25. Great news from the west of England: being a true account of two young persons lately bewitch’d in the town of Beckenton in Somerset-shire (London, T.M., 1689) Wellcome Library/Early English Books online.
26. From ‘A brief and sincere Narration of Mary Glover’s late wofull affl iction…’ (1602), in Witchcraft and Hysteria in Early Modern London: Edward Jorden and the Mary Glover Case, ed. Michael MacDonald (Routledge, 1991).
27. Edward Jorden, A briefe discourse of a disease called the Suff ocation of the Mother (1603), p. 1.
28. Ibid.
Глава 3. ПОД КОЖЕЙ ЖЕНЩИНЫ1. Edward Jorden, A briefe discourse of a disease called the Suffocation of the Mother (London, 1603), pp. 14–15.
2. Ibid., p. 23.
3. Ibid., p. 26.
4. Ibid., p. 2.
5. Ibid.
6. Principles of Anatomy according to the Opinion of Galen by Johann Guinter and Andreas Vesalius, ed. Vivian Nutton (Routledge, 2017), pp. 94–96.
7. See Rachel Wertheim, ‘The «disease woman» of the Wellcome Apocalypse’ (blog, Wellcome Library, 30/12/2015) http://blog.well-comelibrary.org/2015/12/the-disease-woman-of-the-wellcome-apoca-lypse/
The Wellcome Apocalypse — это собрание медицинских иллюстраций и текстов из Германии XV века. Оно включает «Больную женщину», иллюстрацию «врачебного понимания внутреннего устройства женского тела», идентифицированную историком Моникой Грин. Эта иллюстрация служила практическим руководством по «патологии и физиологии тела беременной женщины». Как пишет Рейчел Вертхейм, она «представляет собой способы, которыми женское тело можно сдерживать, классифицировать и контролировать в безопасном контексте маскулинной медицинской культуры».
8. Andreas Vesalius, Fabrica, quoted by Katherine Park in Secrets of Women: Gender, Generation, and the Origins of Human Dissection (Zone Books, 2010), pp. 215–216.
9. Ibid., p. 216.
10. See Kadaveri Andrije Vezala, Maurits Biesbrouck and Omer Steeno, ‘Andreas Vesalius’ Corpses’, Acta medico-historica adriatica: AMHA (2014), p. 25.
11. Katherine Eggert, Disknowledge: Literature, Alchemy and the End of Humanism in Renaissance Italy (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015), p. 169.
12. Park, Secrets of Women, p. 211.
13. Andreas Vesalius, Fabrica, quoted by Park in Secrets of Women, p. 219.
14. Mark D. Stringer and Ines Becker, ‘Columbo and the clitoris’, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 151 (2010), p. 131.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid.
17. Robert J. Moes and C. D. O’Malley, ‘Realdo Columbo, «On those things rarely found in anatomy»: An Annotated Translation From the «De Re Anatomica» (1559)’, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 34(6) (November — December 1960), pp. 527–528.
18. Ibid., p. 527.
19. Stringer and Becker, ‘Columbo and the clitoris’, pp. 131–132.
20. Ibid., p. 132.
21. Andreas Vesalius, Observationum anatomicarum Gabrielis Fallopii examen (Venice, Francesco de’Franceschi da Siena, 1564), p. 43. Quoted by Katherine Park in ‘The Rediscovery of the Clitoris: French Medicine and the Tribade, 1570–1620’, in Carla Mazzio and David Hillman (eds), The Body in Parts: Fantasies of Corporeality in Early Modern Europe (Routledge, 1997), p. 177.
22. Park, Secrets of Women, p. 177.
23. See Helen E. O’Connell, Kalavampara V. Sanjeevan and John M. Hutson, ‘Anatomy of the clitoris’, The Journal of Urology, 174 (October 2005), p. 1192.
24. Ibid.; Shannon Mascall, ‘Time to rethink the clitoris’, BBC News, 11 June 2006 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/5013866.stm; Naomi Russell ‘The still misunderstood shape of the clitoris’, The Atlantic, 9 March 2017, https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2017/03/3d-clitoris/518991/
25. See Rachel E. Gross, ‘The clitoris, uncovered: An intimate history’, Scientific American, 4 March 2020, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-clitoris-uncovered-an-intimate-history/
26. See V. Vukadinovic, B. Stojanovic, M. Majstorovic and A. Milosevic, ‘The role of clitoral anatomy in female to male sex reassignment surgery’, The Scientific World Journal, 2014, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263548196_The_Role_of_Clitoral_Anatomy_in_Fe-male_to_Male_Sex_Reassignment_Surgery.
27. O’Connell et al., ‘Anatomy of the clitoris’, p. 1194.
28. John Banister, Th e Historie of Man (1578), quoted by Lauren Kassell in ‘Medical Understandings of the Body, c.1500–1750’, from The Routledge History of Sex and the Body, 1500 to the Present, ed. Sarah Toulalan and Kate Fisher (Routledge, 2013), Routledge Handbooks Online.
29. See Jillian Linster, ‘When «nothing» goes missing: The impotent censorship of Helkiah Crooke’s Mikrokosmographia’, The Crooke Book: Adventures in Early Modern Anatomy (Blog) https://crookebook.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/crooke-images-paper-3-10-13.pdf
Глава 4. НЕРВЫ ЖЕНЩИНЫ1. Richard Watkins News from the dead, or A true and exact narration of the miraculous deliverance of Anne Greene (Leonard Litchfi eld, 1651), p. 1.
2. Ibid. 1
3. James I, cap. 27, Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to the End of the Eleventh Parliament of Great Britain, Anno 1761, ed. Danby Pickering (8 vols, Cambridge, Joseph Bentham, 1763), vol. 7, p. 298. Quoted by Susan C. Staub in ‘Surveilling the Secrets of the Female Body: The Contest for Reproductive Authority in the Popular Press of the Seventeenth Century’, in The Female Body in Medicine and Literature, ed. Andrew Mangham and Greta Depledge (Liverpool University Press, 2011), pp. 53–54.
4. В ‘Surveilling the Secrets of the Female Body’, p. 52, Стаб говорит о том, как «популярный памфлет» Уоткинса ‘News from the dead’, «живо иллюстрирует пересечение двух типов знаний, которые боролись за власть над женским телом в тот период: интуитивных „любительских“ знаний акушерок и матрон и „профессиональных“ научных знаний врачей-мужчин».
5. Ibid., p. 57.
6. See Monica H. Greene, ‘Gendering the history of women’s healthcare’, Gender & History, 20(3) (November 2008), pp. 487–518; see also Staub, ‘Surveilling the Secrets of the Female Body’, pp. 57–58.
7. Эдвард Йорден в ‘A briefe discourse’ (p. 9), отметил, что «удушение матери» может привести к отсутствию «чувств, движений, дыхания, тепла и любых признаков жизни». У женщины, лишенной «жизненно важного влияния», замедлялось сердцебиение и прекращали работу легкие. Она обмякала, словно «мертвое тело». Йорден рекомендовал не хоронить женщин, кажущихся мертвыми из-за удушения матки, минимум три дня.
8. Watkins, News from the dead, p. 8.
9. Verse by Rob. Sharrock, Fellow of New College, in ibid., p. 18.
10. Monica H. Greene, ‘Gendering the history of women’s healthcare’, Gender & History, 20(3) (November 2008), p. 495. See also Jennifer Richards, ‘Reading and hearing The Womans Booke in Early Modern England’, Bulletin of
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