41. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/ spina-bifida, accessed 23 November 2018.
42. Author interview Greg Heuer, 2018.
43. Author interview Greg Heuer, 2018.
44. Author interview Scott Adzick, 2018.
45. Author interview Greg Heuer, 2018.
46. https://ispdhome.org/ISPD/SIGs/Foetal_Therapy_Map.aspx, accessed 7 June 2018.
47. Author interview Anna David, 2018.
48. Laurie Scudder and N Scott Adzick, ‘20 Years in Fetal Surgery’, Medscape.org, June 2015.
1. Harrison, ‘Historical Perspective’.
2. Karen Newman, Fetal Positions, Stanford University Press, 1996, p 27.
3. Newman, Fetal Positions, p 33.
4. Harrison, ‘Historical Perspective’.
5. Joanne Begiato, ‘Breeding a Little Stranger: Managing Uncertainty in Pregnancy in Later Georgian England’, in J Evans and C Meehan (eds), Perceptions of Pregnancy from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, p 25.
6. George Frederic Still, The History of Paediatrics (first published 1931), Dawsons, 1965, pp 346–7.
7. Newman, Fetal Positions, p 58.
8. Still, The History of Paediatrics, p 347.
9. Ann Dally, Women under the Knife: A History of Surgery, Castle, 1991, p 134.
10. Author interview Charles Rodeck, 2017.
11. A. Susan Williams, Women and Childbirth in the Twentieth Century, Sutton Publishing, 1997, p 101.
12. Geoffrey Chamberlain, From Witchcraft to Wisdom: A History of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in the British Isles, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 2007, p 176.
13. https://www.nct.org.uk/pregnancy/ rhesus-negative- blood-and-pregnancy, accessed 23 June 2017.
14. Author interview Charles Rodeck, 2017.
15. http://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/04/world/ alicestewart-95-linked-x-rays-to-diseases.html, 13 June 2017.
16. S Campbell, ‘Early Sonographic Prenatal Diagnosis’, Prenatal Diagnosis, 30, 2010 and S Campbell, ‘A Short History of Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynaecology’, Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn, 5(3), 2013.
17. Author interview Stuart Campbell, 2017.
18. Chamberlain, From Witchcraft to Wisdom, pp 224, 225.
19. EA Tansey and DA Christie (eds), Looking at the Unborn: Historical Aspects of Obstetric Ultrasound, Wellcome, 2000.
20. Campbell, ‘A Short History of Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynaecology’.
21. Ian Donald, J MacVicar and TG Brown, ‘Investigation of Abdominal Masses by Pulsed Ultrasound’, Lancet, 7 June 1958, 1192–4.
22. Campbell, ‘Early Sonographic Prenatal Diagnosis’.
23. Donald et al., ‘Investigation of Abdominal Masses’, 1191.
24. Author interview Stuart Campbell, 2017.
25. Author interview Stuart Campbell, 2017.
26. Campbell, ‘A Short History of Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynaecology’.
27. Author interview Stuart Campbell, 2017.
28. S Campbell, FD Johnstone, EM Holt, P May, ‘Anencephaly: Early Ultrasonic Diagnosis and Active Management’, Lancet, 9 December 1972.
29. Chamberlain, From Witchcraft to Wisdom, p 225.
30. Author interview Stuart Campbell, 2017.
31. Campbell et al., ‘Anencephaly’.
32. Campbell et al., ‘Anencephaly’.
33. Author interview Stuart Campbell, 2017.
34. http://www.sites.hps.cam.ac.uk/visibleembryos/s7_4.html, accessed 14 June 2017 and Newman, Fetal Positions, pp10–11.
35. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lennart_Nilsson, accessed 14 June 2017.
36. Newman, Fetal Positions, p 25.
37. Monica J Casper, The Making of the Unborn Patient: A Social Anatomy of Fetal Surgery, Rutgers University Press, 1998, p 66.
38. Author interview Charles Rodeck, 2017.
39. Author interview Charles Rodeck, 2017.
40. Author interview Charles Rodeck, 2017.
41. Author interview Charles Rodeck, 2017.
42. Author interview Charles Rodeck, 2017.
43. Author interview Pranav Pandya, 2018.
1. Jeffrey P Baker, The Machine in the Nursery, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996, p 10.
2. Baker, The Machine in the Nursery, p. 25 and Thomas Cone, History of the Care and Feeding of the Premature Infant, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1985, Preface.
