3. Антисемитские комментарии в ответ на финансовый кризис 2008–2009 годов. Financial Crisis Sparks Wave of Internet Anti-Semitism. – Anti-Defamation League, 2008, October 19, http:// www.adl.org/main_internet/Anti-Semitism_Financial_Crisis.htm.
Глава 2
1. См., например, следующие книги Джеймса Паркса. Parkes. J. The Conflict of the Church and Synagogue: a Study in the Origins of Anti-
Semitism. – London: Soncino Press, 1934; End of an Exile: Israel, the Jews and the Gentile World. – London: Vallentine, Mitchell, 1954; A History of the Jewish People. – London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1962; Antisemitism. – London: Vallentine, Mitchell, 1963.
2. Frederickson G. M. Racism: A Short History. – Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002, p. 20.
3. Об отношении к евреям в средневековом мусульманском мире см.: O’Shea S. Sea of Faith: Islam and Christianity in the Medieval Mediterranean World. – New York: Walker, 2006. Гл. 2, стр. 9
4. The Memoirs of Heinrich Heine, 1884.
5. Osama bin Laden. Letter to America // Observer (United Kingdom). – 2002. – November 24. – http://www.guardian.co.uk/ world/2002/nov/ 24/theobserver.
6. Цитата приведена в Perry М., Schweitzer F. M. Antisemitism: Myth and Hate from Antiquity to the Present. – London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002, p. 125.
7. Цитата приведена в Perry М., Schweitzer F. М., eds. Antisemitic Myths: A Historical and Contemporary Anthology. – Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008, pp. 27–28.
8. Netanyahu B. The Origins of the Inquisition in Fifteenth Century Spain. – New York: New York Review Books, 2001, 2nd ed.
9. Цитата Карла Маркса из The Jewish Question, 1843, приведена в Antisemitic Myths, pp. 79–81.
10. Цитата приведена в: Мюллер Дж. Капитализм, коммунизм и евреи: как мир стал таким, какой он есть. – Издательство «Карьера пресс», 2011 год.
11. Baldwin N. Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate. – New York: Public Affairs, 2001. Гл. 2, стр.21
12. См. Elon A. The Pity of It All. – New York: Metropolitan Books, 2002, p. 338.
13. Цитата приведена в Antisemitic Myths, p. 142.
14. Цитата Пата Робертсона приведена в The Religious Right: The Assault on Tolerance and Pluralism in America. – New York: Anti-Defamation League, 1994.
15. Мюллер Дж. Капитализм, коммунизм и евреи: как мир стал таким, какой он есть. – Издательство «Карьера пресс», 2011 год.
16. Weber L. In Cheap We Тrust: The Story of a Misunderstood American Virtue. – New York: Little, Brown, 2009, p. 100. Гл. 2, стр.25
17. Gibbs N. Education: Bigots in the Ivory Tower // Time. – 1990. – May 7. – http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,970015,00.html.
18. Alexander D. L. The Japanese and the Jews // First Things. – 1995. – December. – http://www.firstthings.eom/artide/2008/10/004-the-japanese-and-the-jews-24.
19. Статья Kowner R. On Ignorance, Respect and Suspicion: Current Japanese Attitudes Toward Jews, в сборнике «Анализ текущих тенденций в антисемитизме» Международного центра Vidal Sassoon по исследованиям антисемитизма. – Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1997, http://sicsa.huji.ac.il/llkowner.htm.
Глава 3
1. Отчет о бедности среди евреев. – Муниципальный совет по бедности среди евреев и UJA-Federation of New York, январь 2004 г., http://www.ujafedny.org/assets/documents/PDF/our-im-pact/caring/j ewishpovertyreport.pdf.
2. См. Tobin G. A. Jewish Philanthropy in American Society, на вебсайте «Учиться отдавать» Антидиффамационной лиги http:// learningtogive.org/faithgroups/phil_in_america/jewish_philan-thropy.asp. Также см. Mendelson Е. The History of Jewish Giving in America. – Еврейская виртуальная библиотека, http://www. jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/ philanthropy.html. Также справочник The Slate 60: Donor Bios – The largest American charitable contributions of the year // Chronicle of Philanthropy. – 2010. – February 5. – http://www.slate.com/id/2243496/.
