Susan Zimmerman. А Rosy Future // Progressive Grocer, November 1998, 45–52.
Meza, Sudhir. The Role of Strategic Pricing by Retailers in the Success of Store Brands.
Stephen J. Hoch, Leonard М. Lodish. Store Brands and Category Management // Working paper, Wharton School, Philadelphia, PA, 1998.
Hoch, Lodish. Store Brands and Category Management; Sethuraman. What Makes Consumers Рау More for National Brands?
Из соображений конфиденциальности в табл. 6.2 приведены результаты относительно разницы в цене, составляющей 15 %.
Kusum L. Ailawadi, Bari А. Harlam. An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Retail Margins: The Role of Store Brand Share // Journal of Маrketing (January 2004): 147–165.
Kusum L. Ailawadi. The Retail Power-Performance Conundrum: What Have We Learned? // Journal of Retailing (2001): 299–318.
Годовой отчет А&Р, 2001.
Marcel Corstjens, Rajiv Lal. Building Store Loyalty Through Store Brands // Journal оf Marketing Research (August 2000): 281–291.
Marcel Corstjens, Rajiv Lal. Building Store Loyalty Through Store Brands // Journal оf Marketing Research (August 2000): 281–291.
Francois Glemet et al. How Profitable Are Own Brand Products? // McKinsey Quarterly 4, 1995, 173–175.
Lucy Brady, Aaron Brown, Ваrbаrа B. Hulit. Private Label: Threat tо Manufacturers, Opportunity for Retailers.
Авторы выражают благодарность профессору школы бизнеса Дартмутского колледжа Кусуму Айлавади за предоставленные данные о валовой выручке.
Например, в работе «Private Label: Threat to Manufacturers, Opportunity for Retailers» (Brady, Brown, and Hulit) есть данные о скорости товарооборота двух видов товаров (подгузники и сухие завтраки). Согласно этим данным, скорость товарооборота ведущих брендов примерно на 50 % выше, чем скорость товарооборота товаров под марками торговых сетей.
Chakravarti Narasimhan, Ronald Т. Wilcox. Private Labels and the Channel Relationship: А Cross-Category Analysis // Journal of Business 4 (1996): 573–600.
Этот вопрос рассмотрен в ряде работ: David Е. Mills. Why Retailers Sell Private Labels // Journal of Economics and Management Strategy (Fall 1995): 509–528; Narasimhan, Wilcox. Private Labels and the Channel Relationship; Fiona S. Morton, Florian Zettelmeyer. The Strategic Positioning of Store Brands in Retailer-Manufacturer Bargaining // Working paper 7712, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, МА, 2000; Jorge Tarzijan. Strategic Effects of Private Labels and Horizontal Integration // International Review of Retail, Distribution, and Consumer Research (July 2004): 321–335.
Morton, Zettelmeyer. The Strategic Positioning of Store Brands in Retailer-Manufacturer Bargaining.
Pradeep К. Chintagunta, Andre Bonfrer, Inseong Song. Investigating the Effects of Store Brand Introduction on Retailing Demand and Pricing Behavior// Management Science (October 2002).
Ailawadi, Harlam. An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Retail Margins.
Morton, Zettelmeyer. The Strategic Positioning of Store Brands in Retailer-Manufacturer Bargaining.
Jan-Benedict Е. М. Steenkamp, Marnik G. Dekimpe. The Increasing Power of Store Brands: Building Loyalty and Market Share // Long Range Planning, 6 (1997): 917–930.
Эмпирические свидетельства того, что производители часто считают невыгодным снижать оптовые цены на товары своих брендов, если доля товаров под марками торговых сетей в этой категории очень высока, приведены в: Narasimhan, Wilcox. Private Labels and the Channel Relationship. Этому факту в работе дается также теоретическое объяснение.
Corstjens, Lal. Building Store Loyalty Through Store Brands.
Kusum L. Ailawadi, Scott А. Neslin, Karen Gedenk. Pursuing the Value-Conscious Consumer: Store Brands Versus National Brand Promotions // Journal оf Marketing (January 2001): 71–89.
Jan-Benedict Е. М. Steenkamp et al. Fighting Private Label: Growth Drivers, Brand Defense Strategies, and Market Opportunities. London: Business Insights, 2005.
Roland Т. Rust, Valarie А. Zeithaml, Katherine N. Lemon. Driving Customer Equity. New York: Free Press, 2000.
Ailawadi, Harlam. An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Retail Margins. Авторы выражают благодарность профессору Айлавади за дополнительные данные, которых нет в указанной работе; эти данные использовались при составлении табл. 7.2.
Lucy Brady, Aaron Brown, Ваrbаrа B. Hulit. Private Label: Threat tо Manufacturers, Opportunity for Retailers. http://www.bcg.com/publications/files/PrivLabel.pdf.
Consumer Reports’ Tests Find Quality of Store Brands’ Products on Par with National Name Brands // Kansas City infoZine, August 2, 2005. http://www.infozine.com/news/stories/op/storiesView/sid/9281; Andrew Wileman, Michael Jary, Retail Power Plays. London: McMillan Business, 1997.
John А. Quelch, David Harding. Brands Versus Private Labels: Fighting to Win // Harvard Business Review, January-February 1996, 99–109.
Margaret Littman. House Brands Hit Home: Growing Private Label Market // Prepared Foods, April 1992. http://www.findarticles.com/р/articles/mi_m3289/is_n5_v161/ai_2471761.
Quelch, Harding. Brands Versus Private Labels.
Wileman, Jary. Retail Power Plays.
Campina Profits from Added-Value, But Private Label Slips // Dairy Reporter.com, March 14, 2005. http://www.dairyreporter.com/news/ng.asp?id=58715.
