Pirenne Henri. Economic and Social History of Medieval Europe / Trans. Kegan Paul. London, 1936.
Pirenne Henri. Medieval Cities / Trans. Frank D. Halsey. Princeton, 1925.
Pirenne Henri. Mohammed and Charlemagne / Trans. Bernard Miall. New York, 1939.
Reau Louis. La civilisation franchise an moyen age. Paris, 1958.
Reynolds Robert L. Europe Emerges, Transition Toward an Industrial World-Wide Society. Madison, Wis., 1961.
See Henri. Histoire economique de la France. Paris, 1939.
Southern R. W. The Making of the Middle Ages. New Haven, 1953.
Stephenson Carl. Medieval History. New York, 1935. Также: fourth edition, ed., rev. Bryce Lyon. New York, 1962.
Thatcher Oliver J., McNeal Edgar. A Source Book for Medieval History. New York, 1905.
По главам
Здесь и далее звездочкой помечены книги, уже встречавшиеся в библиографическом списке выше.
Alengry Charles. Les foires de Champagne. Paris, 1915.
Boserup Ester. The Conditions of Agricultural Growth. London, 1965.
Boutiot T. Histoire de la ville de Troyes et de la Champagne meridionale. Troyes, 1870.
Chapin Elizabeth. Les villes de foire de Champagne. Paris, 1937.
Crozet Rene. Histoire de Champagne. Paris, 1933.
d’Arbois de Jubainville M. H. Histoire des et des comtes de Champagne. Paris, 1865.
Espinas Georges. Deux fondations de villes dans l’Aгtois et la Flandre française Xe — XVe siècles. Paris, 1946.
Guilbert Aristide. Histoire des villes de France. Paris, 1845.
Longnon Auguste. Documents relatifs au comte de Champagne et de Brie, 1172–1367. 3 vols. Paris, 1904.
Lopez Robert S. Some Tenth Century Towns // Medievalia et Humanistica, 1955.
Luchaire Achille. Les communes françaises a I’epoque des Capetiens directs. Paris, 1911.
Luchaire Achille. Social France at the Time of Philip-Augustus. New York, 1929.
Pirenne. Economic and Social History.*
Russell J. C. Late Ancient and Medieval Population. Philadelphia, 1958.
Stephenson Carl. Borough and Town, a Study of Urban Origins in England. Cambridge (Mass.), 1933.
Town Origins / Ed. John F. Benton. Boston, 1968.
White Lynn. Medieval Technology and Social Change. Oxford, 1963.
White Lynn. Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages // Speculum, 1940.
Глава I. Tpya: 1250
Adelson Howard L. Medieval Commerce. Princeton, 1962.
Alengry. Les foires de Champagne.*
Anderson R Examples of the Municipal, Commercial and Street Architecture of France and Italy from the 12th to the 15th Century. Edinburgh, n.d.
Benton John. Comital Police Power and the Champagne Fairs. A paper presented before the American Historical Association, December 28, 1965.
Bourquelot Felix. Etudes sur les foires de Champagne an Xlle, Xllle et XlVe siècles // Memoires presentes par divers savants a lAcademie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Deuxieme serie. Paris, 1865.
Boutiot T. Dictionnaire topographique du departement de FAube. Paris, 1874.
Boutiot T. Histoire de la ville de Troyes.*
Chapin. Les villes de foire de Champagne.*
Evans Mary. Costume Throughout the Ages. Philadelphia, 1930.
Franklin Alfred. La vie privee an temps des premiers Capetiens. Paris, 1911.
A History of Technology. Vol. II / Ed. Charles Singer, E. J. Holmyard, A. R. Hall, Trevor Williams. Oxford, 1956.
Holmes Urban Tigner, Jr. Daily living in the Twelfth Century, Based on the Observations of Alexander Neckam in London and Paris. Madison, Wis., 1952.
Holmes Urban Tigner, Jr., Klenke Sister M. Amelia, О. P. Chretien, Troyes and the Grail. Chapel Hill, N.C., 1959.
Kohler Carl. A History of Costume. London, 1928.
Lacroix Paul. Costumes historiques de la France. Paris, 1860.
Mundy, Riesenberg. Medieval Town.*
Roserot Alphonse. Troyes, son histoire, ses monuments des origines a 1790. Troyes, 1948.
Sainsbury G. T. Street Life in Medieval England. Oxford, 1939.
Глава II. Дом горожанина
Bemis Albert, Burchard John. The Evolving House. Cambridge, 1933.
Disciplina Clericalis. Heidelberg, 1911.
Franklin. Vie privee.*
The Goodman of Paris / Trans, and ed. Eileen Power. London, 1928.
Holmes. Daily Living.*
Langlois Charles-Victor. La vie en France au moyen age de la fin du Xlle au milieu du XlVe siècle, d’apres des moralistes du temps. Paris, 1925.
The Legacy of the Middle Ages // Ed. C. G. Crump, E. F. Jacob. Oxford, 1926.
Sabine Ernest L. Latrines and Cesspools of Medieval London // Speculum, 1934.
Salusbury. Street Life.*
Wood Margaret. The English Mediaeval House. London, 1965.
Wright Lawrence. Clean and Decent. London, 1960.
Глава III. Средневековая домохозяйка
d’Avenel Vicomte G. Histoire economique de la propriete, des salaires, des denrees et de tons les prix en general depuis Гап 1200 jusqu’en Гап 1800. 7 vols. Paris, 1898.
Beard Mary. Women as a Force in History. New York, 1946.
Crump, Jacob. Legacy of the Middle Ages.*
Franklin. Vie privee.*
History of Technology.*
Holmes. Daily Living.*
Langlois. Moralistes.*
Lecoy de la Marche A. La chaire française au moyen age. Paris, 1886.
Lecoy de la Marche A. La societe au treizieme siècle. Paris, 1888.
Milham Willis. Time and Timekeepers. New York, 1923.
Poole Reginald L. Medieval Reckonings of Time. New York, 1935.
Power. Goodman of Paris.*
Rogers James E. Thorold. Six Centuries of Work and Wages. New York, 1884.
Roserot. Troyes.*
Salusbury. Street Life.*
Stenton Doris. The Englishwoman in History. London, 1957.
Wright Richardson. The Story of Gardening. New York, 1934.
Глава IV. Деторождение и дети
Aries Philippe. Centuries of Childhood / Trans. Robert Baldick. London, 1962.
The Borzoi Book of French Folk Tales / Ed. Paul Delarue. New York, 1956.
Franklin. Vie privee.*
Gautier. Chivalry.*
Holmes. Daily Living.*
Langlois. Moralistes.*
Thorndike Lynn. A History of Magic and Experimental Science During the First Thirteen Centuries of Our Era. 8 vols. New York, 1964.
Глава V. Свадьбы и похороны
Crump, Jacob. Legacy of the Middle Ages.*
Franklin. Vie privee.*
Gautier. Chivalry.*
Geiringer Karl. Musical Instruments: Their History in Western Culture from the Stone Age to the Present. New York, 1945.
Holmes. Daily Living.*
Langlois Charles-Victor. La societe an XIII siècle d’apres dix romans d’aventure. Paris, 1914.
Lecoy de la Marche. La chaire française.*
Parrish Carl. A Treasury of Early Music. New York, 1958.
Power. Goodman of Paris.*
Sachs Curt. The History of Musical Instruments. New York, 1940.
Thorndike. Magic.*
Глава VI. Малые предприятия
Adelson. Medieval Commerce.*
d’Avenel. Histoire economique.*
Boserup. Conditions of Agricultural Growth.*
Boutiot. Histoire de Troyes.*
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