complex is formally divided into different states, but in fact it is global. Global domination, power over the world, in fact, is entirely in the hands of the military.

Initially, the primary source of consumerism and appropriation as a way of life were nomadic military squads. They plundered a village, feasted until the loot was gone, then went to the next village, plundered again, and feasted again. This was reflected even in fairy tales: the prince and his retinue always feast, it never happened that the prince and his retinue just had dinner. For ordinary people, and especially for poor people, a feast is an exceptional occasion, a holiday. For the warriors, the feast itself has become a natural pastime, a way of life. One shaman from among these robbers thought that this whole process could be facilitated, that one could sit in one place, do nothing, and the people themselves would bring tribute. This is how Egypt arose in the fourth millennium BC, the state structure of society, the hierarchy of power, the state system.

First there were robbers, the robbers robbed and looted. Then the squads appeared and began to collect tribute. Then came the power and began to collect taxes. During the war, the victorious warriors were engaged in looting, it was their sacred right. Sometimes a racket appears and collects requisitions. The form is different, but the essence is the same everywhere. The key feature of this system is that the taxpayer does not have the opportunity to choose whether to pay him this tribute or not.

Part of the population with a high spiritual level was deceived by the ideology of capitalism, hedonism, the ideology of consumerism and appropriation. These people sincerely believed that capitalism, hedonism, the system of consumerism and appropriation, the system of consumerism and appropriation at the state level is the most correct, the best system in the world and in history. There are scientists who, believing in the ideas of capitalism and hedonism, stood at the service of these ideas, began to embody these ideas in life, began to work to confirm even better and even more truly that the ideologies of capitalism and hedonism are allegedly the most correct. As a result, this delusion led them to a spiritual fall.

Colonialism. The metropolises did everything to ensure that the colonies subordinate to them were at an extremely low cultural level. Such a difference in development allowed the mother countries to exploit the colonies in the most arrogant, most cruel way.

The new ruler, the G7 club, will resolve all vices, explaining that God did not need people to restrain themselves, that everything was created in order to just enjoy everything. People will resent the fact that the holy church allegedly taught them incorrectly. They will accept the false teaching of the new rulers that God did not need abstinence and fasting and generally a pious life.

The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child. – The international capitalist power is constantly carefully and zealously watching everyone who encroaches on the seizure of power. And it was already known about this baby that he was supposed to rule all nations with an iron rod. The capitalist government is forced to constantly closely monitor all the strong New Ages that appear in the world. Since the main pillar of power is always the ideological base, imposed on the population by force or fraudulently. The ideology of consumerism is incompatible with the ideology of destroying worldly desires, so the capitalist government will always fight fiercely against the ideology of destroying worldly desires.

Son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron – an image of the practice of destroying worldly desires, a way of life and society based on spirituality, an image of the promised communism.

Son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron – the idea of kind homesteads (obvious interpretation). The iron rod means that there is a hidden, difficult, secret part in the idea of family homesteads. This part will affect people in a corrective way. She will make people become smarter. However, many people will not like this unexpected turn of affairs.

Son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron – the image of Shoko Asahara, which has become the object of cult, worship (latent interpretation). The iron rod is found many times in Revelation as the main attribute, the main characteristic feature of the Lamb. It was Asahara who undertook to appear in five and a half billion years as the Lamb. And her child was raptured to God and His throne – the execution of Asahara is his defeat, death on earth, but not in heaven, since the transition of a baby from the level of heaven to the level of the throne means holiness and an even greater increase in the spiritual level, rather than physical survival, and ideological, the survival of the image.

Wilderness – is a place for severe ascetic practice. Here also it means underground.

She has a place prepared by God – the law on freedom of conscience and a country in which this law does not work on paper, but in practice.

One thousand two hundred sixty days – the period coincides with the period of the prophecy of the two prophets from the previous chapter. This means that the expulsion of the wife and the length of the exile are related to the events related to those sermons. Or has something similar in essence. For example, the term of the prophecy of witnesses, which can be taken

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