Brent Schlender, “How Big Can Apple Get?” Fortune, February 21, 2005.
Brent Schlender, “How Big Can Apple Get?” Fortune, February 21, 2005, James Pomfret and Kelvin Soh, “For Apple Suppliers, Loose Lips Can Sink Contracts,” Reuters, February 17, 2010, Devin Leonard, “Songs in the Key of Steve,” Fortune, May 12, 2003; Julie Hennessy and Andrei Najjar, “Apple Computer, Inc.: Think Different, Think Online Music,” Kellogg School of Management, case study #KEL065 (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University, 2004), 16; Nick Wingfield, “Core Value: At Apple, Secrecy Complicates Life But Maintains Buzz,” Wall Street Journal, June 28, 2006; David Kirkpatrick and Tyler Ma-roney, “The Second Coming of Apple,” Fortune, November 9, 1998; Thomas E. Weber, “Why I Fired Steve Jobs,” Daily Beast, June 6, 2010.
Rick Bernstein and Ross Greenburg, The UCLA Dynasty (New York: Home Box Office Inc, 2008), DVD.
Rick Bernstein and Ross Greenburg, The UCLA Dynasty (New York: Home Box Office Inc, 2008), DVD.
“Abraham Lincoln,” Quotations Book, http://quotationsbook.com/quote/44576/#axzzlJL6NjMqm.
Kathleen K. Wiegner, “Why A Chip Is Not A Chip,” Forbes, June 17, 1985; Mary Bellis, “Inventors of the Modern Computer: Intel 4004 – The World’s First Single Chip Microprocessor,” About.com, http://inventors.about.com/od/mstartinventions/a/microprocessor.htm; Dan Steere and Robert A. Burgelman, “Intel Corporation (D): Microprocessors at the Crossroads,” Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, case study #BP-256D (Palo Alto, CA: Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, 1994).
Bruce Graham and Robert A. Burgelman, “Intel Corporation (B): Implementing the DRAM Decision,” Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, case study #S-BP-256B (Palo Alto, CA: Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, 1991), 1.
Gordon E. Moore, “Cramming More Components onto Integrated Circuits,” Proceedings of the IEEE, January 1998 (This is a reprint from the original publication: Gordon E. Moore, “Cramming More Components onto Integrated Circuits,” Electronics, April 19, 1965.); “Intel: Supplier Rising as a Big Competitor,” New York Times, February 14, 1990, Dl; Robert N. Noyce, “Large-Scale Integration: What is Yet to Come?” Science, March 1977; Ramon Casadesus-Masanell and David B. Yoffie, “Intel Corporation: 1968–2003 (Teaching Note),” Harvard Business School, case study #5–704–465 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2004), 2; “Craig Barrett is Leading the Chip Giant Into Riskier Terrain,” Business Week, March 13, 2000, 110; Leslie Berlin, The Man Behind the Microchip (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), 227; Gene Bylinsky, “How Intel Won Its Bet on Memory Chips,” Fortune, November 1973,184; Don Clark, “Intel Lawyer Commands Chip War,” San Francisco Chronicle, June 28, 1993; Andrew S. Grove, “How to Make Confrontation Work For You,” Fortune, July 13, 1984; “Creativity by the Numbers: An Interview with Robert N. Noyce,” Harvard Business Review, May-June 1980; “IBM and Intel Link Up to Fend Off Japan,” Business Week, January 10, 1983; Tim Jackson, Inside Intel (New York: Penguin Putnam Inc., 1997), 9, 313–16; Don Clark, “Inside Intel, It’s All Copying,” Wall Street Journal, October 28, 2002.
Jeffrey L. Rodengen, The Spirit of AMD: Advanced Micro Devices (Fort Lauderdale, FL: Write Stuff Enterprises Inc., 1998), 55, 67–68, 90–92; Advanced Micro Devices, Fiscal 1998 and 2002 Annual Reports (Sunnyvale, CA: Advanced Micro Devices, 1998 and 2002).
Mary Bellis, “Inventors of the Modern Computer: Intel 4004 – The World’s First Single Chip Microprocessor,” About.com, http://inventors.about.com/od/mstartinventions/a/microprocessor.htm.
J. Allard, “Windows: The Next Killer Application on the Internet,” interoffice memo, Microsoft, January 25, 1994, www.microsoft.com/about/…/docs/di_killerapp_InternetMemo.rtf; Kathy Rebello, Amy Cortese, and Rob Hof, “Inside Microsoft: The Untold Story of How the Internet Forced Bill Gates to Reverse Course,” Business Week, July 15, 1996, 35–40; Bill Gates, “How I Work: Bill Gates,” Fortune, April 7, 2006.
Bill Gates, “The Internet Tidal Wave,” May 26, 1995, http://www.justice.gov/atr/cases/exhibits/20.pdf; Kathy Rebello, Amy Cortese, and Rob Hof, “Inside Microsoft: The Untold Story of How the Internet Forced Bill Gates to Reverse Course,” Business Week, July 15, 1996, 38; Brent Schlender and Sheree R. Curry, “Software Hardball Microsoft is Spending Billions to Crush Netscape and Control the Internet,” Fortune, September 30, 1996.
Lester B. Orfield, “Federal Amending Power: Genesis and Justiciability,” Minnesota Law Review, 1930, 369–84; “The United States Constitution: Amendments,” U. S. Constitution Online, http://www.usconstitution.net/; “Bill of Rights and Later Amendments,” Independence Hall Association, www.ushistory.org/.
