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For centuries, Rzeczpospolita was a unique region with a rich political history, sui generis junction of Western European and Eastern European civilizations, a place of synthesis and at the same time a conflict of different cultures. The Polish kings – the connecting “representative» link between Rzeczpospolita and the rest of Europe – were a bright impersonation of this synthesis and conflict of cultures.
The heroes of this book are the three kings of Rzeczpospolita in the second half of the XVII – the first half of the XVIII centuries – Jan Sobieski, Augustus the Strong and Stanislas Leszczynski. Transitional, controversial, turbulent and dynamic time, which coincided with the decline of Poland, largely determined the policy, mentality and daily life of these outstanding Polish rulers. Their value system and political steps were determined both by the overall development of the continent, and the characteristics and position in Europe of the state they headed.
Сompetition among the European states within the Westphalian system in early Modern time left for the Rzeczpospolita little chance to become a great power. A successful state had to adapt to the political, economic, and social changes of the epoch. Only those rulers who succeeded in integrating their elites could compete. This integration was achieved through the court (the Versailles project), or through the representative assembly (English Parliament), or through the service