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10.    Google, формы S-1 и 10-K.

11.    На наш взгляд, лучший источник для формирования видения компании — главной цели, главных ценностей и будущего — книга Джима Коллинза и Джерри Порраса Building Your Company’s Vision. Harvard Business Review, September 1996, 65-77.

12.    John Mullins. Silverglide Surgical Technologies (A). Case no. CS04-004 (London: London Business School, 2005), 4.

13.    Ibid., 5.

18.    Shanda Entertainment 2004 Annual Report, p. 5. http://www.snda.com/en/in-vestor/ download/SNDA%20AR%20Narrative%202004.pdf.

19.    Emma Brockes. China Fact: If I Was a Lowly Official. They Would Be Proud. Guardian, November 8, 2004.

20.    Paul Hyman MMOG Publishers Conjure Up New Business Models. Hollywood Reporter, December 14, 2005. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/search/ article_display.jsp? vnu_content_id=1001698964.

21.    Brian Bremner. China Gaming: Shanda’s Back in the Action. Business Week, February 14, 2006.

22.    Mure Dickie. Shanda Losses Reveal Extent of Its Challenge. Financial Times, March I,2006.http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/76390336-a8c9-llda-aeeb-000779e2340.html?nclick_check=l.

23.    Ibid.

24.    Hyman. MMOG Publishers Conjure Up New Business Models.

25.    Ibid.

26.    Online Firm Eyes Tie-in Products. Shanghai Daily, July 2, 2004, взято из Fac-tiva.com.

27.    Dickie. Shanda Losses Reveal Extent of Its Challenge.

28.    Eremner. China Gaming: Shanda’s Back in the Action.

29.    Dickie. Shanda Losses Reveal Extent of Its Challenge.

30.    Bremner. China Gaming: Shanda’s Back in the Action.

31.    Internet Game Giant Gets Bounce in Earnings. Shanghai Daily, February 14, 2007, взято c Factiva.com.

32.    Shanda, пресс-релиз. http://ir.snda.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=178252&:rp=irol-newsArticle &ID= 1112093&highlight=.

33.    Пресс-релиз Shanda, объявляющий о запуске Shanda Literature, http:// www.snda.com/ en/news/news.jsp?id=555.

34.    Джон Доэр, личная беседа с Рэнди Комисаром, ноябрь 2008 года.

Глава 4

1.    Adam Cohen. The Perfect Store: Inside eBay (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co

2002), 20.

2.    Ibid., 24.

3.    Ibid., 25.

4.    Adam Cohen. eBays Bid to Conquer All. Time. January 28, 2001. http://www. time, com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,97068,00.html

5.    Cohen. The Perfect Store, 44.

6.    Ibid., 144.

7.    Ibid., 278.

8.    Ibid., 246.

9.    eBay. Форма 10-К, 2 февраля 2007 года, http://investor.ebay.com/annuals.cfm.

10.    Russ Banham. Sitting on the Dock of eBay. CFO, December 22, 2000. http:// www.cfo. com/article.cfrn/3002060/c_3046573?f=magazine_coverstory.

11.    Jeffrey K. Liker. The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004), 17.

12.    Ibid., 15.

13.    Ibid., 25.

14.    Alex Taylor III. Why Toyota Keeps. Getting Better and Better. And Better. Fortune, November 19, 1990. http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_ archive/1990/11/19/ 74363/index.htm.

15.    Ibid.

16.    Комментарии Economist относительно того, что японским автопроизводителям основную прибыль приносит экспорт. 15 июля 1984 года.

17.    Процитировано в статье Джеймса Хили Toyota Wheels Lexus into Upscale Market. USA Today, December 8,1988.

18.    Ibid.

19.    Liker, The Toyota Way, 4.

20.    Taylor III. Why Toyota Keeps Getting Better and Better. And Better.

21.    Взято из: http://quicktake.momingstar.com/StockNet/IncomelO.aspxTCoun-try=USA&Symbol=TM&stocktab-fmance; http://www.corporatemformation.com/ corpinfo2.asp? cusip=C39290080; and http://financeyahoo.com/q/coTs=TM on May 2, 2007.

22.    Norihiko Shirouzu and John Murphy. A Scion Drives Toyota Back to Basics. Wall Street Journal February 24, 2009.

23.    Amanda Griscom Litde. Don’t Get Mad, Get Chouinard. Crist. October 22,2004. http://www.grist.org/cgi-bin/printthis. pl?uri=/news/mamdish/2004/10/22/ little-choui nard/index.html, accessed July 2007.

24.    Susan Casey. Patagonia: Blueprint for Green Business. Fortune, May 29, 2007. http://money. cnn.com/magazmes/fortune/fortuneMarchive/2007/04/02/84034 23/mdex.htm.

25.    Ibid.

26.    Yvon Chouinard. Let My People Go Surfing. Outside Magazine, October 2005. http://outside.away com/outside/features/200510/Chouinard-chouinard-l.html.