3. Entine J. The ‘Scheming, Flashy Trickiness’ of Basketball’s Media Darlings, the Philadelphia ‘Hebrews’ – err… Sixers // The Jewish Magazine. – 2001. – July. – http://www.jewishmag.com/45mag/ basketball/basketball.htm. Гл. 3, стр. 12
4. Taibbi M. The Great American Bubble Machine // Rolling Stone. – 2009. – July 9-23. – http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/;kw= [3351,11459].
5. Kinsley M. How to Think About Jewish Bankers // The Atlantic Wire. – 2010. – January 29. – http://www.theatlanticwire.com/ opinions/view/opinion/How-to-Think-About-Jewish-Bankers-2352.
6. Цитата приведена в Antisemitic Myths, p. 85.
7. Цитаты из иудейского писания на тему деловой этики приведены в книге раввина Иосифа Телушкина: Telushkin J., Rabbi. The Book of Jewish Values: A Day-by-Day Guide to Ethical Living. – New York: Bell Tower; Crown Publishing, 2000.
8. Цитата Лютера из книги On the Jews and Their Lies, 1543, приведена в Antisemitic Myths, pp. 45–46.
9. Berger J. Milton Himmelfarb, Wry Essayist, Dies // New York Times. – 2006. – January 15. – http://query.nytimes.com/gst/ fullpage.html?res=40DE3D8143FF936A25752C0A9609C8B63.
Глава 4
1. American Attitudes Toward Jews in America. – Anti-Defamation League, 2009, October, http://www.adl.org/Anti_semitism/poll_ as_2009/default.asp. Attitudes Toward Jews in Seven European Countries. – Anti-Defamation League, 2009, February, http:// www.adl.org/Public%20ADL%20Anti-Semitism%20Presentation%20February%202009%20_3_.pdf.
2. Здесь необходимо опровергнуть одно часто возникающее семантическое возражение. Да, мусульмане могут быть антисемитами, несмотря на то что арабы и сами являются семитской расой. Я и подавляющее большинство других комментаторов используют термин «антисемитизм» в значении «слепая ненависть к евреям и иудаизму», а не буквально «ненависть к семитам». Поэтому, безусловно, мусульманин – и даже просто араб – вполне может быть антисемитом.
3. Kotek J. Cartoons and Extremism: Israel and the Jews in Arab and Western Media. – Portland, OR: European Jewish Congress, 2008, p. 57.
4. Цитата из Nirenstein F. Observations: How Suicide Bombers Are Made, 2001, приведена в Antisemitic Myths, p. 328. Гл. 4, стр. 7
5. Цитаты приведены в Antisemitic Myths, pp. 317–318. Гл. 4, стр. 8
6. Цитаты из Okuneva R. Anti-Semitic Notions: Strange Analogies, 1980; приведены в Antisemitic Myths, pp. 252–253. Гл. 4, стр. 10
7. Цитаты из Ezekiel R. S. The Racist Mind приведены в Antisemitic Myths, pp. 280–281.
8. Foxman A. H. Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism. – San Francisco: Harper, 2003, pp. 31–32.
9. The Anatomy of Frustration. – New York: Anti-Defamation League, 1968.
10. Цитата приведена в Antisemitic Myths, p. 296.
11. Цитата из Gates H. L. Black Demagogues and Pseudo-Scholars, 1992 приведена в Antisemitic Myths, p. 303.
12. Данные из Friedman S. S. Jews and the American Slave Trade приведены в Antisemitic Myths, p. 294.
13. Cm. Farrakhan in His Own Words. – Anti-Defamation League, 2010, March 19, http://www.adl.org/special_reports/farrakhan_ own_words2/farrakhan_own_words.asp.
14. Linkins J. California GOP Decries Anti-Semitic Tea Party Activism // Huffington Post. – 2009. – April 22. – http://www.huffingtonpost. com/2009/04/21/california-gop-decries-an_n_189500.html.
15. Bachmann’s Capitol Tea Party: Offensive Anti-Obama Signs and Arrests // ChattahBox. – 2009. – November 5. – http://chattah-box.com/us/2009/ll/05/bachmanns-capitol-tea-party-offensive-anti-obama-signs-and-arrests/. Гл. 4, стр. 24
16. Письмо АДЛ журналу Urban Garden Magazine, http://www.adl.org/media_watch/magazines/20100122-Urban-i-Garden-i-Magazine.htm.
