Chapin. Villes de foire de Champagne.*
Dion Roger. Histoire de la vigne et du vin en France des origines an XlVe siècle. Paris, 1959.
Duby Georges. L economic rurale et la vie des campagnes dans l’Occident medieval. Paris, 1962.
Emery Richard. The Jews of Perpignan in the Thirteenth Century, an Economic Study Based on Notarial Records. New York, 1959.
Espinas Georges. La vie urbaine de Douai an moyen age. Paris, 1913.
Franklin. Vie privee.*
Guilbert. Histoire des villes.*
History of Technology.*
Holmes. Daily Living.*
LanelLuc. L’Orfevrerie. Paris, 1949.
Luchaire. Social France.*
Marcus Jacob R. The Jew in the Medieval World, a Source Book, 315-1791. Cincinnati, 1938.
Mazaros J. P. Histoire des corporations franchises d’arts et metiers. Paris, 1878.
Millett F. B. Craft Guilds of the Thirteenth Century in Paris. Kingston (Ont.), 1915.
Mundy, Riesenberg. Medieval Town.*
Rabinowitz Louis. The Social Life of the Jews of Northern France in the XII–XIVth Centuries. London, 1938.
Robert Ulysse. Les signes d’infamie an moyen age, Juifs, Sarrasins, heretiques, lepreux, cagots et lilies publiques. Paris, 1891.
Rogers. Work and Wages.*
Roth Cecil. The Jews in the Middle Ages // Cambridge Medieval History. Vol. VII. New York, 1932.
Saige Gustave. Les Juifs du Languedoc anterieurement au XlVe siècle. Paris, 1881.
Salusbury. Street Life.*
Shneidman J. Lee. The State and Trade in the Thirteenth Century. Madrid, 1958.
Stephenson Carl. Medieval Institutions. Ithaca, 1954.
Technology in Western Civilization / Ed. Melvin Kranzberg, Caroll W Pursell, Jr. New York, 1967.
Thrupp Sylvia. A Short History of the Worshipful Company of Bakers of London. London, 1933.
Thrupp Sylvia. The Merchant Class of Medieval London, 1300–1500. Chicago, 1948.
White Lynn. Technology and Invention.*
Глава VII. Крупные предприятия
Adelson. Medieval Commerce.*
Alengry. Foires de Champagne.*
Boutiot. Histoire de Troyes.*
Cambridge Economic History. Vol. II: Trade and Industry and the Middle Ages / Ed. M. Postan, E. E. Rich. Cambridge, 1952.
Cambridge Economic History. Vol. III.*
Cambridge Medieval History (Cecil Roth).*
Chapin. Villes de foire de Champagne.*
Cipolla Carlo M. Currency Depreciation in Medieval Europe // Change in Medieval Society / Ed. Sylvia Thrupp. New York, 1964.
Cipolla Carlo M. Money, Prices and Civilization in the Mediterranean World, Fifth to Seventeenth Century. Princeton, 1956.
Crozet. Histoire de Champagne.*
Emery. Jews of Perpignan.*
Espinas. Vie economique et sociale.*
Franklin. Vie privee.*
Godefroy de Paris. Chronique, suivie de la taille de Paris en 1313. Paris, 1827.
Herlihy David. Pisa in the Early Renaissance: a Study of Urban Growth. New Haven, 1958.
History of Technology.*
Holmes. Daily Living.*
Lecoy de la Marche. Societe au treizieme siècle.*
Lestocquoy J. Les villes de Flandre et d’ltalie sous le gouvernement des patriciens (XIe — XVe siècles). Paris, 1952.
Luchaire. Social France.*
Mundy, Riesenberg. Medieval Town.*
Pirenne. Economic and Social History.*
Power Eileen. The Wool Trade in English Medieval History. London, 1941.
Sayous Edouard. La France de St. Louis d’apres la poesie nationale. Paris, 1866.
Sire Jean de France, Sire Jacques le Blond, les origines du capitalisme / Ed. Georges Espinas. Lille, 1936.
