5. How did you get down so fast?
6. She came over early and had complained of having a headache.
7. I can't believe this happened.
3. true: 1, 4, 6. false: 2, 3, 5, 7.
4. 1-c, 2-g, 3-d, 4-f, 5-a, 6-h, 7-1, 8-b, 9-j, 10-e.
5. 1. A man returned home from the night shift.
2. He found his wife with the sheet pulled over her head.
3. Not to be denied, he crawled under the sheet.
4. He was startled to find breakfast on the table.
5. «Oh my God,» his wife gasped. «That's my mother up there!»
6. I told her to lie down for a while.
7. The wife rushed upstairs.
6. 1. Did the man find anyone in the bedroom?
2. es, he found someone there.
3. Did he notice anything strange about the woman in bed?
4. No, there was something on her head so he couldn't see the face.
5. His wife was somewhere downstairs.
6. She was preparing something for her husband to eat.
7. Did his wife tell anything to her mother?
8. After he learnt what had happened, he could eat nothing.
7. 1. His wife was used to lying in bed with a sheet pulled over her head.
2. I used to crawl under the sheet.
3. She uses the sheet to cover her face.
4. He is used to having breakfast early in the morning after work.
5. The wife used to make breakfast by seven.
6. I use a frying-pan to cook meat.
7. He will get used to the mother's-in-law presence in the wife's bed.
8. 1. if she hadn't pulled the sheet over her head, he would have recognized her.
2. If he had worked day shift, nothing would have happened.
3. If she had been in the bedroom, she wouldn't have had time to prepare breakfast so quickly.
4. If she hadn't had a headache, she would't have pulled the sheet over her head.
5. If she had spoken, she would have broken the rule which she had set for herself.
9. 1. complain, 2. shift, 3. jerk, 4. deny, 5. laundry, 6. addition, 7. headache, 8. rush, 9. pull, 10. fold.
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