Campina Profits from Added-Value, But Private Label Slips // Dairy Reporter.com, March 14, 2005. http://www.dairyreporter.com/news/ng.asp?id=58715.
Пример компании United Biscuits взят из: Wileman, Jary. Retail Роwer Plays; United Biscuits. http://www.unitedbiscuits.co.uk/80256С1А0047922Е/vWeb/рсСНАS5DADU9; UB со Cut Biscuit Capacity // Confectionary News.com, February 6, 2003. http://www.confectionerynews.com/news/ng.asp?id=14206-ub-со-cut.
Michael V. Marn, Eric V. Roegner, Craig С. Zawada. The Power of Pricing // McKinsey Quarterly, 2003, 27–36.
Stephen McMahon. Smaller Producers Feel the Heat // The Age, November 30, 2005. Размещено на http://theage.com.au/news/business/smaller-producers-feel-the-heat/2005/11/29/1133026467261.html.
Информация собрана в ходе полевых интервью на конференции Ассоциации производителей товаров под марками торговых сетей. Амстердам, Нидерланды, 27–29 мая 2002 г.
Доклад Ассоциации производителей товаров под марками торговых сетей на ежегодной ярмарке ассоциации «Мир марок торговых сетей». Амстердам, Нидерланды, 24–25 мая 2005 г. См. также http://www.expovisie.nl/site2/index.php?url=http://www.expovisie.nl/site2/nieuws.php?content_id=3141&categoryid=1.
Информация о корпорации Cott получена из годовых отчетов компании за 2004 и 2005 гг. http://www.cott.com.
Cott Corporation. Cott Corporation Expects 2005 Earnings tо Ве Substantially Below Previously Announced Guidance, 21 сентября 2005 г. http://www.corporate-ir.net/ireye/ir_site.zhtml?ticker=COT&script=410&layout=-6&itеm_id=759222.
Данные взяты из годового отчета компании McBride «Working Together» за 2005 г. (http://www.mcbride.co.uk), а также собраны во время полевых интервью на конференции Ассоциации производителей товаров под марками торговых сетей (Амстердам, Нидерланды, 27–29 мая 2002 г.).
Годовой отчет компании McBride «Working Together» за 2005 г. http://www.mcbride.co.uk, 20.
Nirmalya Kumar. Create Trust, Not Fear in Manufacturer– Retailer Relationships// Harvard Business Review, November-December 1996, 96–106.
Nirmalya Kumar. Marketing as Strategy: Understanding the СЕО’s Agenda for Driving Growth and Innovation. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2004.
Janet Adamy. Ваrе Essentials // Wall Street Journal, August 30, 2005.
John Gapper. Brands Get the Worst of а Hard Bargain // Financial Times, March 17, 2005.
John Gapper. Brands Get the Worst of а Hard Bargain // Financial Times, March 17, 2005.
Alex Benady. Nestle’s New Flavour of Strategy // Financial Times, February 22, 2005.
Lisa В. Fasig. Federated Readying Millions for May Stores Overhaul // Business First of Columbus, February 13, 2006.
H&M: Bringing Haute tо the Hoi Polloi // Business Week Online, Мау 30, 2005. http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/05_22/b3935090_mz054.htm.
М+М Planet Retail // Daily News by Planet Retail, August 29, 2005.
Thomas Васhl. Big Splurge or Piggy Bank: Where Are the Markets Heading For? // Доклад на ежегодной конференции GfK. (Кронберг, Германия, 27 января 2004 г.).
Barbara Deleersnyder, Marnik G. Dekimpe, Jan-Benedict Е. М. Steenkamp, Oliver Koll. Win-Win Strategies at Discount Stores // Working paper, Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge, MA, 2006.
Carol Matlack, Rachael Tiplady. The Big Brands Gо Begging // Business Week, March 21, 2005, 18–19.
Adamy. Ваrе Essentials.
Charles Fishman. The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know // Fast Company, December 2003, 68.
Некоторые разделы этой главы написаны по результатам совместных исследовательских проектов авторов в сотрудничестве с компаниями. См. Katrijn Gielens, Jan-Benedict Е. М. Steenkamp. What Drives New Product Success? An Investigation Across Products and Countries // Working paper, Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge, МА, 2004; Jan-Benedict Е. М. Steenkamp, Steven М. Вurgess. Optimum Stimulation Level and Exploratory Consumer Behavior in an Emerging Market // International Journal of Research in Marketing 19 (June 2002), 131–150; Jan-Benedict Е. М. Steenkamp, Katrijn Gielens. Consumer and Market Drivers of the Trial Probability of New Consumer Packaged Goods // Journal of Consumer Research 29 (December 2003): 368–384; Jan-Benedict Е. М. Steenkamp, Frenkel ter Hofstede, Michel Wedel. А Cross-National Investigation into the Individual and National Cultural Antecedents of Consumer Innovativeness // Journal оf Marketing 63 (April 1999): 55–69.
Jeremy Grant. An Own-Label Lesson for Bean-Counters // Financial Times, March 11, 2005.
Расчеты авторов на основе данных годового отчета компании Campbell Soup за 2005 г. http://www.campbellsoupcompany.com/index.asp?_cpovisq=.
John D. Cook, Pantelis А. Georgiadis. Packaged Goods: It’s Time to Focus on Product Development // McKinsey Quarterly 2, 1997, 91–99.
Shlomo Kalish, Vijay Mahajan, Eitan Muller. Waterfall and Sprinkler New-Product Strategies in Competitive Global Markets // International Journal of Research in Marketing 12 (June 1995): 105–119.
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