A Source Book for Medieval Economic History / Ed. Roy C. Cave, Herbert H. Coulson, New York, 1938.
Thomson Daniel. The Weavers’ Craft, a History of the Weavers’ Incorporation of Dunfermline. Paisley, Scotland, 1903.
Wenger О. P. Les Monnaies. Lausanne, n.d.
Глава VIII. Врач
d’Avenel. Histoire economique.*
Bartholomew Anglicus. Medieval Lore.*
Boutiot. Histoire de Troyes.*
Castiglioni Arturo. A History of Medicine / Trans.
E. B. Krumbhaar. New York, 1946.
Franklin. Vie privee.*
Holmes. Daily Living.*
Inglis Brian. A History of Medicine. New York, 1965.
John of Salisbury. Metalogicon / Trans., ed. Daniel D. McGarry, Berkeley, 1955.
Saige. Les juifs de Languedoc.*
Thorndike. Magic.*
Walker Kenneth. Story of Medicine. New York, 1954.
Глава IX. Церковь
d’Arbois deJubainville. Histoire des dues et des com-tes.*
Clarke W. K. Liturgy and Worship. London, 1950.
Daniel-Rops Henri. Cathedral and Crusade. London, 1956.
Dawson Christopher. Mediaeval Religion and Other Essays. London, 1934.
Dix Gregory. The Shape of the Liturgy. Westminster, 1943.
Fourteenth Century. Manchester, 1929.
Geiringer Karl. Musical Instruments.*
Holmes. Daily Living.*
Lea Henry Charles. History of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages. New York, 1888.
Lecoy de la Marche. La chaire française.*
Reese Gustave. Music in the Middle Ages. New York, 1940.
Roserot. Troyes.*
Runciman Steven. The Medieval Manichee. New York, 1961.
Saints The Go Marching On // Realites, June 1965.
Toynbee Margaret S. Louis of Toulouse and the Process of Canonization in the Fourteenth Century. Manchester, 1929.
Walker Williston. A History of the Christian Church. New York, 1959.
Глава X. Кафедральный собор
Adams Henry. Mont St. Michel and Chartres. Boston, 1913.
Briggs Martin S. The Architect in History. Oxford, 1927. C
Briggs Martin S. A Short History of the Building Crafts. Oxford, 1925.
Choisy Auguste. Histoire de Г architecture, 2 vols. Paris, 1899.
Daniel-Rops. Cathedral and Crusade.*
Du Colombier Pierre. Les chantiers des cathedrales. Paris, 1953.
Hamlin Talbot. Architecture through the Ages. New York, 1940.
Harvey John. English Mediaeval Architects: a Biographical Dictionary Down to 1550. London, 1954.
Harvey John. The Gothic World, 1100–1600. London, 1950.
Headlam Cecil. The Story of Chartres. London, 1902.
History of Technology.*
Knoop Douglas, Jones G. P. The English Medieval
Quarry // Economic History Review, November 1938.
Knoop Douglas, Jones G. P. The Medieval Mason. Manchester, 1933.
Lavedan Pierre. French Architecture. London, 1956.
Nichols J. R. Bells through the Ages, the Founders’ Craft and the Ringers’ Art. London, 1928.
Parker John Henry. ABC of Gothic Architecture. Oxford, 1910.
Pevsner Nikolaus. An Outline of European Architecture. London, 1943.
Prentice Sartell. The Voices of the Cathedral. New York, 1938.
Roserot. Troyes.*
Shelby L. R The Role of the Master Mason in Medieval English Building // Speculum, 1964.
Straub Hams. A History of Civil Engineering / Trans. E. Rockwell. London, 1953.
Von Simson Otto. The Gothic Cathedral. New York, 1962.
Глава XI. Школяры и школы
d’Andeli Henri. The Battle of the Seven Arts / Ed. L. J. Paetow. Berkeley, 1914.
Aries Philippe. Centuries of Childhood / Trans. By Robert Baldick. New York, 1962.
Benton John. Nicolas de Clairvaux a la recherche du vin d’Auxerre, d’apres
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