23 «Insight: Syrian Government Guerrilla Fighters Being Sent to Iran for Training» Reuters, April 4, 2013, www.reuters. com/article/2013/04/04/us-syria-iran-training-insight-idUS-BRE9330DW20130404.
24 Famaz Fassihi, Jay Solomon, and Sam Dagher, «Iranians Dial Up Presence in Syria» Wall Street Journal, September 16,2013, www.wsj.com/arti-cles/SB10001424127887323864604579067382861808984.
25 Там же.
26 Michael Weiss, «Rise of the Militias» NOW Lebanon, May 21, 2013, now.mmedia.me/lb/en/commentaryanalysis/rise-of-the-militias.
27 «No One’s Left» Human Rights Watch, September 13,2013, www. hrw.org/reports/2013/09/13/no-one-s-left-O.
28 Filkins, 2013.
29 Farnaz Fassihi and Jay Solomon, «Top Iranian Official Acknowledges Syria Role» Wall Street Journal, September 16, 2012, online.wsj.com/news/arti-cles/SB10000872396390443720204578000482831419570.
30 Will Fulton, Joseph Holliday, and Sam Wyer, Iranian Strategy in Syria, AEI’s Critical Threats Project & Institute for the Study of War, May 2013, www.understandingwar.org/sites/default/files/Ira-nianStrategyinSyria-lMAY.pdf.
31 Там же.
32 Karim Sadjadpour, «Iran: Syria’s Lone Regional Ally» Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, June 9, 2014, carnegieen-dowment.org/2014/06/09/syria-s-lone-regional-ally-iran.
33 «Administration Takes Additional Steps to Hold the Government of Syria Accountable for Violent Repression Against the Syrian People» US Department of the Treasury, May 18, 2011, www. treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/tgll81.aspx.
34 Michael R. Gordon, «US Presses Iraq on Iranian Planes Thought to Carry Arms to Syria» New York Times, September 5, 2012, www. nytimes.com/2012/09/06/world/middleeast/us-presses-iraq-on-iranian-planes-thought-to-carry-arms-to-syria.html.
35 Там же.
36 Arash Karami, «Iran News Site Profiles Head of Iraq’s Badr Organization» Al-Monitor, November 13, 2014, www.al-monitor. com/pulse/originals/2014/ll/iran-news-site-profiles-badr-org.html.
37 William Booth, «Israeli Study of Foreign Fighters in Syria Suggests Shiites May Outnumber Sunnis» Washington Post, January 2, 2014, www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/world-views/wp/2014/01/02/israeli-study-of-foreign-fighters-in-syria-suggests-shiites-may-outnumber-sunnis.
38 Phillip Smyth, «From Karbala to Sayyida Zaynab: Iraqi Fighters in Syria’s Shi’a Militias» Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, August 27, 2013, www.ctc.usma.edu/posts/from-karbala-to-sayyida-zaynab-iraqi-fighters-in-syrias-shia-militias.
39 Suadad al-Salhy, «Iraqi Shi’ite Militants Fight for Syria’s Assad» Reuters, October 16, 2012, www.reuters.com/arti-cle / 2012/10/16 / us-syria-crisis-iraq-militias-idUS-BRE89F0PX20121016.
40 Phillip Smyth, «Breaking Badr, The New Season: Confirmation of the Badr Organization’s Involvement in Syria» Jihadology blog, August 12, 2013, jihadology.net/2013/08/12/hizballah-caval-cade-breaking-badr-the-new-season-confirmation-of-the-badr-organizations-involvement-in-syria.
41 Farnaz Fassihi, «Iran Pays Afghans to Fight for Assad» Wall Street Journal, May 22, 2014, www.wsj.com/arti-cles/SB10001424052702304908304579564161508613846.
42 Nick Paton Walsh, «’Afghan’ in Syria: Iranians Pay Us to Fight for Assad» CNN, October 31, 2014, www.cnn. com/2014/10/31/world/meast/syria-afghan-fighter.
43 Martin Chulov, «Syrian Town of Qusair Falls to Hezbollah in Breakthrough for Assad» The Guardian, June 5, 2013, www.the-guardian.com/world/2013/jun/05/syria-army-seizes-qusair.
44 Mona Alami, «Hezbollah Fighter Details Opsin Qusayr» NOW Lebanon, June 4,2013, now.mmedia.me/lb/en/interviews/hezbol-lahfighter-details-ops-in-qusayr.
45 Martin Chulov and Mona Mahmood, «Syrian Sunnies Fear Assad Regime Wants to ‘Ethnically Cleanse’ Alawite Heartland» The Guardian, July 22, 2013, www.theguardian. com/world/2013/jul/22/syria-sunnis-fear-alawite-ethnic-cleansing.
46 Andrew Gilligan, «Assad: Challenge Syria at Your Peril» The Telegraph, October 29, 2011, www.telegraph.co.uk/news/world-news /middleeast /syria /885 7898 / Assad-challenge-Syria-at-your-peril.html.
