Richard M. McCabe, “Airline Industry Key Success Factors,” Graziadio Business Report (Malibu, CA: Pepperdine University, 2006); Howard D. Putnam with Gene Busnar, The Winds of Turbulence (Reno, NV: Howard D. Putnam Enterprises Inc., 1991), 83; Southwest Airlines Co., Fiscal 2001 Proxy Statement (Dallas: Southwest Airlines Co., 2001); Southwest Airlines Co., Fiscal 2002 Annual Report (Dallas: Southwest Airlines Co., 2002).
“Southwest Airlines Co.,” Wall Street Transcript, May 28, 1979; “Texas Gets Bigger,” Forbes, November 12, 1979, 88–89; Charles O’Reilly and Jeffrey Pfeffer, “Southwest Airlines: Using Human Resources for Competitive Advantage (A),” Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, case study #HR-1A (Palo Alto, CA: Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, 1995), 8; Tonda Montague (Ed.), Employee Communications, Southwest Airlines: 30 Years. Mission. Low Fares, (Supplement to Southwest Airlines Co. Fiscal 2001 Annual Report), 2001; Southwest Airlines Co., Fiscal 1996 and 2001 Annual Reports (Dallas: Southwest Airlines Co., 1996 and 2001).
Southwest Airlines Co., Fiscal 2001 Proxy Statement (Dallas: Southwest Airlines Co., 2001); Southwest Airlines Co., Fiscal 2002 Annual Report (Dallas: Southwest Airlines Co., 2002); данные графика происходят из источников, указанных в этом источнике и в двух предыдущих примечаниях.
“The Progressive Corporation,” Wall Street Transcript, February 28, 1972; Thomas A. King, “The Progressive Corporation (PGR), ”Wall Street Transcript, January 14, 2002; The Progressive Corporation, Fiscal 1971 Annual Report (Cleveland, OH: The Progressive Corporation, 1971); The Progressive Corporation, Fiscal 1976 Annual Report (May-field Village, OH: The Progressive Corporation, 1976).
Peter B. Lewis, “The Progressive Corporation: Address to the New York Society of Security Analysts,” Wall Street Transcript, February 28, 1972; Elisabeth Boone, “Recipe for Success,” Rough Notes, April 2002, 42; The Progressive Corporation, Fiscal 1971 Annual Report (Cleveland, OH: The Progressive Corporation, 1971); The Progressive Corporation, Fiscal 1976, 1986, 1996, 2001, and 2003 Annual Reports (Mayfield Village, OH: The Progressive Corporation, 1976, 1986, 1996, 2001, and 2003).
Eric Whisenhunt, “Stryker Force: Divide, Conquer, and Be First with the New,” Michigan Business Magazine, November 1985, 36; Mike Casey, “Insurer Favors Low-Risk Route; Progressive Corp.’s Personnel Help Write a Policy for Success,” Crain’s Cleveland Business, February 23, 1987, 2; Noreen Seebacher, “Stryker Products: Just What the Doctor Ordered,” Detroit News, May 6, 1991, 3F; Nicolaj Siggelkow and Michael E. Porter, “Progressive Corporation,” Harvard Business School, case study #9–797–109 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 1998); Elisabeth Boone, “Recipe for Success,” Rough Notes, April 2002, 42; The Progressive Corporation, Fiscal 1981 Annual Report (Mayfield Village, OH: The Progressive Corporation, 1981), 11.
