● The highest adequacy of family life within the framework of the highest communist civilization is possible only within the framework of the family estate.
● Increasing the role of the family in communist society does not contradict the idea of monasticism. First monasticism, then family. Before you marry a real princess, you need to become a real prince, and for this you need to defeat the dragon. In monasticism one prepares to become an exemplary parent. When a person is ready, when a person has reached a level of stable consciousness, then he proceeds, if he considers it necessary, to fulfill parental duties.
● As well as the level of material well-being, demographic growth must be taken out of the framework of generally accepted values. In demography, the principle of more is better should be replaced by the principle of less is better.
● Nobody needs demographic growth. The problem of demographic growth is always promoted by the government, which collects tribute and taxes from the population, and enriches itself in this way. The more people, the greater the tax base. The larger the tax base, the greater the possibility of saturation of the state ghouls.
Formulas of Communism
The main formula for building communism should be:
Communism is consciousness plus consciousness plus consciousness
The fundamental difference between socialism and capitalism is that the socialist community aims at building communism and is moving in that direction.
Communism should differ from capitalism only in its high, highest level of culture. In terms of industrialization, economy, communism cannot and should not outperform capitalism. Based on the foregoing, the correct strategy for coming to communism should be as follows.
● Thoroughly publicly highlight the errors in the outdated Marxist theory of communism. Broadly inform about the fundamental revision of the methods of building communism. Expand a wide range of comprehensive discussions on this topic.
● Being at a low, beggarly (or whatever) level of material production, it is necessary to proclaim the transition to the socialist type of state (naturally, this should take place through a popular referendum).
● The main thing in the transition to a different, socialist system is the proclamation of the goal: the construction of a communist society.
● Fixing the goal in the law.
● Ignoring the problems of the economy, it is necessary to deal only with the education of a new person, a worthy member of communist society; and do nothing but education.
● Material support should not be an end in itself, but only a means. That is, material support should be dealt with exactly as much as it is necessary to solve other, more important, tasks.
● Monasticization as a key element in building communism.
● Fixing in the law that the first person of the state must comply with the goal. It must be a monk.
● Fixing in the law that government officials of the highest, middle and lower levels must also comply with the goal. Officials must all also be monks.
● Upon reaching the goal, constantly monitor and maintain the culture of members of the communist society.
Communism is more likely to occur in an economically poor country than in a rich one
The Soviet Union, putting all its efforts into industrialization, did not approach, but, on the contrary, moved away from communism. This was the path of ever greater growth and complication of the sphere of needs. China is repeating the same mistake now. There was no [[socialism]] in China, Belarus, or the former Soviet Union. More precisely, there was no socialist phase as the first stage of the communist formation. It was a socialist phase within the framework of the capitalist formation. The main indicator here is material well-being as a value rejected or not? Is material well-being derived from the space of values? Has economic development been crossed off the list of values?
In the presence of a communist formation, there is no reason to compare countries in terms of the level of development of material production. In this case, the comparison should take place on other indicators. For
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