3. Pierre Budin, The Nursling, Caxton, 1907, p 9.
4. PM Dunn, ‘Perinatal Lessons from the Past: Stephane Tarnier’, Archives of Disease in Childhood – Foetal and Neonatal Edition, 86, 2002.
5. Julius Hess, Premature and Congenitally Diseased Infants, J & A Churchill, 1923, p 206.
6. Budin, The Nursling, pp 10–12.
7. Budin, The Nursling, p 3.
8. Introduction by Alexander Simpson to Budin, The Nursling.
9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/ magazine-36321692, accessed 12 September 2017 (all information on Martin Couney from this article).
10. Hess, Premature and Congenitally Diseased Infants, pp 230–1.
11. Crosse, The Premature Baby, pp 11-102.
12. PM Dunn, ‘Sir Leonard Parsons of Birmingham (1879–1950) and Antenatal Paediatrics’, Archives of Disease in Childhood – Foetal and Neonatal Edition, 86, 2001, F66.
13. Herbert Barrie quoted in DA Christie and EM Tansey (eds), Origins of Neonatal Intensive Care. Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine, vol. 9, Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, 2001.
14. Baker, The Machine in the Nursery, p 11.
15. Herbert Barrie (and mentions of him on pages that follow) quoted in Christie and Tansey, Origins of Neonatal Intensive Care.
16. Author interview Judith Meek, 2018.
17. Neil McIntosh quoted in Christie and Tansey, Origins of Neonatal Intensive Care.
18. Author interview Judith Meek, 2018.
19. A 1964 paper from Toronto reported only one baby with RDS surviving after ventilation. At UCH, Os managed to reach a 30 per cent survival rate by the late 1960s. Professor Oswald Reynolds, quoted in Christie and Tansey, Origins of Neonatal Intensive Care.
20. Christie and Tansey, Origins of Neonatal Intensive Care, p 17.
21. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/30/health/ a-kennedy-babys-life-and-death.html, accessed 27 November 2017.
22. HL Halliday, ‘Surfactants: Past, Present and Future’, Journal of Perinatology, May 2008.
23. Christie and Tansey, Origins of Neonatal Intensive Care, p ii.
24. Peter Dunn quoted in Christie and Tansey, Origins of Neonatal Intensive Care.
25. Christie and Tansey, Origins of Neonatal Intensive Care, pp 49–55.
26. Christie and Tansey, Origins of Neonatal Intensive Care, p 56.
27. Christie and Tansey, Origins of Neonatal Intensive Care, p 39.
28. https://councilfordisabledchildren.org.uk/ news-opinion/news/numbers-children-complex-needs- 50-2004, accessed 27 November 2017.
29. Baby Doe story from C Everett Koop, Koop: The Memoirs of America’s Family Doctor, Random House, 1991, pp 240–59 and https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/ baby-doe-rules- 1984.
30. Crosse, The Premature Baby, p 138.
31. Author interview with Neil Marlow, 2016.
1. Catherine Musemuche, Small, Dartmouth College Press, 2014, pp 32–45.
2. Christie and Tansey, Origins of Neonatal Intensive Care, p 69.
3. Pamela A Davies, ‘Low Birthweight Infants: Immediate Feeding Recalled’, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 66, 1991, pp 551–3.
4. Davies, ‘Low Birthweight Infants’.
5. Peter Dunn quoted in Christie and Tansey, Origins of Neonatal Intensive Care.
6. Hess, Premature and Congenitally Diseased Infants, p 168.
1. Jacqueline Noonan, ‘Hypertelorism with Turner Phenotype’, American Journal of Diseases in Childhood, 1968.
2. Interviews with Dr Noonan, Iowa Public Radio, February 2014 and Blogtalkradio.com, February 2010.
3. Judith L Ross et al., ‘Turner Syndrome: Toward Early Recognition and Improved Outcomes’, Medscape.org, accessed 27 October 2017.
4. JA Noonan, ‘Noonan Syndrome: A Historical Perspective’, Heart Views, 2002.
5. Undiagnosed.org.uk, accessed 11 October 2017.
6. https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/gene/PTPN11#conditions, accessed 23 August
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