“Centuries of Citizenship: A Constitutional Timeline,” National Constitution Center, http://constitutioncenter.org/timeline/html/cw02.html; Declaration of Independence, USHistory.org, http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/document/.
Эминем “Lose Yourself,” 8 Mile (soundtrack), Universal Import, 2002, компакт-диск.
Источники рассказа о Малкольме Дейли: Malcolm Daly, “Malcolm Daly’s Accident on Thunder Mountain in the Alaska Range on 5/19/99,” Trango, http://www.trango.com/stories/mal_accident.pdf; Dave Krupa, “Jim Donini (Interview),” Denali National Park Jukebox Series, June 30, 2000; личные беседы с автором, февраль 2010-го – апрель 2011-го; “Non-Profit Helps Disabled Enjoy Outdoors,” Sierra Blogging Post, http://blog.sierratradingpost.com/in-outdoors-camping-gear-forest-trails/non-profit-helps-disabled-enjoy-the-outdoors/.
“Donini Bags Three Patagonian First Ascents,” The American Alpine Club, January 12, 2009, http://www.americanalpineclub.org/news/doninibagsthree; “Jim Donini,” Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Donini; “Jack Tackle: Professional Biography,” Dirty Sox Club, http://dirtysoxclub.wordpress.com/members/jack-tackle/.
4. Gordon M. Binder, Amgen (n.p.: The Newcomen Society of the United States, 1998), 10.
5. James Bates, “Biotech Detective Scores Coup: Amgen Scientist Spent Years Searching for the Key to Producing EPO,” Los Angeles Times, June 2, 1989, 1.
6. Peter Behr, “Boom or Bust in the Biotech Industry,” Environment, July/August 1982,6; Steve Curwood, “Biotech Bellyache,” Boston Globe, August 23, 1983, 1.
7. James Bates, “Biotech Detective Scores Coup: Amgen Scientist Spent Years Searching for the Key to Producing EPO,” Los Angeles Times, June 2, 1989, 1; Gordon M. Binder, Amgen (n.p.: The Newcomen Society of the United States, 1998), 13.
8. Alun Anderson and David Swinbanks, “Growing Pains for Amgen as Epoetin Wins US Approval,” Nature, June 1989, 493; Edmund L. Andrews, “Mad Scientists,” Business Month, May 1990, 54; Edmund L. Andrews, “Patents; Unaddressed Question in Amgen Case,” New York Times, March 9, 1991.
9. Henry Gee, “Amgen Scores a Knockout,” Nature, March 1991, 99; Barry Stavro, “Court Upholds Amgen’s Patent on Anemia Drug Medicine,” Los Angeles Times, March 7, 1991, 1; Edmund L. Andrews, “Amgen Wins Fight Over Drug,” New York Times, March 7, 1991, Dl; Rhonda L. Rundle and David Stipp, “Amgen Wins Biotech Drug Patent Battle,” Wall Street Journal, March 7, 1991, A3; Elizabeth S. Kiesche, “Amgen Wins EPO Battle, but Patent War Goes On,” Chemical Week, March 20, 1991, 16; Paul Hemp, “High Court Refuses Genetics Patent Appeal,” Boston Globe, October 8, 1991, 39.
10. Wade Roush, “‘Fat Hormone’ Poses Hefty Problem for Journal Embargo,” Science, August 4, 1995, 627; Larry Armstrong, John Carey, and Geoffrey Smith, “Will This Drug End Obesity?” Business Week, August 7, 1995, 29; Christiane Truelove, “Bio Biotech, Big Pharma,” Med Ad News, September 1999, 50; David Ewing Duncan, The Amgen Story: 25 Years of Visionary Science and Powerful Medicine (San Diego: Tehabi Books, 2005), 135–36, 157.
11. David Ewing Duncan, The Amgen Story: 25 Years of Visionary Science and Powerful Medicine (San Diego: Tehabi Books, 2005), 135–36, 157.
12. Paul A. Gompers, “The Rise and Fall of Venture Capital,” Business and Economic History, Winter 1994, 2; Carl T. Hall, “Biotechnology Revolution – 20 Years Later,” San Francisco Chronicle, May 28, 1996, Bl.
13. Investors Dream of Genes,” Time, October 20, 1980, 72.
14. Ron Scherer, “Wall Street’s Wild Fling with Hot High Tech,” Christian Science Monitor, October 17, 1980, 1, 17; Robert Lenzner, “Taking Stock,” Boston Globe, October 19, 1980, 1; Adam Lashinsky, “Remembering Netscape: The Birth of the Web,” Fortune, July 25, 2005; Douglas MacMillan, “Google’s Historic IPO: Beatable,” Business Week, August 16, 2007; “Corporate Chronology,” Genentech Inc., http://www.gene.com/gene/about/corporate/history/timeline.html.
15. “Robert A. Swanson 70 (1947–1999),” MIT Entrepreneurship Center-Legendary Leaders and Memorials, http://entrepreneurship.mit.edu/legendary_leaders_memorials.php; “Timeline of Biotechnology,” Biotechnology Institute, http://www.biotechinstitute.org/what-is-biotechnology/timeline?tid=103.
16. Ray Snoddy, “Genentech Push to Manufacturing,” Financial Times, June 18, 1982, 13; William D. Marbach, Pamela Abramson, Robb A. Allan, Cynthia Rigg, and Phyllis Malamud, “The Bust in Biotechnology,” Newsweek, July 26, 1982, 73; Peter Behr, “Boom or Bust in the Biotech Industry,” Environment, July/August 1982, 6; Genentech Inc., Fiscal 1985 Annual Report (San Francisco: Genentech Inc., 1985).