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Читем онлайн Достоевский и динамика религиозного опыта - Малкольм Джонс






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Cunningham D. S. Teh Brothers Karamazov as trinitarian theology / Ed. by Pattison G. and Tohmpson D. O. // Dostoevsky and the Christian Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. P. 134–155.

Dostoevsky 1992 — Dostoevsky F. The Brothers Karamazov / Pevear, Richard and Volokhonsky, Larissa (trans.). New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992.

Egeberg 1997 — Egeberg E. How should we then read Teh Idiot? / Ed. by K. A. Grimstad and I. Lunde // Celebrating Creativity, Essays in Honour of Jostein Børtnes. Bergen: University of Bergen, 1997. P. 163–169.

Eikeland 1997 — Eikeland K. Functions of hagiographic discourse in the Life of Father Zosima / Ed. by K. A. Grimstad and I. Lunde // Celebrating Creativity, Essays in Honour of Jostein Børtnes. Bergen: University of Bergen Press, 1997. P. 151–162.

Emerson 2004 — Emerson C. Zosima’s «Mysterious Visitor»: Again Bakhtin on Dostoevsky, and Dostoevsky on Heaven and Hell / Ed. by R. L. Jackson // A New Word on ‘Teh Brothers Karamazov’. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2004. P. 155–179.

Epstein 1999a — Epstein M. Minimal Religion (1982) / Ed. by Epstein M. N., Genis A. A. and Vladiv-Glover S. M. // Russian Postmodernism: New Perspectives on Post-Soviet Culture. New York: Berghahn Books, 1999. P. 163–171.

Epstein 1999b — Epstein M. Post-atheism: From Apophatic Teh ology to «Minimal Religion» / Ed. by Epstein M. N., Genis A. A. and Vladiv-Glover S. M. // Russian Postmodernism: New Perspectives on Post-Soviet Culture. New York: Berghahn Books, 1999. P. 345–393.

Esaulov 1997 — Esaulov I. Sobornost’ in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature / Ed. by Børtnes J. and Lunde I. // Cultural Discontinuity and Reconstruction; the Byzanto-Slav Heritage and the Creation of a Russian National Literature in the Nineteenth Century. Oslo: Solum Forlag, 1997. P. 29–45.

Esaulov 2001 — Esaulov I. Teh categories of Law and Grace in Dostoevsky’s poetics / Ed. by Pattison G. and Tohmpson D. O. // Dostoevsky and the Christian Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. P. 116–133.

Fedorov 1990 — Fedorov N. What was Man created for? Teh Philosophy of the Common Task, Kutaissof,f Elisabeth and Minto, Marilyn (Selected works trans. and abridged). Honeyglen Publishing, 1990.

Figes 2002 — Figes O. Natasha’s Dance, A Cultural History of Russia. London: Teh Penguin Press, 2002.

Frank 1976 — Frank J. Dostoevsky, Teh Seeds of Revolt, 1821–1849. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976.

Frank 1983 — Frank J. Dostoevsky, Teh Years of Ordeal, 1850–1859. London: Robson Books, 1983.

Frank 1987a — Frank J. Dostoevsky, Teh Stir of Liberation. London: Robson Books, 1987.

Frank 1987b — Frank J. Dostoevsky, Teh Miraculous Years, 1865–1871. London: Robson Books, 1987.

Futrell 1981 — Futrell M. Buddhism and Teh Brothers Karamazov // Dostoevsky Studies. № 2. 1981. P. 155–162.

Gaustad 1997 — Gaustad R. Rebuilding Gothic on Russian Soil: the Roles of Religion and Intertwining of Minds in Dostoevskii’s Teh Landlady / Ed. by Grimstad K. A. and Lunde I. // Celebrating Creativity, Essays in Honour of Jostein Børtnes. Bergen: University of Bergen Press, 1997. P. 205–215.

Gerigk 2002 — Gerigk H.-J. Dostoevskij und Heidegger: eschatologischer Dichter und eschatologischer Denker / Ed. by Stepanian K. XXI vek glazami Dostoevskogo: perspektivy chelovechestva. Moscow: ID Graal, 2002. P. 81–98.

Gibson 1973 — Gibson A. B. Teh Religion of Dostoevsky. London: SCM Press, 1973.

