19 Memorandum of Understanding between VIRGO on One Side and the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) on the Other Side. Mar. 20, 2014. https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-M060038/public
20 J. Chu. LIGO and Virgo Make First Detection of Gravitational Waves Produced by Colliding Neutron Stars. MIT News Office, Oct. 16, 2017. https://news.mit.edu/2017/ligo-virgo-first-detection-gravitational-waves-colliding-neutron-stars-1016
21 B. P. Abbott et al. GW170817.
22 R. C. Essick. LIGO / Virgo G298048: Fermi GBM Trigger 524666471 / 170817529: LIGO / Virgo Identification of a Possible Gravitational-Wave Counterpart. GCN Circular, Aug. 17, 2017. https://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/other/G298048.gcn3
23 First Ever Optical Photons from a Gravitational Wave Source. GW170817 / SSS17a, UCSC News. https://ziggy.ucolick.org/sss17a
24 Team. GRAWITA, Gravitational Waves at INAF. www.grawita.inaf.it/team-2
25 C. Day. Bursts from the Cold War. Physics Today, Aug. 6, 2013. https://physicstoday.scitation.org/do/10.1063/PT.5.010233/full/
26 J. Chu. LIGO and Virgo Make First Detection.
Глава 2. Открытие нейтронных звезд… и маленькие зеленые человечки?
1 J. Bell Burnell. Pliers, Pulsars, and Extreme Physics. Astronomy & Geophysics. 45, no. 1 (Feb. 1, 2004): 1.7–1.11.
2 S. Devons. Rutherford’s Laboratory. Department of Physics, The Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge. www.phy.cam.ac.uk/history/years/rutherford
3 1963: Maarten Schmidt Discovers Quasars. Carnegie Institution for Science. https://cosmology.carnegiescience.edu/timeline/1963.html
4 A. G. Levine. Holmdel Horn Antenna. The Large Horn Antenna and the Discovery of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. APSPhysics (2009). www.aps.org/programs/honors/history/historicsites/penziaswilson.cfm
5 L. Badash. Ernest Rutherford, British Physicist. Encyclopedia Britannica, Aug. 26, 2019.
6 James Chadwick. Biographical. The Nobel Prize, Dec. 9, 2019. www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1935/chadwick/biographical/
7 A. S. Burrows. Baade and Zwicky: ‘Super-novae’, Neutron Stars, and Cosmic Rays. PNAS. 112, no. 5 (Feb. 3, 2015): 1241–1242.
8 W. Clavin. Zwicky Transient Facility Opens Its Eyes to the Volatile Cosmos. California Institute of Technology, Nov. 14, 2017. www.caltech.edu/about/news/zwicky-transient-facility-opens-its-eyesvolatile-cosmos-80369
9 A. S. Burrows. Baade and Zwicky.
10 J. R. Oppenheimer, G. M. Volkoff. On Massive Neutron Cores. Physical Review. 55, no. 4 (1939): 374–381.
11 V. Trimble. Oppenheimer, J. Robert. The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, 2007. https://doi.org/10.1007/978‑0‑387‑30400‑7_1037
12 J. Sarkissian. Parkes and 3C273: The Identification of the First Quasar. CSIRO. www.parkes.atnf.csiro.au/people/sar049/3C273/
13 1963: Maarten Schmidt Discovers Quasars.
14 J. L. Linsky et al. The Origin of Radio Scintillation in the Local Interstellar Medium. Astrophysical Journal. 675, no. 1 (2008).
(window.adrunTag = window.adrunTag || []).push({v: 1, el: 'adrun-4-390', c: 4, b: 390})
15 J. Bell Burnell. Pliers, Pulsars, and Extreme Physics.
16 M. Longair. A Brief History of Radio Astronomy in Cambridge. Cavendish Astrophysics, University of Cambridge, 2016. www.astro.phy.cam.ac.uk/about/history
17 J. Bell Burnell. Pliers, Pulsars, and Extreme Physics.
18 Там же.
19 K. Kellermann, B. Sheets. Serendipitous Discoveries in Radio Astronomy. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory GreenBank, West Virginia (May 4–6, 1983): 160–170. https://library.nrao.edu/public/collection/02000000000280.pdf
20 Там же.
21 J. Bell Burnell. Pliers, Pulsars, and Extreme Physics.
22 K. Kellermann, B. Sheets. Serendipitous Discoveries.
23 Там же.
24 Там же.
25 A. Hewish et al. Observation of a Rapidly Pulsating Radio Source. Nature. 217, no. 5130 (Feb. 1968).
26 Anthony Michaelis. Telegraph, Mar. 28, 2008. www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/1583056/Anthony-Michaelis.html
27 T. Gold. The Origin of Cosmic Radio Noise. Proceedings of Conference on Dynamics of Ionized Media, University College, London, 1951; F. Pacini. Energy Emission from a Neutron Star. Nature. 216 (1967): 567–568.
28 T. Gold. Taking the Back off the Watch. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2012.
29 Nature’s Astronomical Highlights. Nature Astronomy (Jan. 2, 2017). www.nature.com/collections/fmnhltzzlj/pulsars
30 R. N. Manchester. Pulsars at Parkes. CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science, Australia Telescope National Facility, Nov. 4, 2011. www.atnf.csiro.au/research/conferences/Parkes50th/ProcPapers/manchester.pdf
31 About Parkes Radio Telescope. CSIRO, Apr. 26, 2019. www.csiro.au/en/about/facilities-collections/atnf/parkes-radio-telescope
32 Tim O’Brien. Observations of Pulsars. Сourse website for Frontiers of Modern Astronomy, Jodrell Bank Observatory, University of Manchester. www.jb.man.ac.uk/distance/frontiers/pulsars/section4.html
33 The Voyage to Interstellar Space. NASA, Mar. 27, 2019. www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2019/the-voyage-to-interstellar-space
Глава 3. Когда взрываются звезды
1 A. Azua-Bustos. Unprecedented Rains Decimate Surface Microbial Communities in the Hyperarid Core of the Atacama Desert. Nature Scientific Reports. 8, no. 16706 (Nov. 12, 2018).
2 Very Large Telescope: The World’s Most Advanced Visible-Light Astronomical Observatory. European Southern Observatory. www.eso.org/public/teles-instr/paranal-observatory/vlt/
3 ALMA: In Search of Our Cosmic Origins. European Southern Observatory. www.eso.org/public/unitedkingdom/teles-instr/alma
4 A. S. Eddington. The Internal Constitution of the Stars. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1926; R. H. Fowler. On Dense Matter. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 87, no. 2 (Dec. 10, 1926). https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/87.2.114
5 K. Thorne. Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy. New York: Norton, 1995. [К. Торн. Черные дыры и складки времени. М.: ФИЗМАТЛИТ, 2008.]