I would appreciate an early reply.
I realize that this is very short notice, and would be grateful for an early reply.
Please write and tell me a!! the news of...
I am looking forward to seeing you and will keep all my news untill then.
I look forward to hear from you at your earliest convenience.
It would be nice hearing from you soon.
I have been wondering recently how you are getting on and whether things have been improving for you.
Please write to me before long if you have time. I always enjoy letters.
I would be grateful to hear from you as soon as possible.
I enclose a stamped, addressed envelope for your reply.
Please write me as often as you can.
And next time, I will make sure that I send a letter in time.
Ail the best.
Best of luck to you!
With all good wishes!
We certainly wish you all the happiness in the world.
With best wishes from all' of us on...
With kind/ kindest/ best regards.
Give my love to Mary and the children.
I (will) love you forever.
Kiss the children for me.
My thoughts are always with you.
All your old friends send their love.
I want you to know I am thinking of you.
Remember me to your mother, and to George and many thanks again.
My mother joins me in wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.
I hope you will have a very nice holiday.
Take care of yourself.
Have a good time and write often.
Please forgive me for troubling you in this way.
I do hope you will accept my heartfelt apologies.
Edward joins me in apologizing for troubling you and we both send you our best wishes.
Though I am in no way responsible for this unfortunate situation, I will naturally do everything in my power to remedy it.
Once more, please forgive me for not returning this thing to you immediately.
Forgive me for having to write such a letter, but, believe me, I have no alternative.
Please forgive me, but my decision is quite irrevocable.
You are a dear to write me so often.
Your letters make me so happy.
If you do not reply within two weeks, I will have to change my mind and...
Let me know what you decide.
If you are not free then, let me know if there is any other time which would be more convenient.
Please do let me know soon if you are interested in it.
What do you think?
Let us know when to expect you.
Don't forget to...
Let me know if this is convenient for you.
Would that be possible?
If you know of any book which might be of assistance to me, I would be most grateful.
While I greatly regret the inconvenience, I feel sure you will understand it was due to circumstances quite beyond my control.
I would be grateful if you would send me further details and an application form.
Perhaps you would be kind to let me know if this is convenient.
I am sorry to bother you with this, but I don't know what to do.
I don't know what I would do without you.
If you have time to give me any assistance, I will be greatly in your debt.
Thanking in advance/ anticipation.
I thank you in advance for your much valued help.
Let me thank you in advance for your help.
Let me thank you once again.
We are indebted to you for...
Please let me know what I can do to help.
Please call on me if there is anything I can do to help.
You know you can always count on me.
Do not hesitate to give my name and address to interviewers.
We await your instructions.
If you require any further details or assistance, please write to me or telephone at the above number.
Unless we hear from you by return mail we shall be compelled to place the matter in the hands of our lawyers.
Unfortunately this is not the first time we have had to complain and if the matter is not dealt with satisfactorily, we will not place any further orders with you.
If we have not covered all the points in your inquiry, please do not hesitate to write to us again.
Naturally, any information which you supply will be treated in the strictest confidence.
We regret to inform you that if the goods have not reached us by the end of this month, we will be compelled to cancel the order.
I do hope the delay has not caused you any inconvenience and once more hope you will accept my apologies.
We will take all possible steps to ensure that such a situation does not arise again.
In these circumstances we can only ask you to accept our sincere apologies for the trouble caused.
We would be most grateful to have your reply as soon as possible.
We would appreciate a prompt answer.
Perhaps you would be good enough to acknowledge the receipt.
Your early reply will be appreciated.
We look forward to the pleasure of serving you.
An early reply would help us to help you.
Please give our proposals your kind consideration.
We hope to hear from you shortly.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
I hope you find the above constructive.
