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Питающая отвращение к общественному достоянию и регулированию. . Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron, The Internet Revolution: From Dot-com Capitalism to Cybernetic Communism, Institute of Network Cultures: Amsterdam, 2015.
Размышляя о сталинской тирании, Милан Кундера. . Цитируется в John Forrester, Truth Games: Lies, Money and Psychoanalysis, Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA, 1997, p. 81.
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Глава шестая Многие слышали, как в момент предполагаемого триумфа. . ‘Finsbury Park: Man “wanted to kill Muslims in van attack”’, BBC News, 22 January 2018; Lizzie Dearden, ‘Finsbury Park attack trial: Darren Osborne was “smiling” after running over Muslims with van, court hears’, Independent, 24 January 2018; Vikram Dodd, ‘How London mosque attacker became a terrorist in three weeks’, Guardian, 1 February 2018; Lizzie Dearden, ‘Darren Osborne: How Finsbury Park terror attacker became “obsessed” with Muslims in less than a month’, Independent, 2 February 2018; Nico Hines, ‘Neighbor of Terror Suspect Darren Osborne: “He’s Always Been a Complete C**t”’, Daily Beast, 19 June 2017.
Он вообще мало разбирался в политике. . ‘London Muslim attack suspect Darren Osborne: Pub fights and anti-Muslim rants’, Agence France-Presse, 20 June 2017.
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В киберпространстве, великой «консенсуальной галлюцинации». . William Gibson, Neuromancer, Berkley Publishing Group: New York, 1989, p. 128.
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И это несмотря на его устаревший интерфейс. . Tara McKelvey, ‘Father and Son Team on Hate Site’, USA Today, 16 July 2001; David Schwab Abel, ‘The Racist Next Door’, New York Times, 19 April 1998; ‘World’s oldest neo-Nazi website Stormfront shut down’, Associated Press, 29 August 2017; Eric Saslow, ‘The White Flight of Derek Black’, Washington Post, 15 October 2016.
Журналист Пол Льюис и ученая Зейнеп Тюфекчи. . Paul Lewis, ‘“Fiction is outperforming reality”: how YouTube’s algorithm distorts truth’, Guardian, 2 February 2018; Zeynep Tufekci, ‘YouTube, the Great Radicalizer’, New York Times, 10 March 2018.
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