17. Rosner S. Republican presidential hopeful: Money-making a Jewish tradition // Haaretz. – 2007. – April 29. – http://www. haaretz.com/hasen/spages/849062.html.
18. Weiner R. GOPers: DeMint Like a Jew ‘Watching Our Nation’s Pennies // Huffington Post. – 2009. – October 19. – http://
19. Цитата приведена в статье Einhorn В. On China, the Economic Crisis and the Jews // BusinessWeek. – Blog “Eye on Asia”, posted Feb. 24, 2009. – http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/blog/ eyeonasia/archives/2009/02/on_china_the_ec.html.
20. Gibson D. Rush Limbaugh Tries to Enlist ‘Jewish Bankers’ Against Obama // Politics Daily. – 2010. – January 22. – http://www. politicsdaily.com/2010/01/22/rushlimbaugh-tries-to-enlist-j ew-ish-bankers-against-obama/.
21. Goldberg J. J. Foxman Fever Doesn’t Discriminate // The Forward. – 2010. – February 10. – http://www.forward.com/arti-cle/125423/.
Глава 5
1. Senesh H. Paris: Gang suspected of killing Jew nabbed // Ynet News (Israel). – 2006. – February 19. – http://www.freerepublic. com/focus/news/1581534/posts; Gurfinkiel M. Tale of torture and murder horrifies whole of France // New York Sun. – 2006. – February 22. – http://www.nysun.com/foreign/tale-of-torture-and-murder-horrifies-the-hole/7948/.
2. Foxman A. H. How One Man’s Rant Spread Globally // Cutting Edge News. – 2010. – January 25. – http://www.adl.org/ADL_ Opinions/Israel/CuttingEdgeNews_012510.htm.
3. Blaming the Jews: Reaction to the Financial Crisis in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. – Anti-Defamation League, 2008, October 31, http://www.adl.org/main_Anti_Semitism_Interna-tional/Financial_Crisis.
Глава 6
1. Facebook, YouTube +: How Social Media Outlets Impact Digital Terrorism and Hate. – Simon Wiesenthal Center, 2009, http://www.wiesenthal.com/atf/cf/%7B54d385e6-flb9-4e9f-8e94-890c3e6dd277%7D/NY-RELEASE.PDF.
2. Fogel В., Wolfson S. Jewtopia: The Chosen Book for the Chosen People. – New York: Warner Books, 2006. Гл. 6, стр. 1
3. Winston-Macauley M. Are Jewish Stereotypes Funny? Part 3 // Aish. – http://www.aish.eom/j/fs/48965451.html. Гл. 6, стр. 7
4. Rosenbaum R. Not Very Nice – The Borat movie: They botched the joke // Slate. – 2006. – November 2. – http://www.skte. com/id/2152772.
Глава 7
1. Gross M. The Passion of the Christ Fuels Antisemitism – On South Park // Jewish Daily Forward. – 2004. – April 9. – http:// www.forward.com/articles/5445/.
2. Gershom Y. Jews Without Money. – Minneapolis: The Alley, 1986, http://www.pinenet.com/~rooster/poorjews.html.
3. Senior J. Are Jews Smarter // New York. – 2005. – October 16. – http://nymag.com/nymetro/news/culture/features/1478/..
4. Twain M. Concerning the Jews // Harper’s New Monthly Magazine. – 1898. – March. – Reprinted New York: Anti-Defama-tion League, 2002.
5. Weber L. In Cheap We Trust: The Story of a Misunderstood American Virtue. – New York: Little, Brown, 2009, p. 128. Гл. 7, стр. 12
6. Мюллер Дж. Капитализм, коммунизм и евреи: как мир стал таким, какой он есть. – Издательство «Карьера пресс», 2011 год.
7. Shafran A., Rabbi. Jews and Money: When Anti-Semitism Isn’t // Jewish World Review. – http://www.jewishworldreview.com/avi/ shafran_money.php3.
8. Telushkin J., Rabbi. The Book of Jewish Values: A Day-by-Day Guide to Ethical Living. – New York: Bell Tower; Crown Publishing, 2000. – P. 96.
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