Gene Bylinsky, “How Intel Won Its Bet on Memory Chips,” Fortune, November 1973, 147.
Gene Bylinsky, “How Intel Won Its Bet on Memory Chips,” Fortune, November 1973, 184.
“New Leaders in Semiconductors,” Business Week, March 1, 1976.
“New Leaders in Semiconductors,” Business Week, March 1, 1976.
Gene Bylinsky, “How Intel Won Its Bet on Memory Chips,” Fortune, November 1973, 184; Gordon E. Moore, “Cramming More Components onto Integrated Circuits,” Proceedings of the IEEE, January 1998 (Репринт публикации: Gordon E. Moore, “Cramming More Components onto Integrated Circuits,” Electronics, April 19, 1965.); Leslie Berlin, The Man Behind the Microchip (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), 227; Victor K. McElheny, “High-Technology Jelly Bean Ace,” New York Times, June 5, 1977; Robert A. Burgelman, Modesto A. Maidique, and Steven C. Wheelwright, Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation, 3rd ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2001), 931.
Личная беседа с автором.
David Ewing Duncan, The Amgen Story 25 Years of Visionary Science and Powerful Medicine (San Diego Tehabi Books, 2005), 16, 22–24, 29, 31, James D Berkley and Nitin Nohna, “Amgen Inc Planning the Un-plannable,” Harvard Business School, case study #9–492–052 (Boston Harvard Business School Publishing, 1992), 2.
David Ewing Duncan, The Amgen Story 25 Years of Visionary Science and Powerful Medicine (San Diego Tehabi Books, 2005), 14, 16, 24, 29, 31, 35, 52–53, Seanna Browder, “How George Rathmann Mastered the Science of the Deal,” Business Week, November 30, 1998.
David Ewing Duncan, The Amgen Story 25 Years of Visionary Science and Powerful Medicine (San Diego Tehabi Books, 2005), 35.
Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co, Dean Witter Reynolds Inc, and Montgomery Securities, “Prospectus Amgen Common Stock,” Amgen Inc, June 17, 1983, 13–17.
David Ewing Duncan, The Amgen Story 25 Years of Visionary Science and Powerful Medicine (San Diego Tehabi Books, 2005), 72, 77–82, Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Dennis Yao, “Amgen Inc’s Epogen Commercializing the First Biotech Blockbuster Drug,” Harvard Business School, case study #7–064–54 (Boston Harvard Business School Publishing, 2005).
Craig E Aronoff and John L Ward, Contemporary Entrepreneurs (Detroit Omnigraphics Inc, 1992), 356, Matthew Herper, “Dane Miller CEO Value to the Bone,” Forbes, May 8, 2001, Fred R. David, Strategic Management (Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall, 2003), 376, “Biomet, Inc,” Wall Street Transcript, January 31,1994, Richard F. Hubbard and Jeffrey L. Rodengen, Biomet Inc From Warsaw to the World (Ft Lauderdale, FL Write Stuff Enterprises Inc, 2002), 49, 72, 83, 108, 114, “Biomet History,” http://www.biomet.com/corporate/biometTimeline.cfm.
Акции, находящиеся на руках у акционеров на конец 1987 года.
ML Mead Scott & Stnngfellow Inc, “Kirschner Medical Corporation – Company Report,” The Investext Group, February 17, 1989, 6, “Kirschner Medical Purchase,” Wall Street Journal, May 4, 1988, Susan J. Stacker, “After a Dark Year, Kirschner Restores Its New Subsidiary,” Washington Business Journal, June 19, 1989, Jessica Hall, “Torn Between Two Bidders Kirschner’s Enviable Dilemma,” Warfield’s Business Record, July 1, 1994, L. C. Marsh Wheat First Butcher & Singer Inc, “Kirschner Medical Corporation – Company Report,” The Investext Group, October 8, 1990, L. C. Marsh Wheat First Butcher & Singer Inc, “Kirschner Medical Corporation – Company Report,” The Investext Group, September 18, 1991, данные графика взяты из источников, перечисленных в этом примечании и в двух предыдущих.
Gary Kissel, Poor Sailors’ Airline (McLean, VA Paladwr Press, 2002), 148, 159, 172–73, 186, 193; “Pacific Southwest Airlines,” Wall Street Transcript, October 20, 1969.
“Big Jets Trip Up a Go-Go Airline,” Business Week, April 14, 1975; Robert Lindsey, “A Fallen Model For Deregulation,” New York Times, July 13, 1975; PSA Inc., Fiscal 1970 and 1973 Annual Reports (San Diego: PSA Inc., 1970 and 1973); Gary Kissel, Poor Sailors’ Airline (McLean, VA: Paladwr Press, 2002), 173, 179, 193, 196.
Gary Kissel, Poor Sailors’ Airline (McLean, VA: Paladwr Press, 2002), 186–87, 193, 196–97; Robert Lindsey, “A Fallen Model For Deregulation,” New York Times, July 13, 1975.
Richard B. Schmitt and Roy J. Harris Jr., “Braniff-PSA Joint Venture Is Succeeded By Plan to Lease 30 of Grounded Line’s Jets,” Wall Street Journal, n.d.; John S. DeMott, Mark Seal, and Michael Weiss, “Bankruptcy at Braniff,” Time, May 24,1982; Gary Kissel, Poor Sailors’ Airline (McLean, VA: Paladwr Press, 2002), 196, 261, 265, 273–74, 280, 287; Jeffrey M. Lenorovitz, “PSA, Lockheed Sue in L-1011 Dispute,” Aviation Week & Space Technology, January 8, 1979; Joan M. Feldman, “PSA Switch to DC-9–80 Beginning to Pay Dividends,” Air Transport World, December 1981; “Death Over San Diego,” Time, October 9, 1978.