Sincerely yours,
Yours sincerely,
Very sincerely,
Very sincerely yours,
Most sincerely yours,
Искренне Ваш
Truly yours,
Yours truly,
Yours very truly,
Very truly yours,
Преданный Вам
Весьма преданный Вам
Ваш/ Твой/ Преданный Вам
Faithfully yours,
Yours faithfully,
С совершенным почтением/ уважением
Cordially yours,
Yours cordially,
Very cordially,
Most cordially yours,
Искренне Ваш
Respectfully yours,
С уважением/ почтением
Best regards/ Regards,
С наилучшими пожеланиями
Devotedly yours,
Преданный Вам/тебе
Your devoted husband,
Твой любящий муж
Affectionately yours,
Yours affectionately yours,
С любовью
Your most affectionate son,
Your affectionate cousin,
Любящий тебя сын
Любящий тебя брат
Yours ever,
Ever yours,
Always yours,
As ever,
Всегда Ваш/твой
Love, With love,
With all my love,
Lovingly yours,
All my love,
Любящий тебя
Your loving son/ friend,
Любящий тебя сын/ друг
Adoringly yours,
Любящий тебя
Your own,
Your friend,
Cordially, as always,
With sincere thanks,
Good-bye for now,
Твой друг
Любящий тебя
Сердечно, как всегда
С искренней благодарностью
До скорого
Дружески (членам клуба)
* При составлении данного раздела были использованы следующие справочные издания: Бабичев Н. Т., Боровский Я. JW. Словарь латинских крылатых слов, м., 1982; Бабкин А. М., Шендвцов В. В. Словарь иноязычных выражений и слов. Л., 1981; Mawson С. О. S. Dictionary of Foreign Terms. New York, 1961.
Ad hoc (лат.) для этого, применительно к этому, на данный случай; кстати
Ad hominen (лат.) рассчитанный на чувства, а не на разум
Ad honores (лат.) ради почета или чести; без оплаты, безвозмездно
Adios! (исп.) до свидания!
Ad lib/ Ad libitum (лат.) без подготовки, импровизируя; неограниченно, сколько хочется
Ad litteram/ Ad verbum (лат.) дословно, буквально, слово в слово
Affair d'amour (фр.) любовная связь, роман
Affair d'honneur (фр.) дело чести; дуэль
А lа (фр.) вроде, наподобие, на манер
A la carte (фр.) алякарт, порционно, на заказ (о блюдах в ресторане)
A la fourchette (фр.) аляфуршет, на скорую руку, не садясь за стол (о закуске, ужине)
Alma mater (лат.) студенческое название учебного заведения
Alter ego (лат.) второе я; самый близкий друг и единомышленник; чей-либо двойник
Anno Domini (лат.) нашей эры
Annus mirabilis (лат.) год чудес
Ante meridiem (лат.) до полудня
Apres moi/ nous le deluge! (фр.) После меня/ нас хоть потоп!
A priori (лат.) априори, заранее, независимо от опыта; умозрительно
A propos (фр.) кстати, между прочим
Aqua vitae (лат.) вода жизни, водка
Ars longa, vita brevis (лат.) Искусство велико, жизнь коротка
A tout prix (фр.) любой ценой; во что бы то ни стало
Au contraire (фр.) напротив, наоборот
Auf Wiedersehen! (нем.) до свидания!
Au naturel (фр.) в натуральном виде; приготовленный просто; без прикрас; голышом, в чем мать родила; собственной персоной
Aut bene, aut nihil (лат.) или хорошо, или ничего (говорить)
Aut Caesar, aut nihil (лат.) или Цезарь, или ничего
Avant-propos (фp.) дело первой необходимости; предисловие
Ave Maria (лат.) Аве Мария (молитва Богородице)
Beau geste (фр.) красивый жест, за которым часто ничего не стоит
Beau monde (фр.) бомонд, высший свет
Belles-lettres (фр.) беллетристика, художественная литература
Benevalete! (лат.) Будьте здоровы!
Bete noire (фр.) ненавистный, противный человек; предмет ненависти
Bien dit (фр.) хорошо сказано (об удачном ответе, реплике)
Bona fide (лат.) добросовестно, честно; чистосердечно
Bon horn me (фр.) добрый малый; простой человек
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