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Читем онлайн Эпопея советско-финской Зимней войны 1939— 1940 годов. Сухопутные, воздушные и морские операции - Аллен Фрэнк Чу






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class="p1">929:7 Battle activities of those who distinguished themselves in the battles of Tolvajärvi-Aittojoki as described in the recommendations for decoration.

Description of activities of the commander of the 9th Company of JR 16, Reserve Captain Eero Kivelä.

Description of action of Sergeant 1st Class Vilho H. Reinikka.

Description of activities of Reserve Corporal Toimi S. Mutka.

1085 Survey of the most important battle phases of Task Force P. on the Tolvajärvi-Aittojoki Front in the war of 1939–1940. (Written in 1941 by Colonel A.O. Pajari.)

1204 War Diary of Task Force Pajari, 19.2—26.3.1940 (see also ST file 3687 below).

1649–1650 War Diary of 8th Company, JR-65.

1654–1660 War Diary of Third Machine Gun Company, JR-65.

1677 War Diary of Third Battalion, JR-65.

1717a War Diary of Detachment Hannell, 9.10.39—7.12.39 and Group Talvela, 8.12.39–13.3.40.

3687 War Diary of Task Force Pajari, 7.12.39–18.2.40 (see also ST file 1204 above).

3688 War Diary of Third Battalion, JR 16, 28.12.39–30.3.40 (see also ST file 3743 below).

3732 War Diary of First Battalion, JR-16, 29.10.39–30.3.40.

3737:2 War Diary of Second Battalion, JR-16, 13.10.39–30.3.40.

3743 War Diary of Third Battalion, JR-16, 5.12.39–27.12.39 (see also ST file 3688 above).

3948:5 War Diary of Fifth Division, 14.10.39–25.2.40.

3948:7 Battle Reports and Copies of War Diaries of JR-13, 11.2– 13.3.40.

4646 War Diary of Independent Battalion ErP-9, 7.10.39–24.1.40.

P 506:1 War Diary of First Division, 9.12.39—6.1.40.

Pajari File 22 (Battle maps of Tolvajarvi campaign).

T248—249 War Diary of Tenth Division, 25.11.39—7.4.40.

T255—256 War Diary of Ninth Division.

Til 17—1122 War Diary of 9th Company, JR-16.

T1835a-c General Tuompo’s operational order to 9th Division and Task Force Susi, 30 December 1939.

T9386 War Diary of First Brigade, 6.12.39–29.12.39.

Study of Soviet Tactics and Techniques [Staff study by Eino Lassila and Erkki Lahdenpera], The Infantry School, Fort Benning, Ga. 1949 [1950].

Suomalainen Victor. The Battle of Suomussalmi // Military Review, Fort Leavenworth, December 1949. P. 54–62.

Suomen Kuvalehti 18 February 1967, 27 May 1967, 27 January 1968, 30 October 1970.

Tanner Väinö. The Winter War: Finland Against Russia 1939–1940. Stanford, Standford University Press, 1957.

The Times. London, 1939 et seg.

Tuominen Arvo. The Northern Countries and Communism // The Norseman, July-August 1954. P. 217–229.

Tuompo W.E. and Karikoski V.A.M. (eds.) Kunnia-Isänmaa: Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton Sota 1939–1940. Helsinki: Kivi, 1942.

Tuompo W.E. Sotilaan Tilinpäätös. Helsinki: Werner Söderström, 1967.

Upton Anthony. Finland in Crisis 1940–1941: A study in smallpower politics. London: Faber & Faber, 1964.

Upton Anthony. End of the Arctic War, History of the Second World War (London, Purnell & Sons, in cooperation with the Imperial War Museum). Vol. 5. No. 16. P. 2225–2232.

United States [National] Archives:

OKL – Records of HOS, German Air Force High Command, Microfilm No. T-321, Roll 126, Document OKL 2614, Frame 19 [German intelligence report on General (Kurt) Martti Wallenius].

OKW – Records of HQS, German Armed Forces High Command, Microfilm No. T-77, Roll 896, Frames 5647901-02.

RG 165, War Dept. General Staff M.L.D.:

File No. 2037–2100—27, 3 March 1940. Military Attache Huth-steiner, Helsinki, to G2, relaying Finnish GHQ report on Soviet land forces as of 25 February 1940.

File No. 2037–2100—31, 9 May 1940. Military Attache, Helsinki, to G2, transmitting translation of orders issued by Soviet corps commander on 9 December 1939, etc.

File No. 2657-D-1054—25, 2 April 1940. Huthsteiner to G2, relaying Finnish General Staff report on Soviet land forces as of midFebruary 1940.

File No. 2682—32—1, 20 March 1940. Huthsteiner to G2, report on visit of Captain R.M. Losey to Finnish air units and discussions at same.

File No. 2682—33—2, 2 May 1940. Military Attache M. F. Scanlon, London, to G2, relaying data on Finnish aircraft losses obtained from Finnish Minister in London.

File No. 2682—33—3, 21 May 1940. Huthsteiner to G2, relaying data from Finnish General Staff on Soviet bombing raids, damages, casualties.

U. S. Army Command and General Staff School, Lesson Plan R6480/6, School Year 1965–1966, «Division Operations – Mountain and Northern Regions», Annex B, «Historical Example: The Battle of Suomussalmi-Kuhmo 1939—40».

U. S. Army. The German Campaign in Russia: Planning and Operations (1940–1942), Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 20– 261a, March 1955.

U. S. Army. Warfare in the Far North, Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 20—292, October 1951 (prepared by Dr. [General] Waldemar Erfurth).

U. S. Military Academy. The Soviet-Finnish War 1939–1940, West Point, 1943. (Because this pamphlet was classified when first published, its distribution was limited to appropriate U. S. Government offices.)

The USSR and Finland. N. Y.: Soviet Russia Today, 1939.

U. S. State Department, Bulletin. Vol. I, No. 20, 11 November 1939.

U. S. State Department, Bulletin. Vol. I, No. 23, 2 December 1939.

U. S. State Department, Bulletin. Vol. I, No. 25, 16 December 1939.

U. S. State Department files: 760 D.61.

244 Min. Schoenfeld (Helsinki) to State, 12 October 1939, reevacuation of cities, etc.

476 Schoenfeld to State, 24 November 1939, relaying Military Attache (Hayne) report on mobilization.

510 Schoenfeld to State, 30 November 1939, re Soviet air raids on Helsinki that date.

512 Attache Hayne to State, 30 November 1939, relaying Finnish Army reports of Soviet air, artillery, and patrol action.

551 Thurston (Moscow) to State, 1 December 1939, re Soviet radio announcement on outbreak of hostilities.

561 Ambassador Steinhardt (Moscow) to State, 1 December 1939, re Soviet radio statement on «People’s Government of Finland».

582 Schoenfeld to State, 3 December 1939, relaying Finnish General Staff reports on military operations as of 2 December 1500 hours.

583 Schoenfeld to State, 3 December 1939, re Tanner’s opinion of members of «Terrijoki Government».

681 Steinhardt to State, 8 December 1939, re Potemkin’s remark to member French Embassy on duration of war.

1046 Schoenfeld to State, 4 January 1940, relaying McClintock memo of 1 January on background of war.

1207 Min. Florence Harriman (Oslo) to State, 10 February 1940, re conversation with publisher William L. White on his visit to Finnish front.

1297 Higgs (Secretary of U. S. Legation in Finland) to State, 6 February 1940, transmitting Finnish Information Central pictures of air raid damage.

1347 McClintock

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