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Читем онлайн Профессионалы и маргиналы в славянской и еврейской культурной традиции - Коллектив авторов






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Горчакова 2016 – Горчакова М. Колокольня и её сиренщик // Вестник Тульской духовной семинарии. 2016. № 11–12. С. 11–12. URL: https:// tulds.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/VESTNIK-11–12–2016.pdf (дата обращения 18.04.2022).

Гусев 2017а – Гусев С. Городской сумасшедший Юра Стрекопытов // Тульские легенды. URL: https://myslo.ru/city/tula/legend/gorodskoj-sumasshedshij-yura-strekopytov (дата обращения 18.04.2022).

Гусев 2017б – Гусев С. «Вова, танки!», или Городские сумасшедшие-2 // Туляки в истории. URL: https://myslo.ru/city/tula/tulyaki/vova-tanki-ili-gorodskie-sumasshedshie-2 (дата обращения 18.04.2022).

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ТМКБ 4/2 – Традыцыйная мастацкая культура беларусаў. Т. 4. Кн. 2. Брэсцкае Палессе / Iдэя i агульнае рэдагаванне: Т. Б. Варфаламеева. Мiнск: Вышэйшая школа, 2009. 863 с.

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Originals and Marginals in the Tula City Text and in Family Memories

Olga Belova

Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russia

ORCID: 0000–0001–5221–9424

DSc., leading Research Fellow

Department of Ethnolinguistics and Folklore

Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

119334, Moscow, Leninsky Av., 32-А

Tel.: +7(495)938–17–80, Fax: +7(495)938–00–96

E-mail: [email protected]

DOI: 10.31168/2658–3356.2022.13

Abstract. This article explores the idea that Tula is impregnable to attack – a commonplace in the city text and local oral history. It draws upon recordings of Tula residents’ family stories and publications concerning the people associated with the “prophecy” that “a German will not enter Tula.” The main figure linked with the prophecy is Blessed Mother Dunyasha (Evdokia Ivanovna Kudryavtseva, 1883–1979). From Orthodox sources, we know that her cult belongs primarily to a religious context – the Spassky Temple and Spassky cemetery in Tula and the churchyard in the village of Kochaki. While the prophecy can also be attributed to Yura Strekopytov (1936–1981), her frequent mention in 1960s and 1970s urban folklore makes confirmation impossible. Another potential origin of the prophecy is the elder Sergius (Sergei Fyodorovich Borisov, 1853–1946), who was involved, like Mother Dunyasha, in spiritually protecting the town, and who remains in need of further study. Widely known folktales about fortunetelling, posthumous miracles, and so on are also connected with the abovementioned individuals.

Keywords: urban folklore, urban text, historical memory, oral history, memories, Tula


Belova, O. V., 2013, Portret etnicheskogo soseda: evrei glazami slavian (po fol’klorno-etnograficheskim materialam s Grodnenshchiny) [Portrait of an ethnic neighbor: Jews through the eyes of Slavs according to folklore and ethnographic materials of the Grodno region]. Zheludо́k: Pamiat’ o evreiskom mestechke [The Shtetl of Zheludok in contemporary cultural memory], ed. I. Kopchenova, 63–81. Moscow, Sefer Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 328.

Belova, O. V., 2018, Chelovek v sisteme etnokul’turnykh stereotipov [A man in the system of ethnic and cultural stereotypes]. Obraz cheloveka v iazyke i kul’ture [A Man through the language and cultural glass], eds. S. M. Tolstaya, A. V. Gura, O. V. Trefilova, and M. V. Yasinskaya, 160–213. Moscow, Indrik Publ., 328.

Filicheva, O. N., 2006, Zapiski dlia Ksenii Blazhennoi: pozitsiia tserkovnosluzhitelei i narodnyi obychai [Notes for Xenia the Blessed: the position of the clergy and folk custom]. Sny Bogoroditsy: Issledovaniia po antropologii religii [Dreams of the Virgin: Studies in the anthropology of religion], eds. Zh. V. Kormina, A. A. Panchenko, and S. A. Shtyrkov, 171–183. St. Petersburg, European University at St. Petersburg Publ., 304.

Gusev, S., 2017, Gorodskoi sumasshedshii Iura Strekopytov [Urban madman Yura Strekopytov]. Tul’skie legendy [Tula legends]. https://myslo.ru/city/ tula/legend/gorodskoj-sumasshedshij-yura-strekopytov (date of application 18.04.2022).

Moroz, A., 2014, «Evreiskii tekst» goroda Velizha [ «Jewish text» of the town of Velizh]. Krug zhizni v slavianskoi i evreiskoi kul’turnoi traditsii [Circle of life in Slavic and Jewish cultural tradition], eds. O. V. Belova, I. V. Kopchenova, V. V. Mochalova, and V. Ya. Petrukhin, 285–295. Moscow, Sefer Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 356.

Moroz, A., 2015, Evreiskii Lepel’ glazami sel’skikh zhitelei [Jewish Lepel through the eyes of local residents]. Lepel’: Pamiat’ o evreiskom mestechke [The Shtetl of Lepel in contemporary cultural memory], ed. S. Amosova, 35–52. Moscow, Sefer Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 496.

Материалы предыдущих конференций, осуществленных в рамках данного проекта

• От Бытия к Исходу. Отражение библейских сюжетов в славянской и еврейской народной культуре (М., 1998).

• Концепт греха в славянской и еврейской культурной традиции (М., 2000).

• Концепт чуда в славянской и еврейской культурной традиции (М., 2001).

• Между двумя мирами: представления о демоническом и потустороннем в славянской и еврейской культурной традиции (М., 2002).

• Свой или чужой? Евреи и славяне глазами друг друга (М., 2003).

• Праздник – обряд – ритуал в славянской и еврейской культурной традиции (М., 2004).

• Пир – трапеза – застолье в славянской и еврейской культурной традиции (М., 2005).

• Сны и видения в славянской и еврейской культурной традиции (М., 2006).

• Народная медицина и магия в славянской и еврейской культурной традиции (М., 2007).

• Сакральная география в славянской и еврейской культурной традиции (М., 2008).

• История

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