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— Studies in Caucasian History; London, 1953.
MINORSKY, V., ‘Transcaucasica’, JA, 1930, II.
— ‘The Turkish Dialect of the Khalaj’, BSOS, X (1940-2).
— See also the Ḥudūd al-ʽĀlam, Marvazi, MINOVI and MINORSKY and VERNADSKY.
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NICHOLSON, R. A, A Literary History of the Arabs, London, 1907.
Odoric, Friar: A. van den Wyngaert, ed. in Sirica Franciscana I, Quaracchi, 1929; Sir H. Yule, tr. in Cathay and the Way Thither; II, London, 1913.
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OMAR KHAYYAM: A. J. Arberry, ed. and tr., The Rubāʽīyāt of Omar Khayyām, London, 1949; E. H. Whinfield, ed. and tr., The Quatrains of Omar Khayyám, London, 1883.
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— ‘Les Mongols et la Papauté’, Revue de l’Orient Chrétien, XXIII (1922-3), XXIV (1924) and XXVIII (1931-2). (The references are to the page numbers of the tirage-à-part.)
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— ‘Une ville musulmane dans la Chine du Nord sous les Mongols’, JA, 1927, I.
— ‘Le vrai nom de Seroctan’, TP, 1932.
— See also the Secret History and the Shêng-wu chʽin-chêng lu.
Polo, Marco: L F. Benedetto, it.; The Travels of Marco Polo, London, 1931; Sir H. Yule, tr., The Book of Ser Marco Polo (3rd. ed.), 2 vols., 1903.
PRESCOTT, W. H, History of the Conquest of Mexico (ed. Kirk), London, 1889.
QUATREMÈRE, E. See Rashid-ad-Din.
RABINO, H. L., Mázandarán and Astarábád (GMS, New Series, VII), London, 1928.
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— Das Kudaktu Bilig Theil I, St. Petersburg, 1891.
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Rashid-ad-Din: I. N. Berezin, ed. and tr., ‘Sbornik letopisei’, VOIAO, V (1858), VII (1861), XIII (1868) and XV (1888); E. Blochet, ed., Djami et-Tévarikh (GMS, Old Series, XVIII), London, 1912; A. A. Khetagurov, tr., Sbornik letopisei, I, 1, Moscow, 1952; E. Quatremère, ed. and tr., Histoire des Mongols de la Perse, Paris, 1836; O. I. Smirnova, tr., Sbornik letopisei, I, 2, Moscow, 1952; Add. 7628 (British Museum MS.).
Ravandi: Muhammad Iqbal, ed., The Ráḥat-uṣ-Ṣudúr wa Áyat-us-Surúr (CMS, New Series, II), London, 1921.
RAVERTY, H. G. See Juzjani.
ROBERTSON, D. S., ‘A Forgotten Persian Poet of the Thirteenth Century’, JRAS, 1951.
ROCKHILL, W. W. See Rubruck.
ROSS, SIR E. D., The Persians, Oxford, 1931.
— See also Juvaini and Muhammad Haidar.
Rubruck: W. W. Rockhill, tr., The Journey of William of Rubruck to the Eastern Parts of the World, London, 1900; A. van den Wyngaert, ed. in Sinica Franciscana I, Quaracchi, 1929.
Saʽdi: A. J. Arberry, tr., Kings and Beggars, London, 1945; Muhammad ʽAli Furughi, ed., Būstān-i-Saʽdī, Tehran, 1316/1937-8.
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Shahnama. See Firdausi.
Shêng-wu chʽin-chêng lu: P. Pelliot and L. Hambis, ed. and tr., Histoire des campagnes de Gengis Khan, Leiden, 1951.
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— Die Golden Horde, Leipzig, 1943.
STARK, Freya, The Valleys of the Assassins and Other Persian Travels, London, 1934.
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