W. L. Campbell, “General of America Earnings Increase to New High Level,” National Underwriter, February 7, 1964, 1; “Safeco Corporation,” Commercial and Financial Chronicle, October 3, 1968; “Safeco Corporation,” Wall Street Transcript, June 9, 1969; “Safeco Corporation,” Wall Street Transcript, July 12, 1976; Art Garcia, “Spotlight on Safeco Corp.,” Journal of Commerce, January 24, 1977, 2; “Safeco: ’Redlining’ Two States to Bolster Insurance Profits,” Business Week, July 17, 1979, 88; William Mehlman, “Safeco Continues to Stand Out in Depressed Casualty Group,” Insiders’ Chronicle, October 26, 1979, 7; “Safeco Corporation,” Wall Street Transcript, August 8, 1983; “Safeco Reports Loss of $41m During the First Quarter of ’85,” National Underwriter, May 3, 1985, 6; John Davies, “Safeco Profit Weakness Blamed on Junk Bonds,” Journal of Commerce, April 30, 1990; Greg Heberlein, “Safeco Plea Seeks a Change of Shirt,” Seattle Times, May 3, 1990, E2; “Safeco Corporation,” Wall Street Transcript, July 12, 1976; Peter Neurath, “Safeco Loses Millions on Commercial, Auto Lines,” Puget Sound Business Journal, March 19, 1990, 3.
Leslie Seism, “Safeco Plans $2.82 Billion Acquisition,” Wall Street Journal, June 9, 1997, A3; Judy Greenwald, “SAFECO Bids $2.8 Billion for American States,” Business Insurance, June 16, 1997,1; Thomas A. McCoy, “Safeco’s Huge Bet on the Independent Agency System,” Rough Notes, December 1997, 34; Peter Neurath, “Safeco’s Stodgy Image Changes with Latest Move,” Business Journal – Portland, October 10, 1997, 29; Beth Neurath, “Fun is the Best Policy,” Puget Sound Business Journal, December 25, 1998, 6; Boh A. Dickey, “CEO Interview with Boh A. Dickey – Safeco Corporation (SAFC),” Wall Street Transcript, April 27, 1999; Paula L. Stepankowsky, “After Revamp, Safeco’s CEO is Focusing Energies on Most Profitable Operations,” Wall Street Journal, March 27, 2002, B5C; Safeco Insurance Company of America, Fiscal 1996 and 1997 Annual Reports (Seattle, WA: Safeco Insurance Company of America, 1996 and 1997). Примечание: «Отставание более чем на 60 % от среднерыночного» основано на формуле: $2,8 миллиарда цены приобретения разделить по акциям в соответствии с балансом 1996 года.
Carol Tice, “Acquisition Put Safeco in a Long Slump,” Puget Sound Business Journal, October 8, 1999; Khanh T. L. Tran, “Eigsti and Stod-dard Are Leaving Safeco as Insurer Struggles to Regain Footing,” Wall Street Journal, August 4, 2000, B5; Ruth Levine, “Safeco Rewrites Growth Policy” Puget Sound Business Journal, August 11, 2000,1; “UPDATE: Safeco’s Newly Named CEO Believes He’s Prepared for Job,” A. M. Best Newswire, February 2, 2001; Susanne Sclafane, “SAFECO Chooses Former CNA Exec for Chief Executive Spot,” National Underwriter, February 5, 2001, 2; Safeco Insurance Company of America, Fiscal 1986, 1991, and 1996–2003 Annual Reports (Seattle, WA: Safeco Insurance Company of America, 1986, 1991, and 1996–2003).
Сводный коэффициент Progressive покрывает только страховку автомобиля, в то время как сводные коэффициенты Safeco учитывают страховку автомобилей плюс другие виды страхового бизнеса в секторе страхования собственности и здоровья. Несмотря на это отличие, вывод мы делаем верный, поскольку в анализе учитывается соответствие каждой компании собственным стандартам доходов по страхованию, как она сама их формулирует.
22. “Innovative Intel,” Economist, June 16, 1979, 94; Michael Annibale, “Intel: The Microprocessor Champ Gambles on Another Leap Forward,” Business Week, April 14, 1980, 98; Mimi Real and Robert Warren, A Revolution in Progress… A History of Intel to Date (Santa Clara, CA: Intel Corporation, 1984), 4; Gordon E. Moore, “Cramming More Components onto Integrated Circuits,” Proceedings of the IEEE, January 1998, 82–83; Leslie Berlin, The Man Behind the Microchip (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), 160; “Moore’s Law,” Intel Corporation, http://www.intel.com/technology/mooreslaw/.