Agis Salpukas, “US Air to Buy P.S.A. for $400 Million,” New York Times, December 9, 1986; Gary Kissel, Poor Sailors’Airline (McLean, VA: Paladwr Press, 2002), 301.
Katrina Brooker, Herb Kelleher, and Reporter Associate Alynda Wheat, “The Chairman of the Board Looks Back,” Fortune, May 21, 2001; Tom Krazit, “Intel to Discontinue Rambus Chip Sets,” IDG News, May 21, 2003; Jeff Chappell, “The Costly Rambus Bandwagon,” Electronic News, November 6, 2000.
The Progressive Corporation, Fiscal 1986 Annual Report (Mayfield Village, OH: The Progressive Corporation, 1986), 17, 24; “Like to Drink and Drive?” Financial World, November 27, 1990; Nicolaj Siggelkow and Michael E. Porter, “Progressive Corporation,” Harvard Business School, case study #9–797–109 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 1998), 15; Gregory E. David, “Chastened?” Financial World, January 4, 1994; Jay Greene, “Progressive Corp. High-Risk Insurer Flying High Again,” Plain Dealer, June 7, 1993.
Jay Greene, “Progressive Corp. High-Risk Insurer Flying High Again,” Plain Dealer, June 7, 1993; Robert G. Knowles, “Progressive Launches Marketing ’Experiment,’ “ National Underwriter Property & Casualty-Risk & Benefits Management, July 22, 1991.
Robert G. Knowles, “Progressive Launches Marketing ’Experiment,’ “National Underwriter Property & Casualty-Risk & Benefits Management, July 22, 1991; Jay Greene, “Progressive Corp. Takes Chance on Standard Coverage,” Plain Dealer, September 7, 1991; Colleen Mulcahy, “Agents Uneasy with Progressive Auto Contract,” National Underwriter Property & Casualty-Risk & Benefits Management, September 27, 1993; James King, “Risk Has Its Rewards,” Plain Dealer, June 20, 1994, 2S; Frances X. Frei and Hanna Rodriguez-Farrar, “Innovation at Progressive (A): Pay-As-You-Go Insurance,” Harvard Business School, case study #9–602–175 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2004), 4; “Total Auto, Total Premiums Written – 2002,” Best’s Review, October 2003; The Progressive Corporation, Fiscal 1996 Annual Report (May-field Village, OH: The Progressive Corporation, 1996).
Frances X. Frei and Hanna Rodriguez-Farrar, “Innovation at Progressive (B): Homeowners Insurance,” Harvard Business School, case study #9_601–138 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2004), 2; Elisabeth Boone, “Recipe for Success,” Rough Notes, April 2002.
“Love is Ammunition for a Texas Airline,” Business Week, June 26, 1971; Roland Huntford, The Last Place on Earth (New York: Modern Library, 1999), 91, 94, 256.
James Wallace and Jim Erickson, Hard Drive (New York: Harper-Business, 1992), 172–76.
Richard Brandt and Katherine M. Hafner, “The Waiting Game that Microsoft Can’t Lose,” Business Week, September 12, 1988; James Wallace and Jim Erickson, Hard Drive (New York: HarperBusiness, 1992), 346–51.
James Wallace and Jim Erickson, Hard Drive (New York: Harper-Business, 1992), 349; Richard Brandt and Katherine M. Hafner, “The Waiting Game that Microsoft Can’t Lose,” Business Week, September 12, 1988.
Richard Brandt and Katherine M. Hafner, “The Waiting Game that Microsoft Can’t Lose,” Business Week, September 12, 1988; “Gates Reaffirms Faith in OS2,” Computer Weekly, March 16, 1989; “Windows Keeps Rolling Toward a Career Year,” PC Week, July 17, 1989.
Richard Brandt and Evan I. Schwartz, “IBM and Microsoft: They’re Still Talking, But…” Business Week, October 1,1990; Philip M. Rosenzweig, “Bill Gates and the Management of Microsoft,” Harvard Business School, case study #9–392–019 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 1993); “Microsoft Shipments of Windows Exceed One Million a Month,” Wall Street Journal, August 12, 1992; Carl Johnston, Michael Rukstad, and David Yoffie, “Microsoft, 2000,” Harvard Business School, case study #9–700–071 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2000), 3; “Microsoft Company,” Operating System, http://www.operating-system.org/betriebssystem/_english/fa-microsoft.htm; “A History of Windows,” Microsoft Corporation, http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/history.
Jerry Useem, “Simply Irresistible,” Fortune, March 19, 2007; “Apple Stores,” ifoAppleStore, www.ifoapplestore.com/stores/chronology_2001–2003.html.
John Markoff, “An ’Unknown’ Co-Founder Leaves After 20 Years of Glory and Turmoil,” New York Times, September 1, 1997; “The Television Program Transcripts: Part III – Triumph of the Nerds,” PBS, www.pbs.org/nerds/part3.html; Gregory C. Rogers and Michael Beer, “Apple Computer (A) (Abridged): Corporate Strategy and Culture,” Harvard Business School, case study #9–495–044 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 1997), 4; Mary Kwak and David B. Yoffie, “Apple Computer 1999,” Harvard Business School, case study #9–799–108 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 1999), 6; Jai Singh, “Dell: Apple Should Close Shop,” CNETNews, October 6, 1997.