Golubov 1976 — Golubov A. Religious Imagery in the Structure of Teh Brothers Karamazov / Ed. by Freeborn R., Milner-Gulland R. and Ward C. A. // Russian and Slavic Literature: 1700–1917. Slavica: Bloomington, 1976. P. 113–136.

Goodchild 2002 — Goodchild P. Capitalism and Religion, the Price of Piety. London: Routledge, 2002.

Gorodetzky 1951 — Gorodetzky N. Saint Tikhon Zadonsky: Inspirer of Dostoevsky. London: SPCK, 1951.

Gourg 2002 — Gourg M. Le discours d’Ordynov: quelques remarques sur la poétique de La Logeuse / Ed. by Albert M.-Au // Diagonales dostoïevskiennes, mélanges en l’honneur de Jacques Catteau. Paris: Presses de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 2002. P. 113–120.

Guardini 1933 — Guardini R. Der Mensch und der Glaube: Versuche über die religiose Existenz in Dostojewskijs grossen Romanen. Leipzig: Hegner, 1933.

Guardini 1963 — Guardini R. L’Univers religieux de Dostoïevski / Engelmann, Henri and Givord, Robert (trans). Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1963.

Hackel 1983 — Hackel S. Teh Religious Dimension: Vision or Evasion? Zosima’s discourse in Teh Brothers Karamazov / Ed. by Jones M. V. and Terry G. M. // New Essays on Dostoyevsky. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. P. 139–168.

Hamilton 1968 — Hamilton W. Banished from the land of unity: Dostoevsky’s religious vision through the eyes of Dmitry, Ivan and Alyosha Karamazov / Ed. by Altizer T. J. J. and Hamilton W. // Radical theology and the Death of God. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968. P. 65–94.

Heller 1961 — Heller E. Teh Disinherited Mind. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961.

Hollander 1974 — Hollander R. Teh apocalyptic framework of Dostoevsky’s Teh Idiot // Mosaic. № 7. 1974. P. 123–139.

Hudspith 2004 — Hudspith S. Dostoevsky and the Idea of Russianness, A New Perspective on Unity and Brotherhood. London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2004.

Jackson 1966 — Jackson R. L. Dostoevsky’s Quest for Form, A Study of his Philosophy of Art. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966.

Jackson 1993 — Jackson R. L. Dialogues with Dostoevsky. Teh Overwhelming Questions. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1993.

Jackson 2004a — Jackson R. L. A New Word on ‘Teh Brothers Karamazov’. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2004.

Jackson 2004b — Jackson R. L. Alyosha’s Speech at the Stone: «Teh Whole Picture» / Ed. by Jackson R. L. // A New Word on ‘The Brothers Karamazov’. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2004. P. 234–253.

James 1960 — James W. Teh Varieties of Religious Experience, a Study in Human Nature. London: Fontana, 1960.

Johae 1981 — Johae A. Idealism and the dialectic in Teh Brothers Karamazov / Ed. by Leon Burnett // F. M. Dostoevsky 1821–1881: A Centenary Collection. Oxford: Holdan Books, 1981. P. 109–117.

Johae 1992–1993 — Johae A. Dostoevsky’s Walls and Holbein’s Paintings // Germano-Slavica, 1992–1993. P. 102–105.

Johae 2001 — Johae A. Towards an iconography of Crime and Punishment / Ed. by Pattison G. and Tohmpson D. O. // Dostoevsky and the Christian Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. P. 173–188.

Johnson 2004 — Johnson L. D. Struggle for Teh osis: Smerdyakov as Would-Be Saint / Ed. by R. L. Jackson // A New Word on ‘Teh Brothers Karamazov’. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2004. P. 74–89.

Jones 1985 — Jones J. Dostoevsky. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.

Jones 1990 — Jones M. V. Dostoevsky afet r Bakhtin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Jones 1994 — Jones M. V. Dostoevsky, Zasetskaya and Radstockism // Oxford Slavonic Papers. N. S. № 27. 1994. P. 106–120.

Jones 1995 — Jones M. V. Teh Eternal Husband: discourse with a Noose // Essays in Poetics. Autumn. № 20. 1995. P. 46–59.

Jones 1997a — Jones M. V. Teh Death and Resurrection of Orthodoxy in the Works

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