47 Wyatt Andrews, «Clinton: Arming Syrian Rebels Could Help al Qaeda» CBS News, February 27, 2012, www.cbsnews. com/news/clinton-arming-syrian-rebels-could-help-al-qaeda.
48 Glenn Kessler, «Are Syrian Opposition Fighters, ‘Former Farmers or Teachers or Pharmacists’?» Washington Post, June 26, 2014, www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/wp/2014/06/26/are-syrian-opposition-fighters-for-mer-farmers-or-teachers-or-pharmacists.
49 Frederic Hof, «Saving Syria is No ‘Fantasy,’» Politico, August 11, 2014, www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/08/mr-presi-dent-saving-syria-is-no-fantasy-109923.html.
50 «Assad Orders New Syrian Amnesty» MJazeera, June 21,2011, www. aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2011/06/2011621944198405. html.
51 Mohammed Habash, «Radicals Are Assad’s Best Friends» The National, January 1,2014, www.thenational.ae/thenationalcon-versation/comment/radicals-are-assads-best-friends.
52 Joshua Landis, «Syria’s Top Five Insurgent Leaders» Syria Comment blog, October 1, 2013, www.joshualandis.com/blog/big-gest-powerful-militia-leaders-syria.
53 Ahmad al-Bahri, «ISIS Restructures Raqqa Under its New Ruling System» Syria Deeply, November 17,2014, www.syriadeeply.org/arti-cles/2014/11/6388/isis-restructures-raqqa-ruling-system.
54 «Designations of Foreign Terrorist Fighters» US Department of State, September 24,2014, www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2014/ 09/232067.htm.
55 Phil Sands, Justin Vela, and Suha Maayeh, «Assad Regime Set Free Extremists from Prison to Fire Up Trouble during Peaceful Uprising» The National, January 21, 2014, www.thenational. ae/world/syria/assad-regime-set-free-extremists-from-prison-to-fire-up-trouble-during-peaceful-uprising.
56 Там же.
57 Ruth Sherlock, «Exclusive Interview: Why I Defected from Bashar al-Assad’s Regime, by Former Diplomat Nawaf Fares» The Telegraph, July 14,2012, www.telegraph.co.uk/news/world-news /middleeast /syria /9400537/Exclusive-interview-why-I-defected-from-Bashar-al-Assads-regime-by-former-diplomat-Nawaf-Fares.html.
58 Rania Abouzeid, «The Jihad Next Door» Politico, June 23, 2014. www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/06/al-qaeda-iraq-syria-108214.html.
59 Там же.
60 Sands et al., 2014.
61 Abouzeid, 2014.
62 Там же.
63 «Extremism Hits Home Stopping the Spread of Terrorism» Per Concordian, Vol. 5, No. 3,2014, www.marshallcenter.org/mcpub-licweb/MCDocs/files/College/F_Publications/perConcor-diam/pC_V5N3_en.pdf.
64 Интервью, взятое одним из авторов, ноябрь 2014 г.
65 «Full Interview with Abu Mohammad al-Jolani» Internet Archive, posted by Abe Khabbaab (jjr'-fcfarchive. org/details/golan2.
66 Sheikh Ayman Al-Zawahiri, «Move Forward, О Lions of Sham» The Global Islamic Media Front, 2012, azelin.files.wordpress. com/2012/02/dr-ayman-al-elba93awc481hirc4ab-22onward-oh-lions-of-syria22-en.pdf.
67 Sheikh Ayman Al-Zawahiri, «Move Forward, О Lions of Sham» The Global Islamic Media Front, April 26, 2012, worldanalysis. net/modules/news/article.php?storyid=2125.
Глава 101 Samantha Power, A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide (New York: HarperCollins, 2007), 244.
2 «Abu Speech: Jihadist Kurds of Halabja Attack Lead „Islamic State“
Kobani», Al-Quds Al-Arabi, October 10, 2014, www. alquds.co.uk/? p=233274.
3 «Kuwaiti Charity Designated for Bankrolling al Qaida Network» US Department of the Treasury, June 13, 2008, www.treasury. gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/hpl023.aspx.
4 Salem al-Haj, «Issue: Islamic Tide in Iraq’s Kurdistan File Historical Reading» Al Hiwar, February 7,2014, alhiwarmagazine.blogspot. ae/2014/02/blog-post_5030.html.
5 Jordi Tejel, Syria’s Kurds: History, Politics, and Society (New York: Routledge, 2009), 90,102.
6 «Abu Muslim al-Turkmani: From Iraqi Officer to Slain ISIS Deputy» Al Arabiya News, December 19, 2014, english.alarabiya. net / en /perspective / profiles /2014 /12 /19 / Abu-Muslim-al-Turkmani-From-Iraqi-officer-to-slain-ISIS-deputy.html.
7 Radwan Mortada, «Al-Qaeda Leaks II: Baghdadi Loses His Shadow» Al-Akhbar, January 14, 2014, english.al-akhbar. com/node/18219.
8 Suhaib Anjarini, «The War in Syria: ISIS’s most Succesful Investment Yet» Al-Akhbar, June 11, 2014, english.al-akhbar. com/node/20133.
