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And the production of epinephrine, serot onin and other neurotransmitters increases when the Earth is under the gravity of some "anomalies". These "anomalies" we regularly experience from the full moon and when the Earth is aligned between the Sun and the Moon. Frequent mental disorders, active sexual intercourses, and some people burn the hormones through antisocial behavior. Adrenaline and other hormones excite us looking for being released. The reaction from people is individual. From someone hormones require active, violent action; someone is dominated by fears and concerns. The hormones inject into the blood in different proportions. But in any case, being under significant alterations of attraction, the human body reacts on the release of hormones, requiring any actions and emotions from it.

Even if the Moon is able to change the behavior of the masses of people, what action can the giant planets have that have to be accepted as compound? The event is not frequent, but during the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, the Earth succeeds in some decades several times to stand up as one line with them, and between the giant planets and the Sun. What happened in the world during these years: 1901, 1921, 1940, 1961, 1981, and 2000? Please note that the centers of mass of the Solar System and the Sun do not coincide and it leads to unusual gravitational-magnetic and other changes. This is due to the presence of the additional portions of hormones in our blood during this period. During these years there was predisposition of people to action, uplifting spirit and rapid economic development.

In Russia in 1901 and the next few years there was a period of rapid and intensive development of industry and economy. The year 1921 became a successful beginning of the NEP, which grew into a groundswell of the first five years. In 1940 the activity of the people increased as well as the mass labor heroism and the heroism of the war years. In 1961 grew the enthusiasm for constructing of communism and it was the beginning of the second stage of the scientific and technological revolution. It is noteworthy that the actual conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter occurred on the 12th of April – the day of Gagarin's flight. The years 1980 – 1981 poured a lot of emotions. It is enough to recall the Olympic Games in Moscow. People were crying when it was closed. The year 2000 and the following years were the years of the increased factor of productivity and GDP in Russia, for example the growth of labor efficiency due to internal resources and the enthusiasm of people.

It should be noted that in a relatively short period of time there was a change of quality of people and they had more opportunity for intensive physiological activity. Changing of people psycho suddenly became not the same as it was before. They wanted to change country in shortest terms. Activity of people increased. However, where and how it will be sent depends on the social situation and the ability of the elite to rally the people and the decisions of leaders.

These moments play an important role among those who can intuitively grasp what to do and how to deal with this historical period. But this does not always happen. It happens so that the elite and the people are set to rush, but it happens in a different way. This ratio naturally depends on the 72-year cosmic cycles [4]. People change both due to additional hormonal injections and because of changes in social factors and generational psycho laws.

  Periods when Saturn and Jupiter were in opposition had a slightly different flavor: 1911, 1931, 1951, 1971, 1990, and 2010. It's the eve of the First World War, when the Nazis came to power, then came nuclear blackmail and the Cold War, the collapse of the USSR and the socio-economic problems throughout the world (fall in the rate of production, the difficulties in overcoming the crisis, mass protests).

At a time when gravitational changes are accompanied by electromagnetic, often there is a change of mood: rejoice, the spleen, of course, under the influence of specific social causes. When the magnetosphere is calm, the specific social event rather causes the influx of enthusiasm due to elevated blood level of adrenaline and serotonin. The best example is the flight of Yuri Gagarin. When under the influence of electromagnetic storms we begin to lose the balance with the environment, the probability of pessimism, hatred, confusion and other negative feelings is higher. There is a need to go and beat someone or to overthrow, to break, to destroy. The same happened in the period of almost all Russian revolutions. But in those years the Wolf number rolled over.

Particularly gravitational magnetic effects occur in humans when the Earth is stretched by the gravitational fields: on the one hand by the Moon, on the other – by the Sun and at the same time it is on the line of Jupiter – Saturn. They also stretch the Earth by their gravity and shake with the gravitational and magnetic resonances. So depending on what is in our blood, the same situation in the market can cause a burst of energy and optimism in the evaluation, and can also cause fear. Who will win depends on the socio-psychological factors.

In a stressful situation people often begin to look around: who said what, who did what … It's like a pack of animals that look at the leader and copy his behavior. In these moments we come to life in a herd mentality and subcortex is more active than the crust. At this point, social activists are activated. Great is their role in such situations. They begin to unconsciously look for other subject – those who understand the situation and can end the deadlock. This is the moment when the power of one psychological type changes to the power of another psychological type. But if the accident has occurred…

Good or bad? Bad is that it happens after the accident but good is that it is exactly what happens. We evolve and the extra hormones that appear before the inevitable disasters help us to overcome their consequences. Necessary hormones come in the mass of people at a definite moment depending on the situation, but not everyone is able to understand why it is necessary to follow the cats and dogs and run uphill (because of an approaching tsunami). We can not understand the situation but the brain and hormonal system still prepare us for the upcoming events.

Evolution is not sent to landfill by this psycho-chemical mechanism of our survival or for other reasons.

Periodic change of people’s psychological types is also a periodic change in the type of intelligence. We periodically become more domain experts and more social motivators, and then give ourselves over to our emotions and instincts, or we begin to write poetry and do complex calculations.

These cycles are associated with the movement of the planets and with a predominance of the influence of the giant planets. During the approach to Jupiter and Saturn in the world there are resonant phenomena that are largely common to these two planets. And then the third one joins. When the planets move away from each other, the resonances begin to disintegrate. It happens everywhere and in everything, including our life and humans. The same happens in our heads. During the convergence of three planets in the period of strong common resonances we are more declined to joint actions. People set up, figuratively speaking, on the same frequency. This has important implications for our evolution.

Firstly there is the manifest ability and willingness to mass action. We are beginning to realize the necessity of social change, social institutions for the organization of joint activities. There is not only an economic necessity growth of the social division of labor, but also physiological and social pre-requisites.

Secondly, we should note the development of our consciousness. If at some time people were improved emotionally, and then became more rational, it would sooner or later be recognized. And here we have to make conclusions on the social organization of society. Instead of the communities of people that had not changed in the right direction, the others came who were aware of the laws of social life and changed in accordance with the effect of soft power. Mankind is forced to do it because of the presence of such cycles which are directed at recognizing themselves. And we know that the most difficult thing is to realize oneself from the inside. It is very important to the success of the evolution in the future.

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