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Читем онлайн Спотыкаясь о счастье - Дэниел Гилберт






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Jenkins H.M., Ward W.C. Judgment of Contingency Between Responses and Outcomes // Psychological Monographs 79, 1965; Wason P.C. Reasoning About a Rule // Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 20, 1968; Hamilton D.L., Gifford R.K. Illusory Correlation in Interpersonal Perception: A Cognitive Basis of Stereotypic Judgements // Journal of Experimental Psychology 12: 392–407, 1976. См. также: Crocker J. Judgment of Covariation by Social Perceivers // Psychological Bulletin 90: 272–292, 1981; Alloy L.B., Tabachnik N. The Assessment of Covariation by Humans and Animals: The Joint Influence of Prior Expectations and Current Situational Information // Psychological Review 91: 112–149, 1984.


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Loewenstein G.F., Prelec D., Shatto C. Hot/Gold intrapersonal Empathy Gaps and the Under-prediction of Curiosity (неопубликованный материал, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1998, упомянут в: Loewenstein G.F. The Psychology of Curiosity: A Review and Reinterpretation // Psychological Bulletin 116: 75–98, 1994).


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См. также: Atance C.M., O’Neill D.K. Episodic Future Thinking // Trends in Cognitive Sciences 5: 533–539, 2001.


Wilson T.D. et al. Introspecting About Reasons Can Reduce Post-choice Satisfaction // Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 19: 331–339, 1993; Wilson T.D., Schooler J.W. Thinking Too Much: Introspection Can Reduce the Quality of Preferences and Decisions // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 60: 181–192, 1991.


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Умные психологи конструировали некоторые необычные обстоятельства, которые предоставляли исключения из этого правила; см.: Perky C.W. An Experimental Study of Imagination // American Journal of Psychology 21: 422–452, 1910. Стоит заметить также, что, хотя мы почти всегда можем отличить то, что видим, от того, что воображаем, мы не всегда отличаем то, что видели, от того, что воображали; см.: Johnson M.K., Raye C.L. Reality Monitoring // Psychological Review 88: 67–85, 1981.


Schwarz N., Clore G.L. Mood, Misattribution and Judgments of Well-Being: Informative and Directive Functions of Affective States // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 45: 513–523, 1983.


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Johnson E.J., Tversky A. Affect, Generalization and the Perception of Risk // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 45: 20–31, 1983; DeSteno D. et al. Beyond Valence in the Perception of Likelihood: The Role of Emotion Specificity // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78: 397–416, 2000.


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Gentner D., Imai M., Boroditsky L. As Time Goes by: Evidence for Two Systems in Processing Space Time Metaphors // Language and Cognitive Processes 17: 537–565, 2002; Boroditsky L. Metaphoric Structuring: Understanding Time Through Spatial Metaphor // Cognition 75: 1–28, 2000.


Tversky A., Kugelmass S., Winter A. Cross-Cultural and Developmental Trends in Graphic Productions // Cognitive Psychology 23: 515–557, 1991.


Boroditsky L. Does Language Shape Thought? Mandarin and English Speakers’ Conceptions of Time // Cognitive Psychology 43: 1–22, 2001.


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Read D., Loewenstein G.F. Diversification Bias: Explaining the Discrepancy in Variety Seeking Between Combined and Separated Choices // Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 1: 34–49, 1995; Simonson I. The Effect of Purchase Quantity and Timing on Variety-Seeking Behavior // Journal of Marketing Research 27: 150–162, 1990.


Wilson T.D., Gilbert D.T. Making Sense: A Model of Affective Adaptation (неопубликованный материал, University of Virginia, 2005).


Gilbert D.T. Inferential Correction // Heuristics and Biases: The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment, eds. T. Gilovich, D.W. Griffin and D. Kahneman. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. P. 167–184.


Tversky A., Kahneman D. Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases // Science 185: 1124–1131, 1974.


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Gilbert D.T. Gill M.J., Wilson T.D. The Future Is Now: Temporal Correction in Affective Forecasting // Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 88: 430–444, 2002.


См. также: Ebert J.E.J. The Role of Cognitive Resources in the Valuation of Near and Far Future Events // Acta Psychologica 108: 155–171, 2001.


Loewenstein G.F., Prelec D. Preferences for Sequences of Outcomes // Psychological Review 100: 91–108, 1993.


Kahneman D., Tversky A. Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk // Econometrica 47: 263–291, 1979.


Pratt J.W., Wise D.A., Zeckhauser R. Price Differences in Almost Competitive Markets // Quarterly Journal of Economics 93: 189–211, 1979; Tversky A., Kahneman D. The Framing of Decisions and Psychology of Choice // Science 211: 453–458, 1981; Thaler R.H. Toward to Positive Theory of Consumer Choice // Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 1: 39–60, 1980.


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