9 Mortada, 2014.
10 Интервью, взятое одним из авторов, ноябрь 2014 г.
11 Anjarini, 2014.
12 Mitchell Prother, «ISIS’s Victories May Win It Recruits from Rival Syrian Rebel Groups» McClatchy DC, June 23, 2014, www. mcclatchydc.com/2014/06/23/231236_isiss-victories-may-win-it-recruits.html.
13 «Syria Rebel Factions, Including al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front, Reject Authority of US-Backed Opposition SNC» CBS News, September 25,2013, www.cbsnews.com/news/syria-rebel-factions-including-al-qaeda-linked-nusra-front-reject-authority-of-us-backed-opposition-snc.
14 «Charter of the Syrian Islamic Front» Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, January 21, 2013, carnegieendowment. org/syriaincrisis /?fa=50831.
15 Joanna Paraszczuk, «Syria: Truce Between ISIS’s Abu Umar al-Shishani & Ahrar ash-Sham on Eastern Front in Aleppo Province, EA Worldview, January 8, 2014, eaworldview. com/2014/01/syria-claimed-truce-abu-umar-al-shishani-ahrar-ash-sham-eastern-front.
16 „1,000-strong Syrian Rebel Brigade Defects to Islamic State“ RT, July 11, 2014, rt.com/news/171952-thousand-strong-defect-islamic-state.
17 Yusra Ahmed, „Nusra Front Suffers Defections to Join Rival ISIS“ Zaman Al Wasl, October 24, 2014, www.zamanalwsl. net/en/news/7205.html.
18 Ahmed Abazid, „The Muslim Brotherhood and the Confused Position“ Zaman Al Wasl, March 28, 2014, www.zamanalwsl. net/news/48054.html.
19 Liz Sly, „The Islamic State is Failing at Being a State“ Washington Post, December 25, 2014, www.washingtonpost. com/world/middle_east/the-islamic-state-is-failing-at-being-a-state/2014/12/24/bfbf8962-8092-lle4-b936-f3afab0155a7_ story.html.
20 Ruth Sherlock, „Bodyguard of Syrian Rebel Who Defected to Isil Reveals Secrets of the Jihadist Leadership“ The Telegraph, November 10, 2014, www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/islamic-state /11221995 / Bodyguard-of-Syrian-rebel-who-defected-to-Isil-reveals-secrets-of-the-jihadist-leadership.html.
21 Anjarini, 2014.
22 Shiraz Maher, „From Portsmouth to Kobane: The British Jihadis Fighting for Isis“ NewStatesman, November 6, 2014, www. newstatesman.com/2014/10/portsmouth-kobane.
23 „CIA Says IS Numbers Underestimated“ Al Jazeera, September 12, 2014, www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2014/09/cia-triples-number-islamic-state-fighters-201491232912623733. html.
24 Интервью, взятое одним из авторов, ноябрь 2014 г.
25 Интервью с сирийскими активистами и повстанцами, 2013–2014 гг.
26 Kyle Orton, „What to do About Syria: Sectarianism and the Minorities“ The Syrian Intifada blog, December 24,2014, kyleor-tonl991.wordpress.com/2014/12/24/what-to-do-about-syria-sectarianism-and-the-minorities.
27 „Kawalis al-Thawra Program, 7th episode with Mousa al-Ghannami“, YouTube video, 36:13, posted by December 20, 2014, www.youtube.com/watch? v=sYtJOXNMoKI.
Глава 111 „Head to Head — Will ISIL Put an End to Iraq?“ YouTube video, 47:27, posted by Al Jazeera English, November 21,2014, http:// youtu.be/XkJ19UbG21o.
2 Nico Prucha, „Is This the Most Successful Release of a Jihadist Video Ever?“ Jihadica blog, May 19,2014, www.jihadica.com/is-this-the-most-successful-release-of-a-jihadist-video-ever. Video can be found at ihadology.net/2014/05/17/al-furqan-media-presents-a-new-video-message-from-the-islamic-state-of-iraq-and-al-sham-clanging-of-the-swords-part-4.
3 J. M. Berger, „How ISIS Games Twitter“ The Atlantic, June 16,2014, www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/06/isis-iraq-twitter-social-media-strategy/372856.
4 „The Failed Crusade“ Dabiq, Issue 4, October 2014, media.clar-ionproject.org/files/islamic-state/islamic-state-isis-magazine-Issue-4-the-failed-crusade.pdf.
5 Hashim, 2014.
6 „Mufti ‘Daash’ Legitimate: Hedma Shrines of Mosul, on the Basis of the ‘Modern Prophetic,“’ Al-Ghad, November 17, 2014, www. alghad.com/articles/836900.
7 Think AgainHim Away, Twitter post, January 15,2015,11:04a.m., twitter.eom/ThinkAgain_DOS/status/555802610083852289.
8 Dan Lamothe, „US Military Social Media Accounts Apparently Hacked by Islamic State Sympathizers“ Washington Post, January 12, 2015, www.washingtonpost.com/news/check-point/wp/2015/01/12/centcom-twitter-account-apparently-hacked-by-islamic-state-sympathizer.
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