Crombie A. C. Medieval and Early Modern Science. New York, 1959.
Crump, Jacob. Legacy of the Middle Ages.*
Curtius Ernst Robert. European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages. New York, 1953.
Franklin. Vie privee*.
Guibert de Nogent. Autobiography / Trans. С. C. Swinton Bland. London, 1925.
Haskins Charles Homer. The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century. Cambridge (Mass.), 1927.
Haskins Charles Homer. The Rise of the Universities. New York, 1923.
Haskins Charles Homer. Studies in the History of Mediaeval Science. Cambridge (Mass.), 1927.
Holmes. Daily Living.*
Jervis W. W. The World in Maps, a Study in Map Evolution. New York, 1937.
John of Garland. Morale Scolarium / Ed. L. J. Paetow. Berkeley, 1927.
John of Salisbury. Metalogicon.*
Kibre Pearl. The Nations in the Medieval Universities. Cambridge (Mass.), 1948.
Kibre Pearl. Scholarly Privileges in the Middle Ages. Cambridge (Mass.), 1962.
Langlois Charles-Victor. La connaissance de la nature et du monde an moyen age. Paris, 1911.
Leach A. F. The Schools of Medieval England. London, 1915.
Lecoy de la Marche. La chaire française.*
L’lmage du Monde de Maitre Gossoulin / Trans. О. H. Prior. Paris, 1913.
Paetow Louis J. The Arts Course at Medieval Universities with Special Reference to Grammar and Rhetoric. Champaign, III, 1910.
Rashdall Hastings. The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages. Oxford, 1936.
Sanford Vera. A Short History of Mathematics. Boston, 1930.
Thatcher, McNeal. Source Book.*
Thorndike Lynn. Elementary and Secondary Education in the Middle Ages // Speculum, 1940.
Thorndike Lynn. Magic.*
Thorndike Lynn. University Records and Life in the Middle Ages / Ed. Lynn Thorndike. New York, 1944.
Глава XII. Книги и авторы
Гильом де Лоррис, Жан де Мен. Роман о Розе ⁄ Пер. Н. В. Забабуровой, Д. Н. Вальяно. Ростов-на-Дону, 2001.
Benton John F. The Court of Champagne as a Literary Center // Speculum, XXXVI (1961).
Chretien de Troyes. Yvain / Trans. Andre Mary. New York, 1963.
Crosland Jessie. Medieval French Literature. New York, 1956.
Faral Edmond. Les jongleurs en France au moyen age. Paris, 1910.
Franklin. Vie privee.*
Haskins. Renaissance of the Twelfth Century.*
Fabliaux, Ribald Tales from the Old French / Ed., trans. Robert Hellman, Richard O’Gorman. New York, 1965.
Holmes. Daily Living.*
Holmes Urban Tigner, Jr. A History of Old French Literature. New York, 1962.
Langlois. Moralistes.*
Langlois. La societe française.*
McCulloch Florence. The Funeral of Renard the Fox in a Walters Book of Hours // Journal of the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, 1962–1963.
Ogg Oscar. The 26 Letters. New York, 1948.
Rashdall. Universities.*
Rutebeuf. Oeuvres completes, 2 vols. / Ed. Edmond Faral and Julia Bastin. Paris, 1959–1960.
Thorndike Lynn. More Copyists’ Final Jingles / / Speculum, 1956.
Глава XIII. Новый театр
Chambers Е. К. The Medieval Stage. Oxford, 1903.
Le courtois d’Arras //Jeux et sapience du moyen age / Ed. Albert Pauphilet. Paris, 1941.
Frank Grace. The Medieval French Drama. Oxford, 1954.
Lejeu de St. Nicholas //Jeux et sapience.*
Lecoy de la Marche. La chaire française.*
Le mystere d’Adam //Jeux et sapience.*
Young Karl. The Drama of the Medieval Church. Oxford, 1933.
Глава XIV. Катастрофы
Boutiot. Histoire de Troyes.*
Castiglioni. History of Medicine.*
Crozet. Histoire de Champagne.*
Gies Joseph. Bridges and Men. New York, 1963.
Guilbert. Histoire des villes de France.*
Lot Ferdinand. L’art militaire et les armees an moyen age. Paris, 1946.
Luchaire. Communes franchises.*
Oman Charles. A History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages. New York, 1924.
Willis R. The Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral. London, 1845.
Глава XV. Городская администрация
d’Arbois de Jubainville. Histoire des dues et des comtes.*
Benton John. Comital Police Power and the Champagne Fairs.*
Bibolet Françoise. Le role de la guerre de cent ans dans le developpement des libertes municipales a Troyes // Memoires de la Societe academique d’agricultures, des sciences, arts et belles-lettres du departement de l’Aube. Vol. XCIX, 1939–1942. Troyes, 1945.
Boutiot. Histoire de Troyes.*
Brissand Jean. A History of French Public Law / Trans. James N. Garner. Boston, 1915.
Crozet. Histoire de Champagne.*
Crump, Jacob. Legacy of the Middle Ages.*
Downs. Basic Documents.*
Espinas Georges. Les finances de la commune de Douai des origines an XVe siècle. Paris, 1902.
Guilbert. Histoire des villes de France.*
Hazeltine Harold D. Roman and Canon Law in the Middle Ages // Cambridge Medieval History. Vol. V. New York, 1929.
Heeren A. H. L. Essai sur l’influence des croisades / Trans. Charles Villers. Paris, 1808.
Joinville Jean de, Villehardouin Geoffroi. Chronicles of the Crusades / Trans. M. R. B. Shaw. Baltimore, 1963. (Villehardouin. Conquest of Constantinople and Joinville’s Life of St. Louis.)
Lefevre Andre. Les finances de la Champagne an Xllle et XIV siècles // Bibliotheque de l’École des Chartes, 4th series, IV, V. Paris, 1868–1869.
Lestocquoy J. Les villes de Flandre et d’ltalie.*
Luchaire. Communes franchises.*
Mundy John H. Liberty and Political Power in Toulouse, 1050–1230. New York, 1954.
Mundy, Riesenberg. Medieval Town.*
Pirenne. Social and Economic History.*
Prou Maurice, d’AuriacJacques. Actes et comptes de la commune de Provins de Pan 1271 а Гап 1330. Provins, 1933.
Roserot. Troyes.*
Runciman Steven. A History of the Crusades. Cambridge, 1951.
Sabine. Latrines and Cesspools.*
Sayous. La France de St. Louis.*
Smail R. C. Crusading Warfare, 1097–1193. Cambridge, 1956.
SocieteJean Bodin. Recueils, La Ville. Brussels, 1954.
Stephenson. Borough and Town.*
Stephenson. Medieval Institutions.*
Thatcher, McNeal. Source Book for Medieval History.*
Three Old French Chronicles of the Crusades / Trans. E. N. Stone. Seattle, 1939.
Глава XVI. Шампанские ярмарки
Adelson. Medieval Commerce.*
Alengry. Les foires de Champagne.*
d’Avenel. Histoire economique.*
Bautier R. H. Les foires de Champagne // Recueils Jean Bodin. Vol. V. La foire. Brussels, 1953.
Benton. Comital Police Power.*
Bloch. Feudal Society.*
Bourquelot Felix. Etudes sur les foires de Champagne.*
Boutiot. Histoire de Troyes.*
Cambridge Economic History, II, III.*
Chapin. Les villes de foire de Champagne.*
Cipolla. Money, Prices and Civilization.*
Crozet. Histoire de Champagne.*
Face R. D. Techniques of Business in the Trade Between the Fairs of Champagne and the South of Europe in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries // Economic History Review, 1958.
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