23. См. выше обсуждение случая Stryker.
24. См. выше обсуждение случая USSC.
25. См. выше обсуждение случая Southwest.
26. “USAir Completes Takeover of Pacific Southwest,” Washington Post, May 30, 1987.
27. См. выше обсуждение случая Progressive.
28. См. выше обсуждение случая Safeco.
29. “Moore’s Law,” Intel Corporation, http://www.intel.com/technology/mooreslaw/.
30. См. выше обсуждение случая AMD.
31. Stratford P. Sherman, “Microsoft’s Drive to Dominate Software,” Fortune, January 23, 1984, 82; Greg Heberlein, “Microsoft Stock Filing Unveils Secrets,” Seattle Times, February 4, 1986, Bl; James Wallace and Jim Erickson, Hard Drive (New York: HarperBusiness, 1992), 314; Brent Schlender, “What Bill Gates Really Wants,” Fortune, January 16, 1995; Jim Carlton, Apple (New York: Random House, 1997), 132; Steve Hamm, “Gates on Bullies, Browsers – and the Future,” Business Week, January 19, 1998; David Bank, “Paneful Struggle: How Microsoft’s Ranks Wound up in Civil War over Windows’ Future,” Wall Street Journal, February 1, 1999, Al; Carl Johnston, Michael Rukstad, and David Yoffie, “Microsoft, 2000,” Harvard Business School, case study #9–700–071 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2000), 20–21.
32. Morgan Stanley & Co. and Hambrecht & Quist, “Prospectus: Apple Computer, Inc., Common Stock,” Apple Inc., December 12,1980; John Eckhouse, “It’s Final – Apple Chairman Resigns,” San Francisco Chronicle, September 20, 1985; G. Pascal Zachary, “Apple Plans Cutbacks as its Profits Sour,” Wall Street Journal, January 19, 1990, Bl; Don Clark, “Apple’s Gassee Confirms Resignation,” San Francisco Chronicle, March 3, 1990, B2; Richard Brandt, “Information Processing: The Toughest Job in the Computer Business – Michael Spindler Tripled Apple Sales in Europe. Will his Magic Work in America?” Business Week, March 19, 1990, 118; Barbara Buell, “Apple: New Team, New Strategy,” Business Week, October 15, 1990, 86; Bill Richards, Michael Gibbs, and Michael Beer, “Apple Computer (D): Epilogue,” Harvard Business School, case study #9–492–013 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 1991), 3; “Apple Finance Chief Quits After Pushing for a Merger,” Wall Street Journal, October 5, 1995, Bl; Peter Burrows, “Almost Down to the Core? Apple is Facing a Disturbing Management Exodus,” Business Week,November 20, 1995; Kathy Rebello, “The Fall of an American Icon,” Business Week, February 5, 1996; Jim Carlton and Lee Gomes, “Apple Computer Chief Amelio is Ousted,” Wall Street Journal, July 10, 1997, A3; Jim Carlton, “Apple Names Steve Jobs Interim CEO,” Wall Street Journal, September 17, 1997, A3; Apple Inc., Fiscal 2002 10-K (Cupertino, CA: Apple Inc., 2002).
33. James D. Berkley and Nitin Nohria, “Amgen Inc.: Planning the Unplannable,” Harvard Business School, case study #9–492–052 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 1992), 11; Amy Tsao, “Amgen: Will Bigger be Better?” Business Week, January 2, 2002; David Stipp, “Biotech’s New Colossus: Move Over, Big Pharma. Amgen Boasts Better Growth,” Fortune, April 15, 2002; Frank DiLorenzo, “For Amgen, a Very Healthy Prognosis,” Business Week, August 10, 2004; Amgen Inc., Fiscal 1985, 1990, 1995 and 2000–2002 Annual Reports (Thousand Oaks, CA: Amgen Inc, 1985, 1990, 1995, and 2000–2002).