27.    Little. Don’t Get Mad, Get Chouinard.

28.    Chouinard. Let My People Go Surfing.

29.    Little. Don’t Get Mad, Get Chouinard, 1.

30.    Casey. Patagonia: Blueprint for Green Business.

31.    Chouinard. Let My People Go Surfing.

32.    Casey. Patagonia: Blueprint for Green Business.

33.    Ibid.

34.    Chouinard. Let My People Go Surfing.

35.    Susan Ives. A Conversation with Ivon Chouinard. Trust for Public Land, September 2007. http://www.tpl.org/tier3_cd.cfm?content_item_id=5307iSrfolder_ id=1545.

36.    Casey. Patagonia: Blueprint for Green Business.

37.    Susan Lisovicz, Gayla Hope. Yvon Chouinard Profile. CNNfn Business Unusual, July 25, 2001, взято c Factiva.com.

38.    Casey. Patagonia: Blueprint for Green Business.

39.    Alexandra Alter. Young Entrepreneurs Create Virtual Summer Jobs. Wall Street Journal, European Edition. May 21, 2008.

40.    Ibid.

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Глава 5

1.    Quentin Fottrell. The Rise and Rise of Ryanair. Sunday Business Posty June 6,

2004. http://archives.tcm.ie/businesspost/2004/06/06/story57027153.asp.

2.    Daniel McGinn. Is This Any Way to Run an Airline? Newsweek, September 28, 2004. www.rasnbc.msn.eom/id/6098255/print/l/displaymode/1098/.

3.    Dan Milmo and Ian Griffiths. Keep It Simple — and Don’t Mention the Add-Ons. Guardian, October 6, 2006. http://www.guardian.co.uk/airlines/ story/0,1888934,00.html.

4.    Kerry Capell. Ryanair Rising. BusinessWeek, June 2, 2003. http://www.busi-nessweek. com/magazine/content/03_22/b3835074_mz014.htm.

5.    Ryanair Model Validated. Aviation Week and Space Technology, July 10, 2000.

6.    Ryanair Chooses 737-800. Citing Lower Costs, Attractive Prices. Aviation Daily; January 25, 2002.

7.    Capell. Ryanair Rising.

8.    Yves Clarisse. EU Ruling on Ryanair Could Hurt Low-Cost Airlines. Reuters Newsy September 19,2003, взято c Factiva.com.

9.    Ibid.

10.    Ryanair Model Validated.

11.    Kerry Capell. Wal-Mart with Wings. Business Week, November 6,2006. http:// www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/06_48/b4011064.htmTcampaign_ id=rss_magzn.

12.    Capell. Ryanair Rising.

13.    Milmo and Griffidss. Keep It Simple.

14.    Matthew Maier. A Radical Fix for Airlines. CNN Money, March 31, 2006.

15.    Ryanair Annual Report & Financial Statements, 2006, взято c http://www.rya-nair.com/site/about/invest/docs/2006/060901annualreport.pdf.

16.    Capell. Wal-Mart with Wings.

17.    Ryanair Mulls Charge for Toilets. BBC News Web sitey hupy/news.bbc.co.uk/1/ hi/ business/7914542.stm, accessed February 27, 2009.

18.    Quentin Fottrell. Ryanair net drops 10%. Wall Street Journal, European Edition, June 4, 2008.

19.    Показатели производительности за 2007 год взяты из http://www.market-watdi.com/tooLs/quotes/ fmancials.asp.

20.    Kevin Done. Runway Success. Financial Times Boldness in Business, March 20, 2009 18-21.

21.    Capell. Ryanair Rising.

22.    Maier. A Radical Fix for Airlines.


23.    Roger Baird. Ryanair to Rough 10% of Fleet in Cost-Cut Drive. City AM., June 4,2008, 5.

24.    Anusha Bradley. Five Airlines Will Survive Oil Price Spike — Michael O’Leary.

City A.M., June 4, 2008, 1.

25.    http://www.oberoihotels.com/Oberoi_Awards.aspx.

26.    Взято из http://www.zoomsystems.com/pages/la_history.html.

27.    Вагу Alyssa Johnson. Zoom Systems Offers iPod Vending Machines. PC Magazine, October 25, 2005. http://www.pcmag.eom/prinLarticle2/0,1217,a =163423,OO.asp.

33.    Motorola Looks to «Reinvent» Mobile Retail Experience with On-Demand Solution. Wireless News, September 24, 2006, взято из Factiva.com.

34.    Dan Waldman. Sony Accesses a New Retail Channel. KidScreen, August 1,

2006,    взято из Factiva.com.

35.    Zoom Systems Expands at Major Airports.

36.    Electronics and Appliance Stores: Profitability, Operating, Balance Sheet, and Financial Ratios National Averages for all U.S. Corporations. Взято из http:// www.bizstats.com/ corporate-statistics.htm.

37.    Ibid.

38.    Johnson. Zoom Systems Offers iPod Vending Machines.

39.    Kristi Arellano. Chips, a Soda and an iPod?

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