48. Forsyth D. The business press in America. — Philadelphia, 1964.
49. Frederick W. Business and society: corporate strategy and ethics. -NY, 1988.
50. Greco A. Business journalism: management notes and cases. -NY, 1988.
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52. Hallock W. H. Life of Gerard Hallock, editor of the New York Journal of Commerce. — NY, 1970.
53. Innis H. A. The newspaper in economic development // Journal of Economic History. — 1942. -December. — P 1-33.
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56. Kobler J. Luce, his Life, Time and Fortune. — NY, 1968.
57. Kobre S. Foundation of American journalism. — Tallahassee, 1958.
58. Kross H. American business history. — Chicago, 1978.
59. Kurtz H. The Fortune tellers: Inside Wall Street s game of money, media and manipulation. — NY, 2001.
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61. MacDougall A. K. Ninety seconds to tell it all: Big business and the news media. — Homewood, 1981.
62. Martin P. The Wall Street Journal essential guide to business style and usage. — NY, 2003.
63. Mooney B., Simpson B. Breaking News: How the wheels came off at Reuters. — London, 2003.
64. Morris K. American dreams: one hundred years of business ideas and innovation from the Wall Street Journal. — NY, 1990.
65. Neilsen W., Neilsen F. What s News, Dow Jones: Story of the Wall Street Journal. — Radnor, 1973.
66. Quirt. J. The press and the world of money: How the news media cover business and finance, panic and prosperity and the pursuit of the American dream. — Byron, 1993.
67. Rosenberg J. Inside the Wall Street Journal: The power and the history of Dow Jones& Co. and America s most influential newspaper. -NY, 1982.
68. Roush C. Profits and losses: business journalism and it’s role in society. — Oak Park, 2006.
69. Scharff E. E. Worldly power: The making of the Wall Street Journal. -NY, 1986.
70. Smith R., Emshwiller J. 24 days. — NY, 2003.
71. Swanberg W. A. Luce and his empire. — NY, 1970.
72. The Wall Street Journal: The first 75 years. — NY, 1964.
73. Winans C. Malcolm Forbes: The man who had everything. — NY, 1990.
74. Wolseley R. Understanding magazines. — Ames, 1966.
75. Wolseley R., Campbell L. Exploring journalism with special emphasis on its social and vocational aspects. — Minneapolis, 1949.
76. Wood J. P. Magazines in the United States. Their social and economic influence. — NY. — 1949.
77. Writing for Fortune: Nineteen authors remember life on the staff of a remarkable magazine. — NY, 1980.
78. www.accessabc.com.
79. www.businessweek.com.
80. www.dowjones.com.
81. www.fapmc.ru.
82. www.forbes.com.
83. www.forbesmedia.com.
84. www.fortune.com.
85. www.infoplease.com.
86. www.interorbis.com.
87. www.kommersant.ru/about.html.
88. www.magazine.org.
89. www.opinionjournal.com.
90. www.professionaljournal.com.
91. www.sabew.com.
92. www.timeinc.net.
93. www.tns-global.com.
94. www.trendsmedia.com.
95. www.wikipedia.com.
96. www.wsj.com.
При подготовке главы использованы материалы из книги: Roush C. Profits and losses: business journalism and it’s role in society. — Oak Park, 2006.
Кулев В. Деловая пресса России. — М., 1996. — С. 13–14.
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